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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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38 minutes ago, origon said:

Having an issue w/ partitions on separate unassigned devices

In my case, all of the drives are mapped as logical volumes of raid 0 to the physical drive (DL360 G6) to be seen by Unraid.



It appears as the disk/by-id has distinct listings for the drives but the partitions always point to the /sde


Q: What is my route to having the two drives have their own partition / partition names

Click on the mount point ('Data') on one of the drives when the drive is unmounted and change the name.  You can't have two drives with the same mount point name.

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1 hour ago, dlandon said:

Click on the mount point ('Data') on one of the drives when the drive is unmounted and change the name.  You can't have two drives with the same mount point name.

This changes the mount name for both partitions. While I can mount / unmount manually (always changing the name for the second one), it fails to work as auto-mount this way.



Edit: It seems my solution is to just add one of the drives as a new pool of 1 and have it be managed that way.

Edited by origon
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7 hours ago, origon said:

This changes the mount name for both partitions. While I can mount / unmount manually (always changing the name for the second one), it fails to work as auto-mount this way.



Edit: It seems my solution is to just add one of the drives as a new pool of 1 and have it be managed that way.

The problem is that both drives are being reported with the same drive identification string whereas for correct operation UD needs them to be different (typically including the drive serial number).  This is not uncommon with some USB docks that do not pass the drive identification through to the host and it is best to avoid using such docks with Unraid if at all possible.

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1 hour ago, Squid said:

Sorry for the question if it's obvious, but is it possible to mount SMB shares with file permissions other than 0666?  I need executable permissions on certain files.  If not, I can simply mount them myself.

file_mode=0666 is hard coded in the mount of cifs devices.  Not really inclined to change it.

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There is a bug with this plugin and the notifications for temperature not working.

See picture below:



Notice how I set the warning temperatures to 54 and 55 degrees?  Well it doesnt matter, because at 45 degrees (the default), I get a warning.  This only happens with drives in the unassigned devices.  Any drives in the array where I changed the temperature threshold actually work with the changed values.

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12 hours ago, 007craft said:

There is a bug with this plugin and the notifications for temperature not working.

See picture below:



Notice how I set the warning temperatures to 54 and 55 degrees?  Well it doesnt matter, because at 45 degrees (the default), I get a warning.  This only happens with drives in the unassigned devices.  Any drives in the array where I changed the temperature threshold actually work with the changed values.

Fixed in 6.10.  Please re-check when it is released.

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1 hour ago, dlandon said:

No.  Not enough information.  Post a screen shot and diagnostics.


Sorry was away from PC and though maybe something quick and silly was the solution.  Using a WD elements usb interface from a shucked drive.  Was able to format it in Unraid to XFS and currently copying files to it. Originally is was a blank xfs drive aside from a single folder called plots8 that was empty. Originally formatted it in Ubuntu 20.04. Sorry I have no diagnostics or screenshot of the original error.  All it showed under Unassigned Devices when I plugged it in was the Format button and that it was an unrecognized file system. Yes I do have the Unassigned Devices Plus add on as well.

I have 6 more of these drives that eventually I need to do the same thing with.  Would you please enlighten me as to where specifically to look for a log or any other info that may help?

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I have also a similar problem with a client computer running Ubuntu 20.04:

Just formatted one of the HDDs in the Ubuntu client (FAT format) and after that created a folder "test-backup". I put one small file in the folder for testing the connection to unraid.

Within Ubuntu I shared the folder with full write/read permissions.

I also can see the shared of Unraid from the Ubuntu client.


But when I want to connect and mount this disk on the Unraid server as unassigned disk, it doesn't work...

All I get is this:



The smb disk from Ubuntu is greyed out and obviously mounting is impossible...

What could be a reason ?

Originally I had the disk formatted in ext4 (native Ubuntu), then thought this format might be not supported and reformat in FAT, but still no success...

I have tried everything I could think of... (but I am at the beginning of the lerning curve...)


Thanks for advice.

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3 hours ago, ullibelgie said:

The smb disk from Ubuntu is greyed out and obviously mounting is impossible...

What could be a reason ?

This is because the remote server is not responding to a ping.  UD pings the remote server to be sure it is on-line.  Be sure the Ubuntu server will respond to a ping.  It has nothing to do with the disk format.

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Thank you for your quick answer dlandon


I tested  ping from Unraid terminal window with command:

"ping  Ip-adress-of-Ubuntu-client"

... and there is a response within less than 1msec


So it must be a different issue...

Are there other things to check - it must be something switched off, which prevents any communication other than ping...;-(




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5 hours ago, ullibelgie said:


The smb disk from Ubuntu is greyed out and obviously mounting is impossible...

What could be a reason ?

Originally I had the disk formatted in ext4 (native Ubuntu), then thought this format might be not supported and reformat in FAT, but still no success...

I have tried everything I could think of... (but I am at the beginning of the lerning curve...)


Thanks for advice.


The smb password cannot be the same as the Ubuntu login password. The name can be the same though.


Assuming your Ubuntu username is ullibelgie type this in console (on your ubuntu machine) and it will prompt you to set the password (this does not affect your actual Ubuntu login credentials, only the smb shares):


sudo smbpasswd -U ullibelgie


After doing this restart the smb service:


sudo service smbd restart


Now delete your unassigned device share in Unraid and create another one with the new password.

Edited by cjizzle
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Thank you, for the advice to change the passwd of the samba user - I had indeed set the same username and password, which had been accepted by Ubuntu without any complain...

Now I have changed the passwd to a different one.


Result: Now I can see the shared folder at the Ubuntu client from another client computer running windows 10. But that is not, what I want to do ... I want to connect with Unraid

However Unraid still do not see the shared folder - no change to my above posted Unraid screenshot.


I believe the connection between Unraid and Ubuntu is via samba, isn't it ?! That is why I installed Samba...


Perhaps Samba is only for networking Unraid with windows systems and not for Linux (Ubuntu) at all ?!

Do I need to install NFS and share via that system with Unraid as Samba will not work between two Linux machines....

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1 minute ago, ullibelgie said:

Thank you, for the advice to change the passwd of the samba user - I had indeed set the same username and password, which had been accepted by Ubuntu without any complain...

Now I have changed the passwd to a different one.


Result: Now I can see the shared folder at the Ubuntu client from another client computer running windows 10. But that is not, what I want to do ... I want to connect with Unraid

However Unraid still do not see the shared folder - no change to my above posted Unraid screenshot.


I believe the connection between Unraid and Ubuntu is via samba, isn't it ?! That is why I installed Samba...


Perhaps Samba is only for networking Unraid with windows systems and not for Linux (Ubuntu) at all ?!

Do I need to install NFS and share via that system with Unraid as Samba will not work between two Linux machines....

As I said, the issue is that Ubuntu is not responding to a ping.  Please try the following command that UD uses to test for the server being online.

/bin/ping -c 1 -W 1 (ip address)

If the Ubuntu server takes longer than one second to respond, this command will fail.


Let me know the result of this command.

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here is the Ubuntu client response from the UD-Terminal request:


root@Tower:~# /bin/ping -c 1 -W 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.215 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.215/0.215/0.215/0.000 ms


It seems there should be a connection...

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Just now, ullibelgie said:

here is the Ubuntu client response from the UD-Terminal request:


root@Tower:~# /bin/ping -c 1 -W 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.215 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.215/0.215/0.215/0.000 ms


It seems there should be a connection...

It may be the background task checking for the online status is having a problem.  Try rebooting your server.

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Just to clearify:

In Unraid settings I have Enabled smb with YES (workgroup) but disabled NetBios, as I only want to use SMB 2 or later...

I have WSD enabled

Dotfiles and MacOS is disabled (no Apple in house...hi)


Under workgroup settings

Local master is Yes....


Ok - now rebooting Unraid...

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