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DeepStack errors

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Trying to install the docker container Deepstack for human detection. It used to run fine on but uninstalled it due to capacity issues on the cache and since I have been unable to get it running again. 


After the docker container is installed there is a quick check to see if its functioning correctly: ```curl -X POST -F image=@development/test-image3.jpg 'http://localhost:5000/v1/vision/detection'```


But to that i get the response: ```curl: (26) couldn't open file "development/test-image3.jpg"```


Any ideas on how I can make the file available?



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  • 8 months later...


I do have it working with the CPU version.

Now, I try to use the GPU version of Deepstack. 

It work for few minutes (5 to 20 min) and them it close the GPU session.

Any body have this working? With the GPU, it's clearly faster. If I get it more stable, that's the route I want to go.


Tks for your help.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/13/2020 at 6:52 AM, speedmax1979 said:


I do have it working with the CPU version.

Now, I try to use the GPU version of Deepstack. 

It work for few minutes (5 to 20 min) and them it close the GPU session.

Any body have this working? With the GPU, it's clearly faster. If I get it more stable, that's the route I want to go.


Tks for your help.



Did you ever get the GPU version to work for more than a few minutes?


I have both CPU and GPU versions working but only the CPU version seems to stable for me too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi All, 

I know this is an old thread, but I am trying to get any version of deepstack docker to install on my unraid, but there does not seems to be any template available. Could anyone help guide me through how to install it? There are some command line on the deepstack AI website, but when i ran them, nothing happened on my unraid and I do not see any new docker created for it. Anyway, hopefully someone can shed some light on this for me, as having to boot into windows 10 and running the exe and turning on the deepstack software is too unreliable. Thank you so much.

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  • 1 month later...
On 6/10/2020 at 3:03 PM, Soldius said:

Hi All, 

I know this is an old thread, but I am trying to get any version of deepstack docker to install on my unraid, but there does not seems to be any template available. Could anyone help guide me through how to install it? There are some command line on the deepstack AI website, but when i ran them, nothing happened on my unraid and I do not see any new docker created for it. Anyway, hopefully someone can shed some light on this for me, as having to boot into windows 10 and running the exe and turning on the deepstack software is too unreliable. Thank you so much.

Did you manage to get this set up and running? If so I'd really like to know how you did it.

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On 8/9/2020 at 9:51 PM, Boyturtle said:


I know this is an old thread, but I am trying to get any version of deepstack docker to install on my unraid, but there does not seems to be any template available. Could anyone help guide me through how to install it? There are some command line on the deepstack AI website, but when i ran them, nothing happened on my unraid and I do not see any new docker created for it. Anyway, hopefully someone can shed some light on this for me, as having to boot into windows 10 and running the exe and turning on the deepstac

The CPU version work perfectly.

You have to add a container manually. (Docker Tab, at the bottom)

Then, fill this information

Name:  deepstack

Repository:   deepquestai/deepstack:latest

Then add the following using the button "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device"



That's it.  It's long to install. Be patient.

To try if it work, go to our unraid IP:83 It will show a deepstack web page.  (Example:


Edited by speedmax1979
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Thank you speedmax.


Think DeepStack is working now. Now have to figure out how to interface it with Blue Iris...



FYI, I installed DeepStack through Community Applications, following the newbie docker guide on this forum. So basically you'd check the box in settings that says "Enable additional search results from dockerHub"


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For blueiris (I using this soft as well), I strongly suggest to follow this guide.


There is two options (that I know) for the trigger.

I tested both. I end up using the docker one hosted on my Unraid server.

This one, installed on the blueiris machine. (same as the one in the video)

This one, a newer one that work into a docker.


If you want to use the second one, see this to setting up in unraid.






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thx again, I'll try your link with the docker approach.


Thought I'd share some issues I encountered so far, and solutions.

To install DeepStack, I went through Community Applications, as per my post above. The DeepStack server was running, but encountered errors "Can't reach DeepQuestAI Server" when fed images using the AI Tool (windows based). I also did not need to activate the DeepStack.

Did some Googling, and on another forum, people were saying to "pull" the docker from deepquestai/deepstack:noavx. Updated the docker container, see below:



Afterwards, DeepStack wanted an activation key, which you get from their website.

I can report now that my AI Tool is working, as per TheHookUp guide, and triggers Blue Iris no problems.


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It's threads like this that have saved me having to spend countless hours researching. This was incredibly easy and fast to setup via Docker on Unraid. Thank you all for posting! Now to try and get everything working with Blue Iris.

Edited by kalyway
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/23/2020 at 4:29 AM, kalyway said:

Just wanted to update and say that deepstack released a new update that dramatically reduces CPU processing times. I am using this image->


It works just fine on my unraid server and AITool (if that is what you are utilizing to send images) works like a charm.


Link regarding update: https://forum.deepstack.cc/t/deepstack-is-back/440

AWESOME!!!  I would have never known. My CPU gets taxed hard for the hundreds of camera triggers on a daily basis.  Thank you for providing this!!

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On 8/23/2020 at 2:55 PM, kalyway said:

It's threads like this that have saved me having to spend countless hours researching. This was incredibly easy and fast to setup via Docker on Unraid. Thank you all for posting! Now to try and get everything working with Blue Iris.

Do you still need help with blue iris?  I know that the video linked above will get it working but I created a solution using node red as a container in unraid.  I am tempted to do the write up...give me a reason to haha. 

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On 11/14/2020 at 12:00 PM, ghzgod said:

AWESOME!!!  I would have never known. My CPU gets taxed hard for the hundreds of camera triggers on a daily basis.  Thank you for providing this!!

Trying to install the latest x5 beta as above but can't get the activation prompt to show (shows as already activated). The noavx version works fine? Not sure what I'm doing incorrectly.

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  • 1 month later...

this has been a wonderful find, thanks all for your contributions. just chiming in to give thanks and also: the noavx flag works probably because your hardware is old and doesn't support AVX. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Vector_Extensions

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