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3 hours ago, relink said:

how can i increase the number of days of data? it seems to default to 7

either while you setup guide2go it asks how many days, after wards its also pretty easy.

open the corresponding .json file(s) from /appdata/xteve/_guide2go/<lineupname>.json, scroll down to the end

"schedule.days": 14,


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So I ran into an issue this morning. I have 2 lineups. 1 in the US and 1 in Canada. It would appear that the CA one has been updating but the US one has not. Since most of my channels are US based I woke up to plex only showing 2 channels in my guide, the 2 Canadian channels I have.


I am currently manually running ;

docker exec -it xteve_guide2go ./config/cronjob.sh

and im watching my US lineup cache grow, so I assume its pulling down new data now, but why didn't it do it automatically? what should I check, that seems odd.

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@relink please post the line from cronjob.sh

### List of created lineup json files in /guide2go
# sample with 3 jsons lineups
JsonList="HDTV.json SPORT.json UHD.json"

then also please

root@AlsServer:~# ls -la /mnt/user/appdata/xteve/_guide2go/*.json
-rwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users     10965 Feb 27 04:45 /mnt/user/appdata/xteve/_guide2go/HDTV.json*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users      3646 Feb 27 04:51 /mnt/user/appdata/xteve/_guide2go/SPORT.json*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users       505 Feb 27 04:51 /mnt/user/appdata/xteve/_guide2go/UHD.json*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 139934711 Feb 27 04:51 /mnt/user/appdata/xteve/_guide2go/cache_HDTV.json*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   3733183 Feb 27 04:51 /mnt/user/appdata/xteve/_guide2go/cache_SPORT.json*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   1373114 Feb 27 04:51 /mnt/user/appdata/xteve/_guide2go/cache_UHD.json*


Edited by alturismo
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### List of created lineup json files in /guide2go
# sample with 3 jsons lineups, adjust to yours
JsonList="1.json ca.json"

My directory is different from default so my command reflects that change.

root@SERVERUS:~# ls -la /mnt/user/appdata/xteveG2G/guide2go/*.json
-rw-rw-rw- 1 relink users    117799 Feb 27 04:55 /mnt/user/appdata/xteveG2G/guide2go/1.json
-rw-rw-rw- 1 relink users     88383 Feb 27 00:06 /mnt/user/appdata/xteveG2G/guide2go/ca.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root  273513945 Feb 27 06:26 /mnt/user/appdata/xteveG2G/guide2go/cache_1.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root  382159992 Feb 27 00:42 /mnt/user/appdata/xteveG2G/guide2go/cache_ca.json


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setup looks fine, if the cronjob now doesnt give any errors while triggering manually ... and even the 2nd one (CA.json is canada i assume) is working ...

hard to tell, may your lineup had a hickup while it was running ... if not may some questions


did it work before ? if so, may any changes since then ?


one possible reason, but really just a possible guess, xml creation consumes alot of memory ... did it may crash ? u could check this by seeking logs and look when xteve started etc ...

solution therefore, split the lineups (they dont have to match SD lineups), my sample upper, i have 3 lineups but only 1 SD lineup, i just splitted the .json

by copy head, end, and entered only the channels i wanted in that category ... (beware on the last chan entry "," ...), but this is only a solution when RAM gets low ...

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19 minutes ago, relink said:

Im going to keep an eye on this, but it looks like it may have just been a fluke. All the file are up to date as of this morning, and everything looks fine.

thanks for the info, in case its a bigger epg ... consider splitting as described above, its no harm at all, just as note

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Ok it’s happened again, and when it’s building the xml I am noticing 100% CPU and 100% RAM. 

I don’t have enough channels to warrant “splitting”, I just need to remove most of the channels from the lineup. Can this be done by just deleting the channel from the .json file? 

right now I’m downloading the full dish network lineup and the full Shaw direct lineup, but I only have about 100 channels actually mapped. So I really just need to remove channels I don’t need. 

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Ok it’s happened again, and when it’s building the xml I am noticing 100% CPU and 100% RAM. 
I don’t have enough channels to warrant “splitting”, I just need to remove most of the channels from the lineup. Can this be done by just deleting the channel from the .json file? 
right now I’m downloading the full dish network lineup and the full Shaw direct lineup, but I only have about 100 channels actually mapped. So I really just need to remove channels I don’t need. 
exactly, also consider splitting too ... making it more safe

but then it is like i thought ...

Gesendet von meinem SM-G950F mit Tapatalk

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi alturismo, so glad my search for a way to run filezilla through a vpn brought me to your collection, i am very interested to try xteve. However, this post is in regards to openvpn with privoxy. I have installed the container and placed the .ovpn file in the config directory. when I fired up the container, i got an error stating that it could not find the .p12 and .key files. I managed to get around the .key file by placing that information in the .ovpn file, however I have not found a work around for the .p12 file. All of these files are in the config folder. is the container looking in a different location for the .key and .p12 files?

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@KompressR sorry, i tested vpn here with pia and hideme, both dont use this kind of file (.p12) in their regular ovpn setup. as i dont know your provider ... hard to read what their setup rule is. may read their setup guides with linux / ovpn ... when i google a little i often see converting the .p12 file ...


or, may try the binhex vpn docker with the "other" vpn setting, may he has inserted some magic in his docker which will make use of this file, his vpn docker is of course also capable to host vpn for other docker(s).



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there,

I am using the OVPN_Privoxy docker and have noticed warnings similar to the below being written to the log:


Tue Mar 31 13:55:36 2020 Authenticate/Decrypt packet error: bad packet ID (may be a replay): [ #22520295 ] -- see the man page entry for --no-replay and --replay-window for more info or silence this warning with --mute-replay-warnings


The container log is quite large due to these entries, I have attempted to pass --mute-replay-warnings as an extra parameter but the container then fails to start.


Is there some other way to suppress these warnings or any other action i can take to reduce the size of the container log?

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@hawors when i google this error, there are many many entries ... i guess u also checked them already.


may try switch to tcp mode instead udp mode in your connection, thats the most common solution i see.


tu surpress warnings may not be the best solution overall ... if there is something wrong i d always like to know.

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Thanks @alturismo i did try switching to tcp, the errors seemed to stop but i saw a noticeable performance drop using the TCP openvpn file supplied by my VPN service. 


I tried some of the other suggestions on google but none panned out. I decided to just add the extra parameter to my openvpn file and the errors are now gone.


I might look into it again when i have some free time on the weekend but am happy enough with the outcome so far.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi all


Firstly, thank you so much for making the docker image, if I can get it to work it is exactly what I was after.


Which leads me to my problem. I use NordVPN and I have put the ovpn file in the config folder and updated the logindata.conf also. It loads the file fine but just cycles through a login issue, the details are correct as far as I can see. 


To confirm the logindata.conf should read

username = "email@address"

password = password


The output I am getting (in a loop) is below


I am running a QNAP 251+, have xteve installed on another docker container and have it working fine, just keen to use your version and link it to NordVPN


Any help appreciated!




/config/uk1484.nordvpn.com.udp.ovpn exist                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
/config/logindata.conf exist                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 WARNING: file '/config/logindata.conf' is group or others accessible                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 OpenVPN 2.4.7 x86_64-alpine-linux-musl [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [EPOLL] [MH/PKTINFO] [AEAD] built on Mar 14 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                   
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019, LZO 2.10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 WARNING: --ping should normally be used with --ping-restart or --ping-exit                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: Using 512 bit message hash 'SHA512' for HMAC authentication                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 Incoming Control Channel Authentication: Using 512 bit message hash 'SHA512' for HMAC authentication                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 Socket Buffers: R=[819200->819200] S=[819200->819200]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 UDP link local: (not bound)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 UDP link remote: [AF_INET]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET], sid=6c8c52be 50386772                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 VERIFY OK: depth=2, C=PA, O=NordVPN, CN=NordVPN Root CA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=PA, O=NordVPN, CN=NordVPN CA4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 VERIFY KU OK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 Validating certificate extended key usage                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 ++ Certificate has EKU (str) TLS Web Server Authentication, expects TLS Web Server Authentication                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 VERIFY EKU OK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Mon May 11 12:56:00 2020 VERIFY OK: depth=0, CN=uk1484.nordvpn.com                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
Mon May 11 12:56:02 2020 Control Channel: TLSv1.2, cipher TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, 4096 bit RSA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Mon May 11 12:56:02 2020 [uk1484.nordvpn.com] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Mon May 11 12:56:03 2020 SENT CONTROL [uk1484.nordvpn.com]: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Mon May 11 12:56:03 2020 AUTH: Received control message: AUTH_FAILED                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Mon May 11 12:56:03 2020 SIGTERM[soft,auth-failure] received, process exiting 


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sorry, actually this is a unraid forum and no qnap, syn forum, may leave a note at my github, but i have to say, i cant test nordvpn and not really interested in nordvpn, so cant tell if i can help, may rather look at ovpn forums with nordvpn if there are any specials needed in your ovpn config or any other specials, if you find something let me know and i take a look to implement it.

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4 hours ago, alturismo said:



sorry, actually this is a unraid forum and no qnap, syn forum, may leave a note at my github, but i have to say, i cant test nordvpn and not really interested in nordvpn, so cant tell if i can help, may rather look at ovpn forums with nordvpn if there are any specials needed in your ovpn config or any other specials, if you find something let me know and i take a look to implement it.

No worries thanks for taking the time to reply

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Do you have to manually enable channels one-by-one as you build the lineup within the container?


I have a SD account, created a lineup and added/removed the channels I wanted in my XML, but when I run the docker command to start the process, the lineup I choose seems to have no correlation to what I created on the SD website. It prompts me to add/remove/all/etc. channels.



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3 hours ago, nlash said:

Do you have to manually enable channels one-by-one as you build the lineup within the container?


I have a SD account, created a lineup and added/removed the channels I wanted in my XML, but when I run the docker command to start the process, the lineup I choose seems to have no correlation to what I created on the SD website. It prompts me to add/remove/all/etc. channels.



thats SD behaviour, the client (in this case guide2go) builds its "database" which channels to fetch or "ALL"


best practice personally, choose ALL, when done, open the .json in an  editor and remove the not needed channels ...

i dont know which app u chosen to select your channels before, if it was guide2go before outside the container, u can simply drop your .json in the /guide2go folder and put the name in the cronjonb.sh configuration like described.


may as note, there will be soon a update and config change, therefore speed improvements ... but nre g2g config.

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2 hours ago, alturismo said:

sure, u may should check and read about which credentials u need ... the error you posted is most common wrong credentials, just as note

Thanks, that's what I thought so changed password etc but unfortunately still no luck.


I take it the file should read 

username = 'my user'

password = 'my password'


In that format with the ' ' surrounding it, just want to check in not doing something stupid there?

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