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[Support] kru-x - wordpress

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Hello, swag is nginx, but no prob, I just tried with NPM.

domain works, connections from outside to my apps work (subdomains and domain)

wordpress works with wordpress.mydomain.com in local (not via internet)

deleted Mariadb and wordpress to redo install using wordpress.mydomain.com (local because not reachable via internet)


I don't understand where is the problem.

looks like I'm missing something special in nginx


when I try wordpress.domain.com I have a blank page saying nothing found but when I look at the adress it displays https://wordpress.domain.com:8080 so it looks like nginx is working but wordpress not displaying the page....

Edited by Nexius2
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10 minutes ago, Nexius2 said:

Hello, swag is nginx, but no prob, I just tried with NPM.

domain works, connections from outside to my apps work (subdomains and domain)

wordpress works with wordpress.mydomain.com in local (not via internet)

deleted Mariadb and wordpress to redo install using wordpress.mydomain.com (local because not reachable via internet)


I don't understand where is the problem.

looks like I'm missing something special in nginx


when I try wordpress.domain.com I have a blank page saying nothing found but when I look at the adress it displays https://wordpress.domain.com:8080 so it looks like nginx is working but wordpress not displaying the page....

How did you redirect in NPM, should be to your internal address eg. Looks like you it asks for the domain:port, shouldn't do that.


You shouldn't need to have any special settings for nginx, NPM takes care of it.


I don't understand your "wordpress works with wordpress.mydomain.com in local (not via internet)"?



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redirection to internal IP. it works for another apps so it should be the good methode.


on my lan, if I type wordpress.mydomain.com:8080 I go to my wordpress

if I try wordpress.domain.com via internet(other computer, other network, other building) I get a blank page






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5 minutes ago, Nexius2 said:

redirection to internal IP. it works for another apps so it should be the good methode.


on my lan, if I type wordpress.mydomain.com:8080 I go to my wordpress

if I try wordpress.domain.com via internet(other computer, other network, other building) I get a blank page






Looks right, first try to empty your cache in your browser. Still not sure how you can reach your domain on your local network eg "wordpress.mydomain.com:8080" should not work , but should work.


Try to delete both folders again especially the DB, then see if you can reach the WordPress install by your local IP (don't install anything from your local IP), then try to reach the WP installer from your domain and install from there if it works. Holing my thumbs. 🙂



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internal DNS to point wordpress.domain.com to ;-)

it allows me to always use the full web adress and not the IP. I do this for all my apps.



31 minutes ago, Kru-x said:

Try to delete both folders again especially the DB, then see if you can reach the WordPress install by your local IP (don't install anything from your local IP), then try to reach the WP installer from your domain and install from there if it works. Holing my thumbs. 🙂

if I delete both folder, localy, I can reach WP (after creation a new db) via

but if I use a computer on internet, I can't reach anything from wordpress.domain.com... blank page

if I try from wordpress.domain.com:8080 from my local computer, it works.


NPM conf is ok since I can access Guacamole and Tautulli without issue on other sudomains.

something is wrong on WP part, but I can't understand what

Edited by Nexius2
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4 minutes ago, Nexius2 said:

internal DNS to point wordpress.domain.com to ;-)

it allows me to always use the full web adress and not the IP. I do this for all my apps.



if I delete both folder, I can reach WP (after creation a new db) via

but I can't reach anything from wordpress.domain.com... blank page


NPM conf is ok since I can access Guacamole and Tautulli without issue on other sudomains.

something is wrong on WP part, but I can't understand what

You are far more advance than me ;-)


Don't think it is WP, you should be able to reach the install even without the DB has nothing to do with it until you install WP. I know people have had problem with cache, try to connect in "private mode". Reinstall and when you can reach the install with your IP, don't do anything just try to connect to it online from your domain, then install.


Sorry don't understand the internal DNS thing so I don't know if that could be in the way,



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New question 🙂

in my LAN, my wordpress adress is (yes, I just changed it for some try outs)

since I configured wordpress via internet, it saved the siteurl & home as http://wordpress.domaine.com

great, with this adress, over internet, no problem to access it.

but since it doesn't match the local adress, how can I access it locally?

or maybe you build a new docker network to have different IPs?



Edited by Nexius2
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9 hours ago, Nexius2 said:

New question 🙂

in my LAN, my wordpress adress is (yes, I just changed it for some try outs)

since I configured wordpress via internet, it saved the siteurl & home as http://wordpress.domaine.com

great, with this adress, over internet, no problem to access it.

but since it doesn't match the local adress, how can I access it locally?

or maybe you build a new docker network to have different IPs?



You can't access it from your local IP, the page addresses is saved in the data base and WP will redirect to whatever address a user is asking for. WP doesn't know your local address, hence the importance to install WP from the domain.

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My ISP box doesn't do loopback.

that means that if I have a mydomain.com host localy, at my house, I can reach it from internet when I type in the adress, but locally, the signal doesn't go to internet and back to my server.

to avoid this, I have an internal DNS so I can redirect a url to an IP.

probleme is, I have a couple web site and a reverse proxy to direct incoming request to the good web server. this make me have pultiple ports and internal DNS do not support port forwarding.

since wordpress doesn't support other connections then wordpress.mydomain.com, I can't localy go to wordpress.mydomain.com:8080

anyways, if I do that, I'm forwarded to my unraid admin page....


I'll try to find something alse then wordpress or make my one web site ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...
45 minutes ago, xcsuperfly said:

I'm trying to use the mailpoet plugin with wordpress and it requires the PDO_MYSQL PHP extension. I'm having a hard time trying to get it working especially since there is no php.ini file. Any help would be much appreciated. 

Hi xcsuperfly,


Now you puting me on thin ice, but have skimed over it I think it has to do with "default_authentication_plugin=mysql_native_password".


What I believe is that the plugin using an old legacy autentication, "mysql_native_password" instead of "caching_sha2_password" Read about the problem here, I know I have had this problem some time ago. The solution I found at that time was to add "--default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password" in the extra parameter in the template (advanced).


It is just a guess based on the problem I have had, but I could be totaly wrong.


AND it is a lot of fiddle to try to findout a problem like this and in worse case you have to change the docker image itself (make your own one and adjust for your needs, then you are in for a ride 🙂 ) Instead I tend to distrust plugin's that is not updated to the latest and always using and untouched official docker containers ( in this case mysql ). Extremly smart guys that look after them and update them for the mass.


If you haven't got a specific reason to use this plugin, maybe look at some others, I use "newsletter", its brilliant.


Hope it helps,



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24 minutes ago, xcsuperfly said:

Would this be the case, if I can connect to my mysql docker fine? I can connect wordpress works fine. I just want to load the plugin and it's requiring this dumb php extension. 

My guess is that the plugin wants to connect to your db and ad some tables/row in there but is using a older connection method not compatible with the newer mysql syntax. Try to throw in the  --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password in the extra parameter and try to restart the container. If it works it douse if not just delete  it and restart it again.

I would look elsewhere though,


ps. I mean in the mysql container if that wasn’t clear.

Edited by Kru-x
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  • 3 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Rudeboy42 said:

New user here, can someone point me to a install doc or provide some steps on how to install?  I'm thinking I need to pre-install MariaDB and PHP or something else before I can even get WP to work.  Just not sure and don't want to muck up my server.

You must install a database, MB or MySql. That is also done in a container, nothing must be installed on your unraid server file system except from the docker folders.


The only tutorial I know about is this discussion (there is a lot of pointers in some threads) or you can find a French tut here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/102915-tuto-installation-de-wordpress-mariadb. Even if you don’t understand French you will understand what is going on and if you translate the page it’s even better.



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5 hours ago, Rudeboy42 said:

New user here, can someone point me to a install doc or provide some steps on how to install?  I'm thinking I need to pre-install MariaDB and PHP or something else before I can even get WP to work.  Just not sure and don't want to muck up my server.

You must install a database, MB or MySql. That is also done in a container, nothing must be installed on your unraid server file system except from the docker folders.


The only tutorial I know about is this discussion (there is a lot of pointers in some threads) or you can find a French tut here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/102915-tuto-installation-de-wordpress-mariadb. Even if you don’t understand French you will understand what is going on and if you translate the page it’s even better.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey. I have a lot of trouble getting this setup. If the database login is incorrect, it shows me a error for database connection (of course) however if that is correct, it points me to either to the unraid UI (because its on port 80) or if i change the unraid UI port, it points to nowhere giving an error. Please tell me you have any idea how to fix this, im more than lost trying to figure it out.

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8 hours ago, Tom Kamin said:

Hey. I have a lot of trouble getting this setup. If the database login is incorrect, it shows me a error for database connection (of course) however if that is correct, it points me to either to the unraid UI (because its on port 80) or if i change the unraid UI port, it points to nowhere giving an error. Please tell me you have any idea how to fix this, im more than lost trying to figure it out.

Hi Tom,


I believe it is due to how it is installed,  try to delete both folders and then you should see the installation page of WP when you go to it, if you connect to the DB from there it should work.




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12 hours ago, Kru-x said:

Hi Tom,


I believe it is due to how it is installed,  try to delete both folders and then you should see the installation page of WP when you go to it, if you connect to the DB from there it should work.




So i actually managed to fix that by giving it a different ip, however.

I need to have my website on my domain trhough NPM and quickly found your template for some reason (even after changing the wordpress and home adress in wp settings) points all the CSS to my local IP = doesent display CSS on the worldwide web...any ideas ? Thnx

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1 minute ago, Tom Kamin said:

So i actually managed to fix that by giving it a different ip, however.

I need to have my website on my domain trhough NPM and quickly found your template for some reason (even after changing the wordpress and home adress in wp settings) points all the CSS to my local IP = doesent display CSS on the worldwide web...any ideas ? Thnx

Clear cache? 

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