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UNRAID 6.7.1 easy way to backup and restore specific dockers

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I have been running unraid for a few month and love it, the only thing i am unsure of is how to backup and restore specific dockers, I know i can use the appdata restore plugin, to backup and restore the entire appdata folder. But is there an easy way to take snapshots and backup and restore specific dockers??  for example I have had to rebuild my plex libraries 3 times because of issues, i wish I can take a snapshot that would restore plex to the exact state it is in now..


thanks for the help.

Edited by amorillo
forgot to add unraid version
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4 hours ago, testdasi said:

What makes the plugin not easy?

To my knowledge the appdata backup and restore plugin deals with the entire appdata folder, if you read my question , I specifically asked about a method of backing up individual Dockers, not the entire appdata folder...thanks for any assistance that can be provided.

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1 hour ago, Squid said:

Been on my todo list forever

Sent from my NSA monitored device

Thanks for your response squid, I've been googling for an answer unsuccessfully..are there any manual steps I can take to make an exact backup of the current state of a docker? An then restore it?  

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, and thank you for all you have already done for the unraid community..

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15 minutes ago, amorillo said:

To my knowledge the appdata backup and restore plugin deals with the entire appdata folder, if you read my question , I specifically asked about a method of backing up individual Dockers, not the entire appdata folder...thanks for any assistance that can be provided.

When I was testing out various configs, I simply use User Scripts and do a simple cp to create a copy. I reckon someone more verse in shell script can sure create a folder based on time and cron it every hour or something.

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Backup/Restore dockers.


The backup directory contains cache files and Gzip files.  Running dockers are stopped and started during backup and restore.  Gzip compression is used so the owner and permissions are preserved in the backup files.  If you want to run with hard coded variables, then set the variables under Defaults.



Usage: backupDockers.sh: [-a] [-d <backup directory>] [<dockers and/or archive files>...]

  -b : backup mode
  -r : restore mode
  -l : list dockers
  -a : all dockers
  -c : crc comparison during rsync, default is check time and size
  -d : set backup directory
  -s : save backup during restore



Backup dockers into a specific backup directory:

backupDockers.sh -b -d /mnt/user/backup/dockers binhex-plexpass transmission

Restore docker latest file and a certain docker file from a specific backup directory:

backupDockers.sh -r -d /mnt/user/backup/dockers binhex-plexpass transmission.2019-07-02-12-30-38-EDT.tgz

Backup all dockers into a specific backup directory:

backupDockers.sh -bad /mnt/user/backup/dockers

Restore all dockers from a specific backup directory:

backupDockers.sh -rad /mnt/user/backup/dockers


If copy/paste doesn't work then download the file.  backupDockers.sh


# Defaults

    echo "Usage: backupDockers.sh: [-a] [-d <backup directory>] [<dockers and/or archive files>...]"
    echo "  -b : backup mode"
    echo "  -r : restore mode"
    echo "  -l : list dockers"
    echo "  -a : all dockers"
    echo "  -c : crc comparison during rsync, default is check time and size"
    echo "  -d : set backup directory"
    echo "  -s : save backup during restore"
    exit 1

while getopts 'brlacd:?h' opt
    case $opt
        b) restore=false
        r) restore=true
        l) docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}" | sort -fV
           exit 0
        a) all=true
        c) checksum=true
        d) backup=${OPTARG%/}
    h|?|*) usage

shift $(($OPTIND - 1))

if [ "$all" == "true" ]
    readarray -t all < <(printf '%s\n' "$(docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}" | sort -fV)")

readarray -t items < <(printf '%s\n' "$@" "${dockers[@]}" "${all[@]}" | awk '!x[$0]++')

[ "${items[0]}" == "" ] && usage

for item in "${items[@]}"
    if echo $item | grep -sqP ".+\.\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-\w+\.tgz"
        if [ ! -z $item ]

date=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%Z")
echo "DATE: $date"


if [ "$restore" == "true" ]

    for docker in "${dockers[@]}"
        file="$(ls -t $backup/$docker/*.tgz 2>/dev/null | head -1)"

        [ -e "$file" ] && restores+=("$file") || errors+=("$docker")

    for file in "${files[@]}"
        docker=$(echo $file | cut -d '.' -f 1)

        [ -e "$file" ] && restores+=("$file") || errors+=("$file")

    for error in "${errors[@]}"
        archive=$(echo "$error" | rev | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev)

        echo "ERROR: $archive: archive not found"

    readarray -t restores < <(printf '%s\n' "${restores[@]}" | awk '!x[$0]++')

    for restore in "${restores[@]}"
        archive=$(echo "$restore" | rev | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev)
        docker=$(echo "$archive" | cut -d '.' -f 1)

        [ "$docker" == "" ] && continue

        echo "DOCKER: $docker"

        running=$(docker ps --format "{{.Names}}" -f name="^$docker$")

        if [ "$docker" == "$running" ]
            echo "STOP: $docker"
            docker stop --time=30 "$docker" >/dev/null

        cd "$appdata"


        echo "MOVE: $docker -> $backup"
        mv -f "$docker" "$backup" 2> /dev/null

        if [ -d "$backup" ]
            echo "RESTORE: $archive -> $appdata"
            #tar --same-owner --same-permissions -xzf "$restore"
            pv $restore | tar --same-owner --same-permissions -xzf -
            if [ ! -d "$appdata/$docker" ]
                echo "ERROR: restore failed"
                mv -f "$backup" "$docker" 2> /dev/null

                if [ ! -d "$appdata/$docker" ]
                    echo "ERROR: repair failed"

            if [ ! -d $docker ]
                echo "ERROR: restore failed"
            echo "ERROR: move failed"

        if [ "$docker" == "$running" ]
            echo "START: $docker"
            docker start "$docker" >/dev/null
    for docker in "${files[@]}" "${dockers[@]}"
        if ! docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}" | grep $docker -qs
            echo "ERROR: $docker: docker not found"

    mkdir -p "$backup" "$cache"
    chown nobody:users "$backup" "$cache"
    chmod ug+rw,ug+X,o-rwx "$backup" "$cache"

    for docker in "${dockers[@]}"
        if [ -d "$appdata/$docker" ]
            echo "DOCKER: $docker"

            running=$(docker ps --format "{{.Names}}" -f name="^$docker$")

            if [ "$docker" == "$running" ]
                echo "STOP: $docker"
                docker stop --time=30 "$docker" >/dev/null

            echo "SYNC: $docker"
            [ "$checksum" == "true" ] && checksum=c || checksum=
            rsync -ha$checksum --delete "$appdata/$docker" "$cache"

            if [ "$docker" == "$running" ]
                echo "START: $docker"
                docker start "$docker" >/dev/null

            mkdir -p "$backup/$docker"

            echo "GZIP: $docker.$date.tgz"
            tar cf - -C "$cache" "$docker" -P | pv -s $(du -sb "$cache/$docker" | cut -f 1) | gzip > "$backup/$docker/$docker.$date.tgz"
            chown -R nobody:users "$backup/$docker"
            chmod -R ug+rw,ug+X,o-rwx "$backup/$docker"

date=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%Z")
echo "DATE: $date"


Edited by JoeUnraidUser
  • Like 5
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  • 1 year later...

Thanks for this script @JoeUnraidUser!


Quick question: Is there a reason a cache is used for this rather than running Gzip on the original files?  I'd prefer not to have a complete copy of my docker files in addition to the archive, but before I modify the script I want to make sure I'm not missing something that makes the cache necessary.  Thanks for any help you can provide!


EDIT: After using the script a bit further, it seems like the cache is to enable as minimal downtime to the docker as possible.  After the first cache is created, each subsequent "caching" only copies the changed/new files to the cache which means the docker is only offline for a short period of time.  Then the Gzip is run on the cached files while the docker is already back up and running.  If there's another reason I'm not seeing, please let me know.  Thanks again!

Edited by rippedwarrior
Additional info discovered
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  • 2 months later...

Thanks @JoeUnraidUser for this excellent script.  I'm using it instead of CA AppData Backup now, as I'm kinda tired of ALL of my dockers stopping for hours every day for backup.  This one is great because it only stops each docker while it backs that docker up, and then starts it again.  The caching mechanism further reduces docker down-time.


One caveat for anyone else using it - your appdata folder must be named exactly the same as the docker name.  I had a few that were different, and found it easier to rename the docker rather than the folder.  Also if you have any folders in appdata that aren't the same name as an existing docker (eg. from old containers no longer in use), they won't be backed up.


Edited by jammin
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  • 1 month later...

Hi @JoeUnraidUser

I just tried your script (which is exactly what I am looking for), but the system gives me this error message


backupDockers.sh: line 52: syntax error near unexpected token `<'
backupDockers.sh: line 52: `    readarray -t all < <(printf '%s\n' "$(docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}" | sort -fV)")'


I tried inserting as text and then downloaded the provided file. Buth without success.

As this post is ranked #1 in google for unraid docker backups, I think fixing this would probably be a big gain for the community.
(Maybe I am the problem).

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10 hours ago, 1unraid_user said:

Hi @JoeUnraidUser

I just tried your script (which is exactly what I am looking for), but the system gives me this error message


backupDockers.sh: line 52: syntax error near unexpected token `<'
backupDockers.sh: line 52: `    readarray -t all < <(printf '%s\n' "$(docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}" | sort -fV)")'


I tried inserting as text and then downloaded the provided file. Buth without success.

As this post is ranked #1 in google for unraid docker backups, I think fixing this would probably be a big gain for the community.
(Maybe I am the problem).


I can't seem to make it get the same error.  What command line are you entering?

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On 10/4/2020 at 5:29 PM, rippedwarrior said:

Thanks for this script @JoeUnraidUser!


Quick question: Is there a reason a cache is used for this rather than running Gzip on the original files?  I'd prefer not to have a complete copy of my docker files in addition to the archive, but before I modify the script I want to make sure I'm not missing something that makes the cache necessary.  Thanks for any help you can provide!


EDIT: After using the script a bit further, it seems like the cache is to enable as minimal downtime to the docker as possible.  After the first cache is created, each subsequent "caching" only copies the changed/new files to the cache which means the docker is only offline for a short period of time.  Then the Gzip is run on the cached files while the docker is already back up and running.  If there's another reason I'm not seeing, please let me know.  Thanks again!


That's exactly why I used a cache.

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16 hours ago, JoeUnraidUser said:


I can't seem to make it get the same error.  What command line are you entering?

Fixed it by running

chmod u+x backupDockers.sh


I tried to run the command partially with "sudo" before, because I already assumed it might be a rights problem and I thought I can work around it with sudo.
Turns out however, sudo was part of the problem. Don't understand it though but it's running now :)

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Did anyone managed to run it without the array spinning up?
I use a cached share as backup destination as well as Dynamix Folder Cache plugin.


However, my array still spins up every time I start a backup job :(


By the way: is it on purpose that the cache folder for the plugin is not beeing deleted after finishing? Looks to me like "appdata" in the backup could be deleted afterwards, as we have the .tgz

Edited by 1unraid_user
Added another question
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On 6/26/2019 at 10:58 AM, JoeUnraidUser said:

Backup/Restore dockers.



Noob question: where do I store the script? I note that the UserScripts plugin doesn't work with interactive scripts, so I'm guessing I have to drop to terminal to execute this, but I have no idea what 'best practice' is for storing scripts. Should I just place it in the Backup directory? Or is it better to place it on the flash drive somewhere?

Thanks for your help.

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1 hour ago, jademonkee said:

Noob question: where do I store the script? I note that the UserScripts plugin doesn't work with interactive scripts, so I'm guessing I have to drop to terminal to execute this, but I have no idea what 'best practice' is for storing scripts. Should I just place it in the Backup directory? Or is it better to place it on the flash drive somewhere?

Thanks for your help.


You can run it from any folder except the flash drive.  You can then run it from within a script in the UserScripts plugin.

  • Thanks 1
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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi @1unraid_user 

On 7/1/2021 at 2:39 AM, 1unraid_user said:

Hi @JoeUnraidUser,

I am still using your script as part of my backup routine, but I end up with a lot of backups meanwhile.

Do you have a way to delete the oldest files as soon as a certain amount of backups is reached (e.g. only keep 10 backups per Docker and then delete the oldest)


You could add this line to the script (or to your command when you run the script:


find /path/to/backupfiles/ -name *.tgz -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \;


That will delete all files on a folder more than 5 days old. You can change the number to 14 (for 2 weeks) etc. Make sure you choose a folder with ONLY the backups in it an no other files.

Edited by TheSpook
sorry - mistake in the syntax
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/10/2020 at 7:36 AM, jammin said:

One caveat for anyone else using it - your appdata folder must be named exactly the same as the docker name.  I had a few that were different, and found it easier to rename the docker rather than the folder.  Also if you have any folders in appdata that aren't the same name as an existing docker (eg. from old containers no longer in use), they won't be backed up.

Thanks for this. Was going crazy trying to backup my unifi-controller docker and just getting an empty appdata folder in the backup until I saw your post and realized the names didn't match.

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  • 1 month later...

For those like me they are not familiar in linux, just put the file in usr/local/sbin ???? and run chmod a+x backupDockers.sh or chmod +x backupDockers.sh. The script can be called from any folder in terminal.


Now I can edit some file in my docker and if i mess something, juste restore one container.


Edited by wallas9512
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@JoeUnraidUser thanks for your script, working like a charm so far.


At the moment i'm using Duplicati to backup my appdata offsite. But deduplication doesn't really work with compressed/archived files, is that correct? 
If so how do i need to adjust the script so that i just get folders without the *.tgz files.

I tried to figure it out by myself but i'm pretty new to all of this.



Edited by Adeon
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