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Docker updates, 0 B data pulled


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Getting updates for my Docker containers and it's pulling data for some but for most I get "TOTAL DATA PULLED: 0 B"


I also noticed this (it is standard with 1+ update?):



What could be up with this? Most of the updates are pulling 0 B. Not seen that before. Can't find any errors in logs.

Unraid 6.6.5. Looked at other threads with "TOTAL DATA PULLED: 0 B" but not same error or solutions.
Recently changes are all sata-cables (got some UDMA CRC error count on one drive (6), changed sata cable, put server back in place hard to get, ran parity check, UDMA CRC error on one of the other drives (got up to 6 here too), decided to get brand new sata cables and replace ALL. New parity check, no new UDMA CRC error's), added parity drive (had 0 parity drives before) and added "--restart=unless-stopped" to some containers. Then, this started to happen.
appdata and system (docker.img) on samsung ssd (cache).

Edited by Niklas
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Is the "pulling from" correct? Showing plex when working with traefik?

At first, I thought it was only the linuxserver containers. It's not. I just see them more often because I mostly use containers from them.

It happens to the others too. Pressing check for updates could show no updates, pressing again directly after could show there is updates but 0 B pulled data. Looking at docker hub the last push can be like a week ago but it still shows as update available, updating fetch 0 B and the status goes from update available to up to date. One example is uberchuckie/observium. Has shown updates several different times since 2 days. Always 0 B pulled.

linuxserver builds once a week? I have seen different updates from them over the weekend. 


I have seen 0 B pulled before but now it happens daily. Some dockers updates without problems, like Emby server beta that got "real" updates yesterday.

It's like Unraid is showing updates for containers that don't have any updates?

Edited by Niklas
Removed diag
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  • 9 months later...

linuxserver.io I am having this same problem only with your dockers. Keeps saying there is update on all the linuxserver.io dockers I have and when I update 0kb pulled because they are up to date. It keeps doing it over and over. I tried to see if I could install a linuxserver.io docker that I don't have installed already and installs just fine. Dockers from others are not having this problem. What could be causing this?

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1 minute ago, jpowell8672 said:

linuxserver.io I am having this same problem only with your dockers. Keeps saying there is update on all the linuxserver.io dockers I have and when I update 0kb pulled because they are up to date. It keeps doing it over and over. I tried to see if I could install a linuxserver.io docker that I don't have installed already and installs just fine. Dockers from others are not having this problem. What could be causing this?

I see the same. It is reported in various threads here and one over at linuxservers forum. 

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On 8/29/2019 at 9:09 PM, jpowell8672 said:

It has to be you linuxserver

It's a change with the docker API causing this.


The temporary fix is detailed in the bug report.  But, it is a minor thing.  Any container that does actually have an update available for it will download and install.

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14 hours ago, Squid said:

It's a change with the docker API causing this.


The temporary fix is detailed in the bug report.  But, it is a minor thing.  Any container that does actually have an update available for it will download and install.

Would you mind providing a link to that bug report?  Honestly I tried to find it on my own but could not... :)

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  • 4 years later...

I am seeing the exact same issue just now. I tried uninstalling and installing again, but it fails with the same issue. Now I don't have preclear installed.

I looked at the suggested solution, but it didn't work.

When trying to install preclear again, I get the following output:

Pulling image: binhex/arch-preclear:latest


Command executiondocker run
  -e TZ="Asia/Jerusalem"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Tower"
  -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="binhex-preclear"
  -e 'WEBPAGE_TITLE'='Preclear'
  -e 'VNC_PASSWORD'=''
  -e 'UMASK'='000'
  -e 'PUID'='0'
  -e 'PGID'='0'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:6080]/vnc.html?resize=remote&host=[IP]&port=[PORT:6080]&autoconnect=1'
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/binhex/docker-templates/master/binhex/images/preclear-icon.png'
  -p '6080:6080/tcp'
  -v '/boot/config/disk.cfg':'/unraid/config/disk.cfg':'ro'
  -v '/boot/config/super.dat':'/unraid/config/super.dat':'ro'
  -v '/var/local/emhttp/disks.ini':'/unraid/emhttp/disks.ini':'ro'
  -v '/usr/local/sbin/mdcmd':'/unraid/mdcmd':'ro'
  -v '/dev/disk/by-id':'/unraid/disk/by-id':'ro'
  -v '/boot/config/plugins/dynamix':'/unraid/config/plugins/dynamix':'ro'
  -v '/etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf':'/unraid/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf':'ro'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-preclear':'/config':'rw' 'binhex/arch-preclear'

Unable to find image 'binhex/arch-preclear:latest' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: Get "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/binhex/arch-preclear/manifests/sha256:b630b6666c71dc36058a30f993228de84471ec7cccebbc2449671974b6a09119": dial tcp [2600:1f18:2148:bc01:20a3:9c3e:d4a7:9fb]:443: connect: network is unreachable.
See 'docker run --help'.

The command failed.


Update: Sometimes it starts downloading the data and fails mid-download after many retires of some of the fs layers. Sometimes it manages to finish the download and then the update installs.

Edited by intact-consumption3299
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  • 5 months later...

This issue just happened to me. I logged in to the terminal to troubleshoot and ran the `date` command first...


for some reason the date was `Wed Nov 26 04:04:51 PST 2014`.


I followed these instructions to initialize NTP, and now containers are updating as expected.


Why the time was off, I don't know - all I know is the server was offline for a few days and when it came up, time was off.


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