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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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4 hours ago, dlandon said:

I think I understand what you are trying to accomplish here.  It looks like a credentials issue.  You can't use the "root" credentials.  You should set up a user with priveledges to read and write all of your shares on PLXEZONE2.  I have one set as what I call an "Administrator".


You will know this works when you go to set up the share on PLEXZONE and the shares are listed when you click the "Load Shares" button using your "Administrator" credentials.  If the shares are not listed, your credentials are wrong.


Thanks! I did this and all my shares are listed.
But I cant map the smb rootshare I still get an error when trying the path of :
Servername\Shares-Pools and I dont want to map each 22 mapped shares 1 by 1


Is it only from a Windows SMB you can map the rootshare and not between Unraid servers?

Maybe some linux magic you can do to enable a mount between them?

I am also experimenting with 2 x 10Gbit lan card with direct connection between eth2 - eth2
But for some reason I am also running into eroors when trying this?

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Great concept when it works. Unfortunately had too many issues with ntfs usb devices plugged in. Bit buggy - often says needs reboot or errors when trying to mount again manually even with automount on.
Ended up spinning up a small lenovo tff thinkcentre with windows 10 compact and adding all my ntfs external drives to this and using filesync to back up stuff from my unraid to my WD drives. Solid now.

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1 minute ago, only-university6482 said:

Bit buggy - often says needs reboot or errors when trying to mount again manually even with automount on.

That sounds like USB issues - cables and connectors.  You will see "Reboot" if the device is removed without being unmounted properly, or if the USB drive drops ofline.

  • Thanks 1
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Just question. I'm mounting an SMB share from my Windows VM (the files are on Dropbox which are only accessible from within the VM). The file are for use in a docker container. Everything works really well so far. I have automount set up and if I reboot the VM it seems to mount on its own again just fine.


I'm wondering if this will still work when I reboot the server. Obviously the VM will take a minute or two to start up. With automount selected will my SMB share properly mount once the VM is up and running on a fresh boot of Unraid? I'm just trying to look for any points of failure as so far this seems to be working really well for my use case.

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15 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

Just question. I'm mounting an SMB share from my Windows VM (the files are on Dropbox which are only accessible from within the VM). The file are for use in a docker container. Everything works really well so far. I have automount set up and if I reboot the VM it seems to mount on its own again just fine.


I'm wondering if this will still work when I reboot the server. Obviously the VM will take a minute or two to start up. With automount selected will my SMB share properly mount once the VM is up and running on a fresh boot of Unraid? I'm just trying to look for any points of failure as so far this seems to be working really well for my use case.

It should, but start up can present some timing issues based on the order things starting.  You might have to delay the starting of the VM to be sure the UD remnote share has had enough time to mount.

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1 minute ago, dlandon said:

It should, but start up can present some timing issues based on the order things starting.  You might have to delay the starting of the VM to be sure the UD remnote share has had enough time to mount.

Thanks, either way it seems like if it can't connect it tries on some sort of interval. Is that correct?

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2 minutes ago, dlandon said:

No, it only tries once.

Yeah it seem that it doesn't automount when the array starts because the VM hasn't fully booted. Is there a workaround to delay the automount or automount via a script like using User Scripts?

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10 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

Yeah it seem that it doesn't automount when the array starts because the VM hasn't fully booted. Is there a workaround to delay the automount or automount via a script like using User Scripts?

You can delay automount of remote shares by a setting in UD settings.

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On 3/24/2024 at 11:34 PM, dlandon said:

It works, I can do it.


Post diagnostics.

I might be doing it wrong, then?



The SMB mapping to a root share on windows is working with:
Server A: \\\Shares-Pools

Server B: \\\Shares-Pools



But doing the same on Unraid, does not work.



Do I need the full path?


I get error when trying to mount the share



Diagnostic attached.


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29 minutes ago, casperse said:

Do I need the full path?

No, that is not your problem.


35 minutes ago, casperse said:

I get error when trying to mount the share


Possible reasons for this error could include:

  1. Incorrect credentials (username/password) provided for accessing the CIFS share.
  2. Insufficient permissions to access the CIFS share from the system where the error occurred.
  3. Network connectivity issues preventing access to the CIFS share.
  4. Misconfiguration of the mount command or options used for mounting the CIFS share.

I don't think 2 or 3 apply because UD shows the remote share as being online and available.  4 is not an issue.


That leaves 1 - credentials.  Several things to look for:

  • Use UD to search the server and select the correct server from the drop down.  Don't enter the IP address.
  • Let UD search for the remote server shares after entering the credentials in UD.  If UD does not list the shares, the credentials are an issue,
  • Watch out for special characters.  They can cause php issues.
  • Choose the share from the drop down.  Don't enter it.
  • You can't use the 'root' user credentials.
  • You are probably overthinking this issue.  Let UD work out the details for you.  Let it find the server and the share for you and use what it finds.
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1 hour ago, dlandon said:

No, that is not your problem.


Possible reasons for this error could include:

  1. Incorrect credentials (username/password) provided for accessing the CIFS share.
  2. Insufficient permissions to access the CIFS share from the system where the error occurred.
  3. Network connectivity issues preventing access to the CIFS share.
  4. Misconfiguration of the mount command or options used for mounting the CIFS share.

I don't think 2 or 3 apply because UD shows the remote share as being online and available.  4 is not an issue.


That leaves 1 - credentials.  Several things to look for:

  • Use UD to search the server and select the correct server from the drop down.  Don't enter the IP address.
  • Let UD search for the remote server shares after entering the credentials in UD.  If UD does not list the shares, the credentials are an issue,
  • Watch out for special characters.  They can cause php issues.
  • Choose the share from the drop down.  Don't enter it.
  • You can't use the 'root' user credentials.
  • You are probably overthinking this issue.  Let UD work out the details for you.  Let it find the server and the share for you and use what it finds.

You said you could map the rootshare in Unraid?

But the rootshare path is never listed in UAD only all the normal shares?


I can confirm that UAD will list all the individual shares one by one, but what eludes me is the rootshare mapping between servers inside Unraid, that isnt listed as a option for a mapping shared!

  • UAD will never list the root access share will it?
  • I have created a separate user (administrator) for every shared folder, like you suggested, but I dont know how to enable this new user access to the rootshare mapping? (Some command in a terminal?)  

Again thanks so much for helping out having two servers is allot of work when you cant move things more easy between them 🙂

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27 minutes ago, casperse said:

You said you could map the rootshare in Unraid?

But the rootshare path is never listed in UAD only all the normal shares?


I can confirm that UAD will list all the individual shares one by one, but what eludes me is the rootshare mapping between servers inside Unraid, that isnt listed as a option for a mapping shared!

  • UAD will never list the root access share will it?
  • I have created a separate user (administrator) for every shared folder, like you suggested, but I dont know how to enable this new user access to the rootshare mapping? (Some command in a terminal?)  

Again thanks so much for helping out having two servers is allot of work when you cant move things more easy between them 🙂

Did you turn on the share switch for the rootshare in device settings?  It won't be shared unless you turn it on.

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2 hours ago, dlandon said:

Did you turn on the share switch for the rootshare in device settings?  It won't be shared unless you turn it on.

Not sure I follow you?

Yes the share is enabled in the settings of the mount
And root access is possible from a windows PC, some other place?


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22 minutes ago, casperse said:

Not sure I follow you?

Yes the share is enabled in the settings of the mount
And root access is possible from a windows PC, some other place?


This means the rootshare can be mounted and should be available to mount on an Unraid server.


Some more things to try:

  • Try a simpler password on the administrator account.  Letters and numbers only.
  • You have multiple IP addresses listed in the testparm output.  This is where Samba is listening:
interfaces = 192.XXX.XXX.6 100.XXX.XXX.115 fd7a:115c:a1e0::27a:ae73
  • Is the server visible on one of these interfaces?  You have tailscale installed.  Confirm it is set up properly.
  • Can you see the individual shares and can those be mounted?
  • You have a huge amount of plugins installed.  One may be interferring.  Boot your server in safe mode and try mounting the root share.
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9 hours ago, casperse said:

might be doing it wrong, then?



The SMB mapping to a root share on windows is working with:
Server A: \\\Shares-Pools

Server B: \\\Shares-Pools


You're not trying to mount a remote "Shares-Pools" when you already have a local "Shares-Pools", right? Try changing the name of one of them so they don't conflict.

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16 hours ago, dlandon said:

This means the rootshare can be mounted and should be available to mount on an Unraid server.


Some more things to try:

  • Try a simpler password on the administrator account.  Letters and numbers only.
  • You have multiple IP addresses listed in the testparm output.  This is where Samba is listening:
interfaces = 192.XXX.XXX.6 100.XXX.XXX.115 fd7a:115c:a1e0::27a:ae73
  • Is the server visible on one of these interfaces?  You have tailscale installed.  Confirm it is set up properly.
  • Can you see the individual shares and can those be mounted?
  • You have a huge amount of plugins installed.  One may be interferring.  Boot your server in safe mode and try mounting the root share.

Okay I went back to the PC mappings and found that it used the windows user account matching an old Unraid one (Old setup local VM PC) but after using this instead of the administrator account it connected.
I also made sure that the two local root shares was renamed. - Since server p2 is a clone of the old UNraid server it had the same old accounts.

I did found that the root share pool-shares did NOT list on any server. I just had to write it manually in the UI of UAD.
Looking at the logs I get this now:


But its working:

I haven't found the difference between the two accounts? both have access to the same directories.
Only difference is that the old one was created when I started using Unraid - cant be sure I didnt do something to this account so long time ago.

Thanks again for your help this was a strange one 🙂


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28 minutes ago, casperse said:

Looking at the logs I get this now:

You have cache dirs installed.  Eirher remove it, or set it up to include only shares you want it to work on.  It has a bad habit of caching all shares including UD shares and causes problems like this.

  • Thanks 1
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I had all this wokring for ages. Then this morning it just stopped. I keep getting the bellow error. But I can see the mounts without issue when I use showmount -e

I have double checked my settings, I have been unable to figure this out. I have attached my diagnostics.


Mar 27 14:17:40 TheLibrary unassigned.devices: NFS mount failed: 'mount.nfs: mounting failed, reason given by server: No such file or directory '.
Mar 27 14:17:40 TheLibrary unassigned.devices: Remote Share '' failed to mount.


Exports on device.


# /etc/exports: the access control list for filesystems which may be exported
#               to NFS clients.  See exports(5).
# Example for NFSv2 and NFSv3:
# /srv/homes       hostname1(rw,sync,no_subtree_check) hostname2(ro,sync,no_subtree_check)
# Example for NFSv4:
# /srv/nfs4        gss/krb5i(rw,sync,fsid=0,crossmnt,no_subtree_check)
# /srv/nfs4/homes  gss/krb5i(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)

/mnt          ,sync,fsid=0,crossmnt,no_subtree_check)
/mnt/LongTerm ,sync,fsid=0,crossmnt,no_subtree_check)



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