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Unraid problems


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Maybe this question was answered pages ago, but I asked it again on the previous page so I didn't have to go looking through the whole thread to find out:

20 hours ago, trurl said:

This thread has gotten a little long now, and you have a lot of disks. I don't remember now so I will ask again. Do any of your disks have SMART warnings on the Dashboard?


Since we are talking about rebuilding to a new larger disk, it is worth noting that all bits of all disks must be reliably read to reliably rebuild a disk. So if you have any disks with problems they need to be considered before attempting to replace a disk.


Also, have you setup Notifications to alert you immediately by email or other agent as soon as a problem is detected? (Sorry if I am repeating myself, I write so much on so many threads and can't always remember what has already been discussed on any particular thread.)

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22 minutes ago, trurl said:

I'm going to do some explanation here but first I want to say that your use of the word "add" in this context is somewhat ambiguous, and it often pays to be precise when talking about your data.


The only time Unraid requires a clear disk is when ADDING it to a NEW slot in an array that already has valid parity. This is because a clear disk is all zeros, and  has no effect on parity. So adding a clear disk maintains parity. If you add a disk that has not been cleared, Unraid will clear it so parity is maintained. Old versions of Unraid would take the array offline while it cleared a disk, so pre-clear was invented to clear a disk before (pre) adding it. Current version of Unraid will clear a disk without taking the array offline, so it is OK to let Unraid do the clearing and preclear is not needed for this.


In your case, you will not be adding a disk, you will be replacing a disk. Unraid does not require a clear disk in that case, since the entire disk is going to be overwritten from the parity calculation anyway.


Some people still use preclear as a way to test disks and perhaps "burn-in" a new disk to get it past some of the "infant mortality". The disk will get some testing and burn-in anyway just as the result of the rebuild, and a non-correcting parity check is often recommended after to confirm the rebuild went well, so that would be even more testing and burn-in. As long as you keep the original disk with its data intact you shouldn't have any data loss even if there is a problem.


Yes, you are right. Replacing is the correct word. My english is not that good all the time. :)

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Notifications was setup, I saw. Just was not checked off to send emails. So now that is done. I have added the new Plex, but I still can not find my shares in Plex. First time I installed Plex it was easy, now I can not even find the shares or media folders when I try to add movies, tv shows etc.


Also Plex shows my server name twice, not sure why. Some old library or archive ?


Screenshot 2019-12-20 at 00.29.36.png

Screenshot 2019-12-20 at 00.30.39.png

Screenshot 2019-12-19 at 08.59.47.png

Edited by Kjetil
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I wanted you to go to Apps and choose one of the Plex dockers, then click its Download button (the down arrow). That would have taken you to that Add Container page, but with a lot of things already filled in.


Then we could consider what needed to be changed or added to that page before you actually pushed Apply.


Remove your plex docker and try again, starting from the Apps page. Don't Apply but instead post a screenshot.

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OK that screenshot has a few things hidden (some defaults) but I just checked with mine and all of the hidden things look like they should be fine.


That template has places for you to fill in the path to your Movies, TV, and Music. You can also add more if you need to.


An even simpler way is to just ignore those and add a path to all of your user shares. That is how I have it even though you could argue it is less secure that way. I don't think plex is going to do anything with those shares I don't tell it to use and I don't have anything to hide anyway that isn't already encrypted.


So how would you like to do it, separate paths or all shares?

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I need to separate them, if I understand you correctly. I have tv shows in one share, movies in another. So I need to add the correct share for Movies, and so on. Last time I did this in Plex. But this time I could not find the shares when I was in plex, and plex found two servers with the same name (the photo I sent earlier). Also there was some error message "There was a problem claiming this server".

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7 minutes ago, Kjetil said:

I need to separate them, if I understand you correctly. I have tv shows in one share, movies in another. So I need to add the correct share for Movies, and so on

I'm not sure you do understand me correctly.


I also have tv shows in one share, movies in another, etc. I have a lot of separate shares with different content. But instead of giving plex a separate path for each of them, I just give plex a path that includes all of them. I can still manage them completely separately within plex since they are in separate folders. And I can even add shares later and those would also be included without having to bother with editing the docker. I would just tell plex to add another library.

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24 minutes ago, trurl said:

I just give plex a path that includes all of them. I can still manage them completely separately within plex since they are in separate folders.

Just thought I should elaborate on this part. I may have already explained how user shares work earlier in the thread but doesn't hurt to repeat it now.


User shares are simply the aggregate of all top level folders on cache and array disks. Each top level folder on cache or array disks is part of a user share named for the folder. From the point of view of anything accessing a user share, every folder and file within a specific user share is in the same top level folder even though it may be on separate disks.


If you create a user share, Unraid will create a top level folder, with the same name as the user share, on one or more disks as needed and according to the settings for the share.


Conversely, if you create a top level folder on cache or array disk, it is automatically a user share with the same name as the folder. If you don't make settings for a user share, it has default settings.


And I will add this part since it will be relevant when filling in the paths for the docker. From the linux point of view, the user shares are at the path /mnt/user. So, the Movies user share is at /mnt/user/Movies, the Music user share is at /mnt/user/Music, etc. Note that upper/lower case is relevant and you must get this right or you will be specifying something different, with the possible result of creating a different user share with a name that is the same except it uses different upper/lower case.


So, all of the user shares are in /mnt/user, and if you give that path to the docker, it will include all of the user shares. Then the separate user shares will appear as separate folders within that.


Or, you can give each of them separately to the docker, /mnt/user/Movies, etc. Either way they will look like separate folders to plex.


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42 minutes ago, trurl said:

I'm not sure you do understand me correctly.


I also have tv shows in one share, movies in another, etc. I have a lot of separate shares with different content. But instead of giving plex a separate path for each of them, I just give plex a path that includes all of them. I can still manage them completely separately within plex since they are in separate folders. And I can even add shares later and those would also be included without having to bother with editing the docker. I would just tell plex to add another library.

Ok, then I misunderstood you. Because I did not know we could do it this way. But if we can and it works, then fine its fine :)

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21 minutes ago, trurl said:

So, all of the user shares are in /mnt/user, and if you give that path to the docker, it will include all of the user shares. Then the separate user shares will appear as separate folders within that.




So where would I enter this info  /mnt/user ? In the "Add container" Plex asks me to enter info separately for Movies, TV and Music 

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2 minutes ago, Kjetil said:

So where would I enter this info  /mnt/user ? In the "Add container" Plex asks me to enter info separately for Movies, TV and Music 

2 minutes ago, trurl said:

OK, click on the blue text with the + at the bottom of that Add Container page, where it says Add another Path....



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1 minute ago, trurl said:

OK, click on the blue text with the + at the bottom of that Add Container page, where it says Add another Path....

Ok, so then I will enter  /mnt/user in the "Container path" ? What about in Host Path ? And Name - can I just enter any name for my Plex server (should I avoid using the same name as the server, which is FederalReserve on my network) - I just entered PLEX 2019 in this example ?

Screenshot 2019-12-20 at 18.37.22.png

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What you put for the Name isn't important, it is just a label for that particular volume mapping which will serve as a reminder to you if you edit the container later. For example, you could put Media.


That Container Path is NOT correct. That is what you need to put in the Host Path. Unraid is the Host, and that is how you specify the path on the Host.


For Container Path, you can put anything you want, but it must begin with / so it will be an absolute path. For example, you could put /Media.


I have Read/Write. It is possible to use plex to delete things, such as a Movie you don't want to keep, so if you want to be able to do that from within plex it needs to be Read/Write.


And here I will give a short explanation of volume mappings. I think a lot of people just get confused by the term "map" here.


A mapping is just a correspondence. Just as a location on a road map corresponds to a location in the world, a volume mapping just specifies a correspondence between a path on the Host and a path within the container. So, for example, the Host Path /mnt/user could correspond to the Container Path /Media. Then inside the container when you access the path /Media, it would be accessing the path /mnt/user on the host.


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OK, here is something that may have you confused.


When you try to specify the Host path, it is going to give you a dropdown folder tree to allow you to select the path. That folder tree shows you each of your user shares separately. To get a path that includes all of the shares, you need to go up one level by clicking on the .. folder at the top, and then select the folder that says user.


Post a screenshot of that Add Configuration box when you think you have it like you want, or if you have more questions about it.


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