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[Support] knex666 - FileBrowser

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I was able to set this up and have it working behind my reverse proxy (e.g., https://filebrowser.mydomain.com). If I use the browser and go to the URL, I'm able to log in and upload / download files.


If I wanted to use the FileBrowserGO iOS app though is there a way to add it as a remote location that way Photos can be uploaded / synced from my phone without having to use Safari (or a browser)?


Or similarly, if I wanted to directly map this on my Macbook, is there a way to do that without having to use a browser?

Edited by Ezro
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35 minutes ago, Ezro said:

If I wanted to use the FileBrowserGO iOS app

may ahead, filebrowser & filebrowsergo (ios, android, ..) are not related in any way, 2 different things ...


36 minutes ago, Ezro said:

Or similarly, if I wanted to directly map this on my Macbook, is there a way to do that without having to use a browser?


36 minutes ago, Ezro said:

Photos can be uploaded / synced from my phone without having to use Safari (or a browser)?

to make it short, nope, filebrowser has nothing buildin therefore and is out of scope there ...


what you looking for is more like Nextcloud, Syncthing, ... but they all use their own "Server, Client" Solution or protocols like webdav, ftp, ... which you could use then ... on your end devices to sync.

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4 minutes ago, alturismo said:

may ahead, filebrowser & filebrowsergo (ios, android, ..) are not related in any way, 2 different things ...



to make it short, nope, filebrowser has nothing buildin therefore and is out of scope there ...


what you looking for is more like Nextcloud, Syncthing, ... but they all use their own "Server, Client" Solution or protocols like webdav, ftp, ... which you could use then ... on your end devices to sync.

Ty for the info! I completely misunderstood this.


I'll look into webdav for accessing / syncing my unRAID share via a public (reverse proxied) URL

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2 hours ago, Ezro said:

Do you know if it's possible to allow public access to the FileBrowser? Right now I have most of my app access managed via nginx and it'd be nice to have this do the same

if you mean using filebrowser behind a reverse proxy, yes ...


im using swag as RP, but NPM (or whatever you use) should also be fine ...

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18 minutes ago, Ezro said:

I meant to disable the FileBrowser login screen


you know most apps have their own documenatation sites ...


sample, https://filebrowser.org/configuration/authentication-method at the buttom ...


this forum is usually to help with issues related to unraid, not always to help with all kind of apps and how to use them ;)


now, how to use the upper linked "no auth json" may start reading into it ... or look forward at the filebrowsers help community

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  • 1 month later...

Hey everyone!


Confused about the custom branding thing.

Should I be able to change the file icon right above the login username field and should I be able to change the file icon to the upper-left of the page once logged in?


If so, what files are those?


I have /branding/ set as my branding folder.

I have /branding/img/logo.svg and /branding/img/icons/favicon.ico


My favicon works but if those other two logos are supposed to be changed, they aren't on my setup.


Thank you!

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  • 2 months later...
1 hour ago, Jase said:

Hi all,


Is there a way to map a drive for file uploads? I see that when I upload a file it writes to my docker container.



didnt try but the folder the files are uploaded to should be mapped as volume in the config. Give it a try

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4 hours ago, knex666 said:

didnt try but the folder the files are uploaded to should be mapped as volume in the config. Give it a try

Thank you. Is the config the .js file here /mnt/cache/appdata/filebrowser/.filebrowser.json. When I open it in and editor I see this. I don't see a mapping for volume. 


      "port": 80,
      "baseURL": "",
      "address": "",
      "log": "stdout",
      "database": "/database.db",
      "root": "/srv"

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, Keenaanee said:

Is there a way to increase the size of the icon on the login page? Is this in browserconfig.xml? (Im a complete newb)

this is not a docker related question. Maybe someone can answare it but better ask this to the developer on github



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3 hours ago, Efraims NAS said:

I would be pleased if you could suggest a solution.

1st i would suggest to visit the official readme or the github page ...


but to make it short, i looked there and in a docker its not so easy ... so to make it easy, start from scratch while deleteing everything (appdata) and redo ...


if you really want to try it, copy the database file over to a native location, run the command you find on the githib as sample, replace the database back to its location, start the docker with your new admin password.

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Thank you for providing this unRaid template. 


I changed the following because I don't think the cloudflare  zerotrust tunnel supports the unRaid external br0 IPs.


I modified your template so that instead of using it's own IP, I changed it to bridge mode and and redirected the 80 to 8888 and then also configured the WEBUI port in advance. 


Everything works fine locally, but when I setup it up as another cloudflare zerotrust tunnel redirect I only get a black screen and it doesn't prompt me to login.  Can you tell me what I'm missing to get it to work correctly.


Thanks for helping

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16 hours ago, sasnak said:

Thank you for providing this unRaid template. 


I changed the following because I don't think the cloudflare  zerotrust tunnel supports the unRaid external br0 IPs.


I modified your template so that instead of using it's own IP, I changed it to bridge mode and and redirected the 80 to 8888 and then also configured the WEBUI port in advance. 


Everything works fine locally, but when I setup it up as another cloudflare zerotrust tunnel redirect I only get a black screen and it doesn't prompt me to login.  Can you tell me what I'm missing to get it to work correctly.


Thanks for helping

maybe an issue with the base url?

what does the browser colsole say

any logs from file browser


hint: works well with custom ips as well - better to use vlan ;)

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Hi and hope you can help me get your great template working 100%...

I have everything working but when I am on a file it doesnt show me the Share button.

I have the container accessible outside my LAN using a Cloudflare tunnel as a subdomain - but no luck...

How can I get file sharing working? THANKS!

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On 2/25/2024 at 8:24 AM, jonskin44 said:

Hi and hope you can help me get your great template working 100%...

I have everything working but when I am on a file it doesnt show me the Share button.

I have the container accessible outside my LAN using a Cloudflare tunnel as a subdomain - but no luck...

How can I get file sharing working? THANKS!

how does your filebrowser config looks?

perm.share ?

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Hi knexx666 I dont really know how I got it working but it now is! Cheers 

I did a fresh install and it showed the Share button for a bit and now it does not show again - weird... Did you have any clues where I can find the config file to check perm.share ?

Edited by jonskin44
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Hi knex666 I discovered the problem... If I have the setting to open files with one click turned on it disables the Share function. But when it is off I can share files / folders... Weird. I can use as is but would like to use single click opening - is there a simple fix to this? cheers

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