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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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I have been running the Chivalry Server and find that it is often offline/not listed when I start up the game after some time. Once I I restart the container,  it shows up again in the server directory. I had 2 people, including myself in it and it crashed. No mods or anything, just standard settings. Scratching my head on this.


I have gigabit internet that is very solid, I rarely have any disconnects in service. The Server that this is running on has very low load on the processor and has available memory to support the server. Not sure if you have any other recommendations on getting this to run smoother?



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35 minutes ago, Nesquik said:

I have been running the Chivalry Server and find that it is often offline/not listed when I start up the game after some time.

Have you got a log for me? Without a log I can't say anything, are you sure that the container isn't updating the game when you started it?


36 minutes ago, Nesquik said:

Once I I restart the container,  it shows up again in the server directory.

What do you mean with that?

In the server list? Or in the Unraid server directory?

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7 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Have you got a log for me? Without a log I can't say anything, are you sure that the container isn't updating the game when you started it?

---Checking if UID: 99 matches user---
usermod: no changes
---Checking if GID: 100 matches user---
usermod: no changes
---Setting umask to 000---
---Checking for optional scripts---
---No optional script found, continuing---
---Update SteamCMD---
Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/serverfiles/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[ 0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK.

Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/serverfiles/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[ 0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK.

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
Waiting for user info...OK
---Update Server---
Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/serverfiles/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[ 0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK.

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
Waiting for user info...OK
Success! App '220070' already up to date.
---Prepare Server---
---Server ready---
---Start Server---
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.

CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 1 milliseconds to initialize
CApplicationManagerPopulateThread took 0 milliseconds to initialize (will have waited on CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread)
RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 59): SteamGameServer012 / GameServer
RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 59): SteamUtils007 / Utils
RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 59): STEAMAPPS_INTERFACE_VERSION006 / Apps
RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 59): STEAMHTTP_INTERFACE_VERSION002 / HTTP
RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 59): SteamNetworking005 / Networking
RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 59): SteamGameServerStats001 / GameServerStats
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 219640

What do you mean with that?

In the server list? Or in the Unraid server directory?

Is there a different log I need to provide? Such as the stderr.txt shown in the start-up?



I mean the in-game server list. The docker will be started with no new entries in the log (same as above), but it disappears from the in-game server list even after refreshing. The only way I can get the server to reconnect is to restart the container and then a minute or two later it is listed again.

Edited by Nesquik
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10 minutes ago, Nesquik said:

Is there a different log I need to provide? Such as the stderr.txt shown in the start-up?

No this is the log from the container, perfectly fine.


11 minutes ago, Nesquik said:

I mean the in-game server list. The docker will be started with no new entries in the log (same as above), but it disappears from the in-game server list even after refreshing. The only way I can get the server to reconnect is to restart the container and then a minute or two later it is listed again.

I will try this and get back to you when I'm finished testing.

  • Thanks 1
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Hello and thank you for making Counter Strike Source container.


I've dealt with fragmentation error as the help is available in this topic. I do however have an issue with actually configuring the game server. Default password for docker/rcon do not work; server.cfg file is being ignored by the game server and log is not showing any errors but one:


[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.


After few hours of unsuccessful troubleshooting, any help will be appreciated.


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14 minutes ago, settled_slacker said:

Default password for docker/rcon do not work; server.cfg file is being ignored

Have you appended: '+servercfgfile server.cfg' to the game parameters?


14 minutes ago, settled_slacker said:

[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.

This is not an error this is a warning and can be ignored because the Server can't find a running instance of Steam itself but well it's a dedicated Server without a Steam Client.


Keep in mind that this Container is not different to a CS:Source server that runs on bare metal.

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15 hours ago, ich777 said:

Have you appended: '+servercfgfile server.cfg' to the game parameters?


This is not an error this is a warning and can be ignored because the Server can't find a running instance of Steam itself but well it's a dedicated Server without a Steam Client.


Keep in mind that this Container is not different to a CS:Source server that runs on bare metal.


Hi, right? I'm super confused why it's not working. Yes I've tried three different expressions I found online to force the loading of the cfg, none worked. Made sure all files are on the same HDD.

Tried both Unix/Windows EOL formatting. Tried few different cfg files downloaded from the internet.

Gameserver is not seeing or can't access the file? I'm sure there is something I've missed and it's silly. It's a new day, I'll try to install it on USB drive through Unassigned Devices, see how that'll go.




Well running off of USB drive fixed server.cfg issue ... Gamesrver just loaded the file on its own. Log is showing loads of "chmod: changing permissions of '/serverdata/serverfiles/hl2/resource/ifm_ts_full_region.cur': Operation not permitted" errors though, to the point of freezing the browser 🤪 Don't like to run the gameserver like this anyways.


So it seems that there might be an issue with configuration of my server, should I run Unraid "New permissions" to make it run ok off of array or something?

Edited by settled_slacker
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1 hour ago, settled_slacker said:

Gamesrver just loaded the file on its own. Log is showing loads of "chmod: changing permissions of '/serverdata/serverfiles/hl2/resource/ifm_ts_full_region.cur': Operation not permitted" errors though, to the point of freezing the browser 🤪 Don't like to run the gameserver like this anyways.

You can ignore that.


The browser is freezing because the log of the container has at that time a lot of output and freezes the browser, just reopen the log after it finished the startup process.


1 hour ago, settled_slacker said:

So it seems that there might be an issue with configuration of my server, should I run Unraid "New permissions" to make it run ok off of array or something?

No, you don't have to do that.

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11 minutes ago, settled_slacker said:



I don't understand? Is it working now?

Why so you don't want to run the game server like this?


I can only say on my CS:Source server it is running flawlessly from the cache with SourceMod installed, a few mods and the server.cfg.

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1 hour ago, galluno said:

Hey! I was looking to set up a server for zombie panic Source, but I did not find it, can you please add it? I don't want to setup a new VM just for it to run, thanks for what you are doing for the community :D

I will look into this. Give me a few days and I'll report back.


2 hours ago, settled_slacker said:

While playing, in-game, sprays stop showing up after map change lol

Can't imagine that this is a problem of the container... :D

  • Thanks 1
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can anyone help me with creating a second server docker? I added a new container using the valheim template. changed the folders and port but it fails.


Stopping container: Valheim

Successfully stopped container 'Valheim'


Removing container: Valheim

Successfully removed container 'Valheim'


Command:root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='Valheim' --net='bridge' -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'GAME_ID'='896660' -e 'GAME_PARAMS'='' -e 'USERNAME'='' -e 'VALIDATE'='' -e 'PASSWRD'='' -e 'SRV_NAME'='servertest' -e 'WORLD_NAME'='myserver' -e 'SRV_PWD'='mypass' -e 'PUBLIC'='1' -e 'UPDATE_CHECK'='true' -e 'ENABLE_VALHEIMPLUS'='' -e 'BACKUP_FILES'='true' -e 'BACKUP_INTERVAL'='62' -e 'BACKUP_TO_KEEP'='24' -e 'GAME_PORT'='2456' -e 'UID'='99' -e 'GID'='100' -e 'DEBUG_OUTPUT'='false' -p '2600-2603:2456-2458/udp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/steamcmd1/':'/serverdata/steamcmd1':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/valheim1/':'/serverdata/serverfiles':'rw' --restart=unless-stopped 'ich777/steamcmd:valheim'

/usr/bin/docker: invalid publish opts format (should be name=value but got '2600-2603:2456-2458/udp').
See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'.

The command failed.

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2 hours ago, Hectic said:


Are you seeing the error here? :D

The container needs 3 Ports, you want to give it 4... ;)


But also this can't work, please read the description of the Ports... Also please give it another name, otherwise the old container is overwritten!

Please go to this post and follow the instructions:


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I'm trying to use your docker steamcmd image to run a quake live server, but it fails with:


Success! App '349090' fully installed.

---Prepare Server---

---Server ready---

---Start Server---

/opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 68: /serverdata/serverfiles/srcds_run: No such file or directory


I'm assuming it's because Quake Live isn't a src game and doesn't have a valid srcds value. I've tried a few values here to try to get around the error but, I can't. Can you shed any light?


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6 hours ago, ich777 said:

Are you seeing the error here? :D

The container needs 3 Ports, you want to give it 4... ;)


But also this can't work, please read the description of the Ports... Also please give it another name, otherwise the old container is overwritten!

Please go to this post and follow the instructions:



6 hours ago, ich777 said:




Thank you so much for the quick reply. Successfully created new container with your instructions but i can't get steam to find the secondary container with the new port. New port range added and changed game port in the ''Show more settings tab''

Ports also forwarded on router.



Apologies, first time setting up game servers.


2021-03-07 22_35_12-Window.png

2021-03-07 22_35_49-Window.png

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57 minutes ago, Hectic said:

can't get steam to find the secondary container with the new port

With which IP and port are you trying to connect?

Is the server running? A log output would be very helpful...

Try it with YOURLOCALIP:2601 (since the query port is always the serverport + 1)

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2 hours ago, Thrax said:

I'm assuming it's because Quake Live isn't a src game and doesn't have a valid srcds value.

Are you running the container on Unraid or another system?

You also have to use the right branch.

A few screenshots from your template/configuration would be nice.

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Hey @ich777,

erstmal ganz herzlichen Dank für deine Arbeit. 

Habe da allerdings noch ein zwei Fragen da es das erste mal ist das ich einen Server in Docker aufsetze. :)


Ich habe gestern deinen Atlas Server installiert und scheint laut Logs auch alles soweit zu laufen, jedoch frage ich mich wie ich das Ding administrieren soll? :D

Du hast in der Containerbeschreibung geschrieben das du einen REDIS Server installiert hast. Wie gehe ich damit um? Hast du zufällig irgendwo ein Tutorial oder sowas?




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First things first, only english support here... ;)


2 minutes ago, MaggifiXXL said:

Hey @ich777,

erstmal ganz herzlichen Dank für deine Arbeit. 

Really much appreciated. :)


3 minutes ago, MaggifiXXL said:

Ich habe gestern deinen Atlas Server installiert und scheint laut Logs auch alles soweit zu laufen, jedoch frage ich mich wie ich das Ding administrieren soll? :D

You have to that like with any other dedicated server too.

Edit the files.


4 minutes ago, MaggifiXXL said:

Du hast in der Containerbeschreibung geschrieben das du einen REDIS Server installiert hast. Wie gehe ich damit um?

REDIS is needed in order to run ATLAS itself, otherwise it won't run, you don't have to do anything about that.


5 minutes ago, MaggifiXXL said:

Hast du zufällig irgendwo ein Tutorial oder sowas?

This is not different than if the server runs on dedicated box so to speak on bare metal .

The Container does all on it's own (create the grid, add islands,...) and the server should be ready to join, you don't have to download the game itself or create the grid and start the server that does all the Container for you. ;)


If you want to change anything you have to physically edit the appropriate files but please be sure to stop the Container first if you are editing a file.


  • Thanks 1
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5 hours ago, ich777 said:

With which IP and port are you trying to connect?

Is the server running? A log output would be very helpful...

Try it with YOURLOCALIP:2601 (since the query port is always the serverport + 1)


Unraid shows both dockers are running. Server 1 works fine and i can connect using steam. Server 2 steam cant find and i cant connect


Server 1

started up-to-datebridge172.17.0.2:2456/UDP192.168.2.142:2456


Server 2


started up-to-datebridge172.17.0.6:2456/UDP192.168.2.142:2600


Using my local ip and port 2601



Screen Shot 2021-03-08 at 5.14.03 AM.png

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6 hours ago, ich777 said:

Are you running the container on Unraid or another system?

You also have to use the right branch.

A few screenshots from your template/configuration would be nice.

Running in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, didn't notice the branches..., well, tags. as I'd only looked at dockerhub. I imagine I'll fix this now with this pointer, I'll come back to you if I fail. Thanks, for posting your builds!


Maybe consider putting a link to your github from the dockerhub to help those in the future?

Edited by Thrax
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