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[Support] ich777 - Application Dockers


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@ich777I might have found another issue with the jDownloader 2 container, though looking at the sourcecode on github, i cant find an apparent issue.
Setting a custom resolution (in my case i wanted to set 1536x*864x) i get the following error message in the docker logs:

---Libraries found!---
---Checking for old logfiles---
---Checking for old display lock files---
---Resolution check---
/opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 96: [: 1536 ]; then
if [ -z : binary operator expected
sed: can't read 864,: No such file or directory
---Window resolution: 1536x 864---
---Starting TurboVNC server---
---Starting Fluxbox---
---Starting noVNC server---
WebSocket server settings:
  - Listen on :8080


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1 hour ago, Joly0 said:

@ich777I might have found another issue with the jDownloader 2 container, though looking at the sourcecode on github, i cant find an apparent issue.

Can you post a screenshot from your template please and maybe the output from the docker run command?


I have no issues changing the resolution...

It seems like you are having some special characters or even a space in the resolution variable.

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Problems with jDownloader,


Hei there, I am a huge fan of your jDownloader Docker, and I use it really often. The problem is, every once in a while, the docker stops on itself, the log files just say the same as if I stop it manually. I routet the jDownloader Docker through an OpenVPN Docker.


Also when I restart my server, the jDownloader Docker wont autostart, even though autostart is activatet. Also the extra parameters: --restart=unless-stopped or --restart=always do not work.


I already had the idea to use a user script that starts my jDownloader Docker and that runs hourly, but I do not know how to set this up (what needs to be writen in the script ;).


Would be nice if anyone could help or has a solution for my problem.


Thank you for your great work!!!


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1 hour ago, EricM said:

The problem is, every once in a while, the docker stops on itself, the log files just say the same as if I stop it manually

Do you maybe have other containers involved that maybe stop the jDownloader container?

What VPN container are you using?


1 hour ago, EricM said:

Also when I restart my server, the jDownloader Docker wont autostart, even though autostart is activatet.

Then it seems there is something else wrong…

Never experienced anything like that…


restart=unless-stopped will always restart the container as long as nothing else is stopping the container (keep in mind this is something that Docker itself watches and even if that option isnt working something must be really wrong.

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1 hour ago, ich777 said:

Do you maybe have other containers involved that maybe stop the jDownloader container?

What VPN container are you using?


Then it seems there is something else wrong…

Never experienced anything like that…


restart=unless-stopped will always restart the container as long as nothing else is stopping the container (keep in mind this is something that Docker itself watches and even if that option isnt working something must be really wrong.



Not that I know, there shouldnt be any other dockers involved.


I am using the openvpn-client from Muwahhidun. I have the issue since I first routet it through my vpn. When I dont use the --net=container:openvpn-client command, everything works fine.



Edited by EricM
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10 minutes ago, EricM said:

openvpn-client from Muwahhidun.

The only difference between the version from Muwahhidun and how @ich777 originally published OpenVPN was the environment variables.  Everything else was identical.  Shouldn't be any issue to move over to the actually maintained version from Ich777


But now that I see that the container from dperson looks to be abandoned, I'm going to deprecate it.

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I've read, reread, implemented all the instructions and tutorials several times over and I just can't get rid of the <offline> status of my photoprism instance.  I am running Swag (formerly Let's Encrypt) and used the photoprism sudomain config file.  Everything is online and works fine except the websockets issue.  Can anybody help me out?  Thanks in advance!image.thumb.png.7f7f7167dd5640d03cfcb756356fcf53.png

Edited by GitBoxer
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Currently running into issues with Jdownloader today.


22|org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.log 4/21/22 7:42:33 PM - INFO [ org.appwork.updatesys.client.UpdateClient(runPackageExtraction) ] -> Free Space: 0
22|org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.log 4/21/22 7:42:33 PM - INFO [ org.appwork.updatesys.client.UpdateClient(runPackageExtraction) ] -> Pre Extract 
22|org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.log 4/21/22 7:42:33 PM - INFO [ org.appwork.updatesys.client.UpdateClient(runPackageExtraction) ] -> End Extracting 913969
22|org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.log 4/21/22 7:42:33 PM - INFO [ org.jdownloader.update.DefaultCallbackHandler(onResults) ] -> OnResult
22|org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.log 4/21/22 7:42:33 PM - INFO [ org.jdownloader.update.DefaultCallbackHandler(onResults) ] -> Confirmed: true
22|org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.log 4/21/22 7:42:33 PM - SEVERE [ org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.log ] -> Exception thrown at org.jdownloader.update.DefaultCallbackHandler.handleException(DefaultCallbackHandler.java:243):
org.appwork.updatesys.client.InstallException: java.io.IOException: Unknown AWFC Version 240
        at org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.runUpdateLoop(UpdateManager.java:1332)
        at org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager$8.run(UpdateManager.java:410)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Unknown AWFC Version 240
        at org.appwork.utils.awfc.AWFCInputStream.readAWFCHeader(AWFCInputStream.java:256)
        at org.appwork.utils.awfc.AWFCInputStream.getNextEntry(AWFCInputStream.java:173)
        at org.jdownloader.update.awf.AWFArchive.list(AWFArchive.java:46)
        at org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.createAWFInstallLog(UpdateManager.java:215)
        at org.jdownloader.update.DefaultCallbackHandler.onResults(DefaultCallbackHandler.java:313)
        at org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.runUpdateLoop(UpdateManager.java:1325)
        ... 2 more

Update Progress: 0.0 %

22|Log.L.log 4/21/22 7:42:33 PM - FINE [ org.appwork.utils.swing.dialog.ExceptionDialog(<init>) ] -> Dialog    [null][null]
flag:  100000010000
title: An Error occurred
An unexpected IO error occurred during the update.
Please try again or contact our support.

23|Log.L.log 4/21/22 7:42:33 PM - INFO [ org.appwork.utils.swing.dialog.AbstractDialog(displayDialog) ] -> Display Dialog: org.jdownloader.update.DialogHook$2: dialog_An_Error_occurred_An_unexpected_IO_error_occurred_during_the_update___Please_try_again_or_contact_our_support_
Request toFront(use toFront): org.appwork.utils.swing.dialog.AbstractDialog$10[An Error occurred,335,330,353x108,hidden,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,DOCUMENT_MODAL,title=An Error occurred,defaultCloseOperation=DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,5,25,343x78,layout=javax.swing.JRootPane$RootLayout,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthBorder@37821df3,flags=16777673,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]
Request toFront(timer,restore focusable true): org.appwork.utils.swing.dialog.AbstractDialog$10[An Error occurred,0,-18,1024x790,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,DOCUMENT_MODAL,title=An Error occurred,defaultCloseOperation=DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,0,18,353x86,layout=javax.swing.JRootPane$RootLayout,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthBorder@37821df3,flags=16777673,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]

18|org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.log 4/21/22 7:43:32 PM - INFO [ org.appwork.updatesys.client.defaultimpl.http.HttpClientImpl(info) ] -> GET http://update.appwork.org/jcgi/lastchance?app=JD&pkh=12f1848a883e733ed40fffff0dae2f35&jh=631fc93a7ae803c943db1aaf4c6d999d&rev=16018&srev=16018&urev=16060&surev=16060 via [Direct]
18|org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.log 4/21/22 7:43:32 PM - INFO [ org.appwork.updatesys.client.defaultimpl.http.HttpClientImpl(internalDownloadWithProxy) ] -> Try Proxy: Direct
18|org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.log 4/21/22 7:43:32 PM - INFO [ org.appwork.updatesys.client.defaultimpl.http.HttpClientImpl(info) ] -> Download to /tmp/lastChanceSrc16505630126605890372827700348731lch Size before: 0 bytes
18|org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.log 4/21/22 7:43:32 PM - INFO [ org.appwork.updatesys.client.defaultimpl.http.HttpClientImpl(info) ] -> Connection:
----------------Request Information-------------
URL: http://update.appwork.org/jcgi/lastchance?app=JD&pkh=12f1848a883e733ed40fffff0dae2f35&jh=631fc93a7ae803c943db1aaf4c6d999d&rev=16018&srev=16018&urev=16060&surev=16060
   app   : JD
   pkh   : 12f1848a883e733ed40fffff0dae2f35
   jh    : 631fc93a7ae803c943db1aaf4c6d999d
   rev   : 16018
   srev  : 16018
   urev  : 16060
   surev : 16060
ConnectIP: update.appwork.org/
Connection-Timeout: 20000ms
Read-Timeout: 60000ms
GET /jcgi/lastchance?app=JD&pkh=12f1848a883e733ed40fffff0dae2f35&jh=631fc93a7ae803c943db1aaf4c6d999d&rev=16018&srev=16018&urev=16060&surev=16060 HTTP/1.1
Host: update.appwork.org
Accept-Language: en_US
User-Agent: JDownloader/201707061810
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Pragma: no-cache
Connection: Close
----------------Response Information------------
Connection-Time: 31ms
Request-Time: 29ms
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2022 17:43:33 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close
Server: AppWork GmbH FcgiServer

18|org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.log 4/21/22 7:43:32 PM - INFO [ org.appwork.updatesys.client.defaultimpl.http.HttpClientImpl(info) ] -> No Last Chance Found. Good!
18|org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.log 4/21/22 7:43:32 PM - INFO [ org.appwork.updatesys.client.defaultimpl.http.HttpClientImpl(checkTryNextProxyOrGiveUp) ] -> Check if we can leave 
18|org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.log 4/21/22 7:43:32 PM - INFO [ org.appwork.updatesys.client.defaultimpl.http.HttpClientImpl(checkTryNextProxyOrGiveUp) ] -> Invalid Response Code: org.appwork.utils.net.BasicHTTP.InvalidResponseCode: Invalid ResponseCode: 404
18|org.jdownloader.update.UpdateManager.log 4/21/22 7:43:32 PM - INFO [ org.appwork.updatesys.client.defaultimpl.http.HttpClientImpl(throwServerExceptions) ] -> Handle BasicHTTPException org.appwork.utils.net.BasicHTTP.BasicHTTPException: org.appwork.utils.net.BasicHTTP.ReadIOException: org.appwork.utils.net.BasicHTTP.InvalidResponseCode: Invalid ResponseCode: 404



Bildschirmfoto 2022-04-21 um 19.45.26.png

Edited by T-Birth
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20 minutes ago, T-Birth said:

Currently running into issues with Jdownloader today.

Do the following:

  1. Stop the container
  2. Got to the jdownloader2 folder in your appdata directory
  3. Delete the files "jdownloader2.jar"
  4. Delete the file "core.jar"
  5. Delete the "folder" tmp
  6. Delete the "update" folder
  7. Start the container again
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8 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Do the following:

  1. Stop the container
  2. Got to the jdownloader2 folder in your appdata directory
  3. Delete the files "jdownloader2.jar"
  4. Delete the file "core.jar"
  5. Delete the "folder" tmp
  6. Delete the "update" folder
  7. Start the container again


Fixed my Problem, thank you. Small correction here, its "jdownloader.jar" and not "jdownloader2.jar".

But so far, thanks for your awesome Container and the quick reply.

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Hi Ich777,


I've just set up photoprism and am having a similar error to a few others with the rawtherapee conversion: "FATAL ERROR: Creation of the user's processing profile directory "/photoprism/.config/RawTherapee/profiles" failed!". I've not tried to add the "home" variable or done anything with permissions yet - its a very vanilla / simple / standard installation so far. What would you recommend to try first to fix it? Thanks!

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8 hours ago, PitRejection2359 said:

I've not tried to add the "home" variable or done anything with permissions yet

Please try to create a variable like this:



and please report back if it is working for you after you did that.


But I would first recommend to remove the container and the directory that was created for PhotoPrism in your appdata folder, pull a fresh copy from the CA App and add the Variable to the template before starting the container for the first time.


When it does work I will update the template instantly.

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Please try to create a variable like this:
and please report back if it is working for you after you did that.
But I would first recommend to remove the container and the directory that was created for PhotoPrism in your appdata folder, pull a fresh copy from the CA App and add the Variable to the template before starting the container for the first time.
When it does work I will update the template instantly.
Will try this today. I'm guessing this will remove the database with all the data from my photo library (facial recognition, albums, tags, archive, approved photo etc)? Not a major snag, but will take a while to rebuild all that!

Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk

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9 minutes ago, PitRejection2359 said:

Will try this today. I'm guessing this will remove the database with all the data from my photo library (facial recognition, albums, tags, archive, approved photo etc)? Not a major snag, but will take a while to rebuild all that!

You can also install a second instance from the container but you have to change every single path in the second container, give it another name and also change the ports.


Then you won't loose anything.

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1 minute ago, ich777 said:

You can also install a second instance from the container but you have to change every single path in the second container, give it another name and also change the ports.


Then you won't loose anything.

OK, no dramas - I'll delete the original container as you requested to test it. If I were to set up the docker with a separate mariadb, I presume the data would stay intact if I deleted the photoprism docker in the future - would it pick up all the data after a future delete / reinstall?

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2 hours ago, PitRejection2359 said:

I presume the data would stay intact if I deleted the photoprism docker in the future - would it pick up all the data after a future delete / reinstall?

This is maybe possible but it can also cause other issues like the previews and face recognition won't work like it should - at least these are things I think will/can cause trouble.

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8 hours ago, ich777 said:

This is maybe possible but it can also cause other issues like the previews and face recognition won't work like it should - at least these are things I think will/can cause trouble.

OK, thanks. I've been out all day and will try to load it now with the additional variable, but no mariadb this evening and let you know.

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13 hours ago, PitRejection2359 said:

ah, gutted - it still didn't work. Do you want me to post anything to help diagnosis?

I would recommend that you create a Github issue like described here:

They are pretty quick answering and helping, maybe also include the docker run command output from your container.



I'm only the template maintainer, if there is something wrong with the template I will fix it instantly... :)

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On 4/23/2022 at 11:27 AM, ich777 said:

I would recommend that you create a Github issue like described here:


I'm only the template maintainer, if there is something wrong with the template I will fix it instantly... :)

I've created an issue here on Github. One of the responses says that this is fixed in the preview version of PhotoPrism - is there a way to add this preview build as an option in your container?

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50 minutes ago, PitRejection2359 said:

PhotoPrism - is there a way to add this preview build as an option in your container?

This is the official container, I've only made the template.

I think this is the issue that you've created on Github.


To change to the preview branch simply change the repository from "photoprism/photoprism" to "photoprism/photoprism:preview" (without double quotes):


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