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I selected Big Sur but it installed Monterey, is this normal?


welp - macos installs fine, and I can go through the initial setup. But once I download opencore configurator and move the EFI files, then change the paths in the VM, it refuses to boot. Am I missing something that changed for monterey?

Edited by KittenMittons
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9 hours ago, KittenMittons said:

I selected Big Sur but it installed Monterey, is this normal?


welp - macos installs fine, and I can go through the initial setup. But once I download opencore configurator and move the EFI files, then change the paths in the VM, it refuses to boot. Am I missing something that changed for monterey?

I have the same problem


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14 hours ago, KittenMittons said:

But once I download opencore configurator and move the EFI files, then change the paths in the VM, it refuses to boot



14 hours ago, KittenMittons said:

I selected Big Sur but it installed Monterey, is this normal?


5 hours ago, cRyyy said:

I have the same problem



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On 11/2/2021 at 6:12 AM, Bullerwins said:

I had this happened to me when switching from GPU passthough to VNC. I had to delete the VM (keeping the disks) and recreating it again to fix it. I haven't tried if there is a better solution.

I ended up installing Monterey (I didn't know how to fix the download methods) with this fix to update the opencore version. GPU passthough was not working with a rx580 with the default version, or maybe it was the .kexts? It works fine now with the exception that I cannot pass 18,20 or 22 cores.. even though i had the remove topology to "yes" in the macinabox user script. I had to choose 16

How did you get this to work? Every time I move the EFI folders, and delete the other vDisks, I get the attached error



boot error.PNG

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Well I managed to get Monterey running, however I did not create the SMBIOS with opencore configurator, just moved the EFI files to the main disk. It boots, but is very slow and I can't connect any Apple services still. Is there a way to update the SMBIOS with the right info without running OC config? I'm scared because that's always when it breaks lol

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On 10/28/2021 at 2:04 AM, ghost82 said:

Hi, as promised I tested the OpenCore.img and it has no issue, I'm able to boot and install mac os, I tried monterey, but the same applies for big sur and catalina.

Now..the easiest way for you, since the original img included in macinabox is still able to install mac os (<-- not true, see below), could be:


1. clean the container and the data, spaceinvadersone tell how to do it in his video, this is very important, maybe double check also with terminal commands that everything is deleted


2. install again macinabox and install mac os as you did for the first time (<-- not possible, product id is no longer valid, see below)


3. do not change smbios data, do nothing, just shutdown mac os


4. From unraid, or from another box, download the new opencore.img from


and extract it from its zip archive


5. From unraid, go to /isos/ (opencore.img should be in the isos share)

Delete BigSur-opencore.img (should be named like this, or similar) and paste the new OpenCore.img you just downloaded and extracted, rename it to the same name it was the deleted one


6. Boot mac os


7. Download opencore configurator to mount partition and change smbios



8. Side note: you can not copy/replace the efi files from the opencore.img to the mac os disk; by this way if you mess something it will be easier to just replace the opencore img instead of mounting the efi partition inside the vdisk.img (mac os disk)

This finally got me up and running. I was able to get Moterey booted with the correct SMBIOS and remove the other two vdisks. Now to try and get Apple services working...

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My saga continues. Got Apple services going, now trying to passthrough my Radeon HD 7770. Haven't played around with it too much, but when I tried it killed the VM and when I tried to switch back to VNC it said "user has not initialized the display (yet)). Got back in by re-creating the VM, but If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate it! Otherwise everything is working great

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1 hour ago, KittenMittons said:

My saga continues. Got Apple services going, now trying to passthrough my Radeon HD 7770. Haven't played around with it too much, but when I tried it killed the VM and when I tried to switch back to VNC it said "user has not initialized the display (yet)). Got back in by re-creating the VM, but If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate it! Otherwise everything is working great

Dortania gpu guide says that you need radpg=15 boot arg (in opencore config.plist) to properly use (initialize) HD7770.

For vnc, check that <video></video> is on bus 0x00, slot 0x01, function 0x00.

Edited by ghost82
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On 11/15/2021 at 12:10 AM, KittenMittons said:

I selected Big Sur but it installed Monterey, is this normal?


welp - macos installs fine, and I can go through the initial setup. But once I download opencore configurator and move the EFI files, then change the paths in the VM, it refuses to boot. Am I missing something that changed for monterey?

The OpenCore image is currently using version 0.7.0. If you use OpenCore Configurator to edit its info.plist you should use OC-Configurator v2.44.0.0 or any other that works with OC 0.7.0. Worked fine for me. 

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On 9/3/2021 at 5:44 AM, ghost82 said:

It seems you "played" too much with your vm :D

This usually happens when you change too many times the smbios data with internet connected.

It could be server locked by apple.

1. verify your smbios data, serial must be invalid as you wrote

2. verify that you have en0 "built-in"

3. delete your additional devices (if any):

3a. login to appleid, under "devices", delete additional devices (following picture as example):




3b. login to icloud, go to find my device, on the top click on "all devices" and verify that you don't have additional devices:




Once you have all these things verified, do not change anymore your smbios data and try to login; if it fails, write the specific error message.


At the beginning I had the same issue, but with a different error message, with a code to unlock the account, and the only way was calling apple to unlock the account.

Note that you may find comprehensive technicians or not, even if you can run mac os on a vm on a mac hardware as host, some technicians will not give any help.

Just call again, I had to call 2 times.

This could have been the problem with some users but for me, it gave the error from the first time I tried this method. The extra 3 times I tried this it gave varying errors along with the usage error. What I get from this is the fact that there are a lot of people trying this and the Apple ecosystem doesn't like it.

I appreciate the response. Maybe I will give it another go in the future but for now I will stick with my macbook.


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I looked through this thread and found 2 others that posted a similar error to mine but the fixes don't seem applicable. This is my first time installing the OS and I don't have an existing VM created in the VM tab (I thought that the script did that?)


In accordance with the video instructions I left the vm_ready script running in the background for several hours and I never got the completion notification. The script just stays in a running state and never finishes. I suspect this is problem number one but not sure what to do about it.


Can anyone explain to me what I am doing wrong? I'm following the video verbatim and trying to run the helper script for the first time and it is failing with the below error:

Script location: /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/1_macinabox_helper/script
Note that closing this window will abort the execution of this script
Starting to Fix XML
error: failed to get domain 'MAC'
No network adapters in xml to change. Network adapter is already vmxnet3

Added custom qemu:args for macOS
topolgy line left as is
custom ovmf added
error: Failed to define domain from /tmp/macinaboxfixed.xml
error: (domain_definition):3: Extra content at the end of the document


This is what has been done to the xml

Your network type was already correct. Network has not been changed.
The custom qemu:args have been added to you xml.
VM is set to use custom ovmf files.
xml is now fixed. Now goto your vm tab and run the VM
Rerun this script if you make any other changes to the macOS VM using the Unraid VM manger

Edited by lysdexik
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So it looks like the issue that I am having is that the autoinstall directory is never getting created even after waiting for hours and hours. I manually created the autoinstall directory and copied the installer img and pasted a copy of the XML file from github and then I was able to run the helper script.

Edit 1:
I am still confused as to what is going on here, I was able to get the VM built but I can't boot it because this file doesn't exist:


what gives?

Edit 2:

Man this container is a mess, the big sur install image actually points to Monterrey LOL

Edited by lysdexik
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On 11/16/2021 at 11:50 AM, ghost82 said:

Dortania gpu guide says that you need radpg=15 boot arg (in opencore config.plist) to properly use (initialize) HD7770.

For vnc, check that <video></video> is on bus 0x00, slot 0x01, function 0x00.

I really need to stop messing with this lol. I got it running with GPU passthrough by adding the radpg=15 boot arg, however I switched to a new case/mobo, added another GPU (an nividia) and am having trouble passing through the HD7770 again. I am able to get it to boot by enabling PCIe ACS override, however, when trying to pass through the GPU, the VM says it starts, but it just pegs 1 of the 8 cores I have assigned to it and I cannot connect to it. Any ideas?

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5 hours ago, KittenMittons said:

am able to get it to boot by enabling PCIe ACS override, however, when trying to pass through the GPU, the VM says it starts, but it just pegs 1 of the 8 cores I have assigned to it and I cannot connect to it. Any ideas?

General advice of things to try;

- With/without the VBIOS

- With/without stubbing the card

- Ensure you're passing the video & audio component of the card together

    <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
      <driver name='vfio'/>
        <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x12' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
      <rom file='/mnt/user/isos/vbios/Yeston-RX550-4G-LP-D5.rom'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x0' multifunction='on'/>
    <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
      <driver name='vfio'/>
        <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x12' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/>

- Check the Unraid server logs

- Check the VM logs

It's unusual to need ACS override on any modern motherboard. I would try updating the BIOS first.

Edited by cat2devnull
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So I followed Spaceinvadorone's guide, but the mac doesn't have any internet access. I'm using an Asus Rampage IV Black Edition board which has Intel(R) 82579V Gigabit Network Connection. I was able to download open core during the guide.


Also, I'm going to pass through Sapphire HD 7970, is there anything I need to do before I change the gpu from VNC to the graphics card? While typing this up, I figured I would check if the card is available. It is not showing up as an option under gpu. However, it does appear to be in the PCI devices list.





2021-11-24 09_59_32-Executor_SysDevs — Mozilla Firefox.png

Edited by Payyn
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22 hours ago, cat2devnull said:

General advice of things to try;

- With/without the VBIOS

- With/without stubbing the card

- Ensure you're passing the video & audio component of the card together

    <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
      <driver name='vfio'/>
        <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x12' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
      <rom file='/mnt/user/isos/vbios/Yeston-RX550-4G-LP-D5.rom'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x0' multifunction='on'/>
    <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
      <driver name='vfio'/>
        <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x12' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/>

- Check the Unraid server logs

- Check the VM logs

It's unusual to need ACS override on any modern motherboard. I would try updating the BIOS first.


I was able to get it working by simply switching the HD7770 to another PCIE slot and passthrough is now working fine!

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I have followed the instructions of Spaceinvaders video and just installed a Mac OS Monterey VM (was automatically downloaded when selecting "Big Sur"). After copying the files from the EFI partition to the disk image, deleting the first two drives from the template, ran the helper script with the modifications, the VM is running in a kernel panic or something like that (see screenshot).


Everything else remain untouched from the XML, so no further adjustments were made. Any ideas?


Edit: And yes, if I add the Opencore image once again, it is working fine.



Edited by cap089
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