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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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2 minutes ago, SuberSeb said:

But logs keep flooding.

I get it!  We are trying to track it down.  You don't need to keep saying the logs keep flooding.


Look at the /flash/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/samba_mount.cfg file on your flash drive and see if there is a 'WD External' reference anywhere there.  If so post the contents of that file for me.  The passwords are encrypted, but you can remove the user and passwords if you' like.  It's possible there is an errant entry in the .cfg file.

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7 minutes ago, dlandon said:

if there is a 'WD External' reference anywhere

There are no reference to WD External.

protocol = "SMB"
ip = ""
path = "Backups"
domain = ""
share = "Backups"
mountpoint = "/mnt/disks/J3455Backups"
smb_share = "no"

protocol = "SMB"
ip = ""
path = "Media"
domain = ""
share = "Media"
mountpoint = "/mnt/disks/J3455Media"
smb_share = "no"

protocol = "SMB"
ip = ""
path = "UnraidFiles"
domain = ""
share = "UnraidFiles"
mountpoint = "/mnt/disks/J3455UnraidFiles"
smb_share = "no"

protocol = "SMB"
ip = ""
path = "Main"
domain = ""
share = "Main"
mountpoint = "/mnt/disks/WDMCMain"
smb_share = "no"

protocol = "SMB"
ip = ""
path = "Resilio"
domain = ""
share = "Resilio"
mountpoint = "/mnt/disks/J3455Resilio"
smb_share = "no"

protocol = "SMB"
ip = ""
path = "WDEX"
domain = ""
share = "WDEX"
mountpoint = "/mnt/disks/KeeneticGiga"


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13 minutes ago, SuberSeb said:

There are no reference to WD External.

protocol = "SMB"
ip = ""
path = "Backups"
domain = ""
share = "Backups"
mountpoint = "/mnt/disks/J3455Backups"
smb_share = "no"

protocol = "SMB"
ip = ""
path = "Media"
domain = ""
share = "Media"
mountpoint = "/mnt/disks/J3455Media"
smb_share = "no"

protocol = "SMB"
ip = ""
path = "UnraidFiles"
domain = ""
share = "UnraidFiles"
mountpoint = "/mnt/disks/J3455UnraidFiles"
smb_share = "no"

protocol = "SMB"
ip = ""
path = "Main"
domain = ""
share = "Main"
mountpoint = "/mnt/disks/WDMCMain"
smb_share = "no"

protocol = "SMB"
ip = ""
path = "Resilio"
domain = ""
share = "Resilio"
mountpoint = "/mnt/disks/J3455Resilio"
smb_share = "no"

protocol = "SMB"
ip = ""
path = "WDEX"
domain = ""
share = "WDEX"
mountpoint = "/mnt/disks/KeeneticGiga"


Is the WDEX share currently mounted?

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48 minutes ago, dlandon said:

Unmount the share and see if the log messages stop.

No, keeps flooding. Every 4 seconds. Maybe there old config from previous version of plugin or similar issue?

I can't see any mounts to \\\WD External in configs, UD or /boot. But something tries to mount it.

Edited by SuberSeb
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43 minutes ago, SuberSeb said:

Maybe there old config from previous version of plugin or similar issue?

There are really no old configs.


Do this at a command prompt.  This copies the flash config files to a /tmp file system that UD uses to update it's information.  The flash copy is kept current whenever a change is made, but the /tmp copy may have gotten messed up.



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18 minutes ago, Vaggeto said:

Hello! Just a quick small bug report:

It appears that all unassigned devices share the same purchase date/warranty period. When I change one it effects all other unassigned devices under device identity properties.

That functionality is built into Unraid.  You'll have to report that bug to Unraid.

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Hello, I am struggling to get this plugin installed. I am new to unraid..just set up my first NAS this weekend and I am not the most tech savvy person. I have been able to install  Community Applications, Fix common problems, Preclear Disks, and C A Auto Update. When I try and install Unassigned Drives I get a network error. See Screenshot #1. In investigating the potential problems, I discovered that I get a Proxy error when I try to go to the github website..see screen shot #2. I assume that these issues are related and this proxy error is what is causing the network error. I tried every thing under the sun from youtube and google searches to resolve this proxy error. The github website is the ONLY site that I have ever seen this error occur. Any insights or advise would greatly be appreciated. I have around 6 TBs of data to transfer onto my server and It's going to take forever if I can't attach my USB hard drives directly to the server. 

Screenshot (9).png

Screenshot (10).png

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tl;dr: After migrating Docker and VM storage to Unassigned Device /mnt/disks/nvme, when I stop the array and that drive unmounts, I'm left with a /mnt/disks/nvme directory containing appdata, domains, and system dirs that each contain proper-looking directory structures, but no files.


I recently migrated Docker and VM storage to a /mnt/disks/nvme volume mounted by the UD plugin (carefully updating all container configuration files and even the dockerMan template files along the way), and everything seems to be working well.


But, as described above, I've noticed strange results when I stop the array and, though /mnt/disk/nvme does unmount, I'm then left with a /mnt/disk/nvme directory containing appdata, domains and system dirs that are empty except for a handful of appropriate-looking empty subfolder trees.


Is this to be expected?


If I boot with Docker and VMs both disabled, these dirs don't appear when the array stops, suggesting to me that they are created for potential use as mountpoints, but it seems strange to me that they are created as services are stopping and drives are unmounting.


To be clear, these unexpected dirs aren't causing any problem I know of, except that to (lazily-written) scripts of mine, it looks like the /mnt/disks/nvme volume is still mounted 🙄


At any rate, I'd love to understand why this is happening, even if I shouldn't be concerned. Thanks very much for any insight, and apologies if this ultimately isn't truly a UD plugin question.


I'm on Unraid 6.8.3 with Unassigned Devices 2020.10.25 and Unassigned Devices Plus 2020.05.22 installed, and Destructive Mode turned off.

Edited by bland328
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Hey all, I'm having an issue using a SMB share as a disk share. It's very possible I'm just entirely missing something.

I have a SMB share that I've added from a Synology server. I can see the SMB share in unassigned devices, and I can click on the mount point and see the files, but the disk isn't showing up in my disk shares, and I can't access it in krusader in order to move some files to it.


I can also see the disk share through unraid in my windows computer.

Edited by cyriouslydylan
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On 11/4/2020 at 2:54 PM, bland328 said:


On 11/4/2020 at 2:54 PM, bland328 said:


So which is it? "disks" or "disk"?


/mnt/disks/nvme would be something Unassigned Devices would create. But it is possible that you accidentally specified /mnt/disk/nvme in a path somewhere such as docker mappings.

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I am still having issues where I can only mount a drive in UD once, if I unmount it and try to remount it, it fails.


This is the errors in the log from today:

Nov 14 13:07:13 NAS unassigned.devices: Adding disk '/dev/mapper/Games-750gb'...
Nov 14 13:07:14 NAS emhttpd: shcmd (438): /usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdt1 Games-750gb
Nov 14 13:07:16 NAS unassigned.devices: Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -o rw,noatime,nodiratime '/dev/mapper/Games-750gb' '/mnt/disks/Games-750gb'
Nov 14 13:07:16 NAS kernel: /dev/mapper/Games-750gb: Can't open blockdev
Nov 14 13:07:16 NAS unassigned.devices: Mount of '/dev/mapper/Games-750gb' failed. Error message: mount: /mnt/disks/Games-750gb: special device /dev/mapper/Games-750gb does not exist. 
Nov 14 13:07:16 NAS unassigned.devices: Partition 'Games-750gb' could not be mounted.
Nov 14 13:07:16 NAS unassigned.devices: Issue spin down timer for device '/dev/sdt'.

I mounted this drive, moved some stuff off it and then formatted it. When I try to remount it I get the above errors.


If I restart I am sure it will work, it normally does, just really inconvenient.

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7 minutes ago, TexasUnraid said:

I am still having issues where I can only mount a drive in UD once, if I unmount it and try to remount it, it fails.


This is the errors in the log from today:

Nov 14 13:07:13 NAS unassigned.devices: Adding disk '/dev/mapper/Games-750gb'...
Nov 14 13:07:14 NAS emhttpd: shcmd (438): /usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdt1 Games-750gb
Nov 14 13:07:16 NAS unassigned.devices: Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -o rw,noatime,nodiratime '/dev/mapper/Games-750gb' '/mnt/disks/Games-750gb'
Nov 14 13:07:16 NAS kernel: /dev/mapper/Games-750gb: Can't open blockdev
Nov 14 13:07:16 NAS unassigned.devices: Mount of '/dev/mapper/Games-750gb' failed. Error message: mount: /mnt/disks/Games-750gb: special device /dev/mapper/Games-750gb does not exist. 
Nov 14 13:07:16 NAS unassigned.devices: Partition 'Games-750gb' could not be mounted.
Nov 14 13:07:16 NAS unassigned.devices: Issue spin down timer for device '/dev/sdt'.

I mounted this drive, moved some stuff off it and then formatted it. When I try to remount it I get the above errors.


If I restart I am sure it will work, it normally does, just really inconvenient.

Post your diagnostics.

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