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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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3 hours ago, snowborder714 said:

Are you able to have an UD drive auto-mount and be passed through (for VM usage)?  It seems that I can't have both of these options enabled at the same time.

They are incompatible with each other.   Passing a drive through to a VM removes it from Unraid control when the VM starts.


Perhaps if you explain why you both want to mount the drive at the UnRaid level and pass the drive through to a VM we might be able to suggest a better approach.

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3 hours ago, itimpi said:

They are incompatible with each other.   Passing a drive through to a VM removes it from Unraid control when the VM starts.


Perhaps if you explain why you both want to mount the drive at the UnRaid level and pass the drive through to a VM we might be able to suggest a better approach.


Good to know.  It was just a misunderstanding on my end as I was trying to get a VM to auto-start with the UD disk attached (being used for security camera footage storage).  I changed it to just auto-mount and removed passed through and the VM now auto-starts just fine.

Thanks for the help and clarification.

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I have a small problem mounting some of my encrypted discs.


I'm trying to migrate everything from my old server to a new unraid Volume and have to mount all my encrypted pre-filled HDDs for that to copy the files to a new Volume.

Some of my HDDs show up correctly as LUKS with the mount option, some are not recognized and only format is available.


Checking them, I can see the difference.

The LUKS mountable drives have an encrypted partion filling the whole drive, while the unrecognized drives are fully encrypted with a partition in the encrypted container. So "nothing visible" without mounting them.


Is there any way to tell UD that those are LUKS encrypted drives containing EXT4 partitions so I can mount them and migrate the files?


Thanks in advance, very new to unraid.

Edited by Hutschipferd
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Apologies if this is covered in the previous 252 pages but has consideration been given to adding the ability to mount and/or create disk/partition images (typically using dd in the background)


Perhaps niche but genuinely useful especially if RO mode is an option.

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4 hours ago, NAS said:

Apologies if this is covered in the previous 252 pages but has consideration been given to adding the ability to mount and/or create disk/partition images (typically using dd in the background)


Perhaps niche but genuinely useful especially if RO mode is an option.

Are you talking about a VM vdisk?

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Not a VM thing just a normal raw imaging action such as:


`dd if=/dev/sdX of=/mnt/mybackup.img`


or in reverse


`dd if=mnt/mybackup.img of=/dev/sdX`


There are many other options such as compressed images, partition images etc but all are just variations on the theme of disk image handling.

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I am trying to install unassigned.devices-plus from https://github.com/dlandon/unassigned.devices/blob/master/unassigned.devices-plus.plg to access my exFat drives but the installation process failed with simple-xml parse errors (error log attached).


Has anyone else had this issue or has any idea what I can do?


Thx Ingmar


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23 minutes ago, igoehr said:



I am trying to install unassigned.devices-plus from https://github.com/dlandon/unassigned.devices/blob/master/unassigned.devices-plus.plg to access my exFat drives but the installation process failed with simple-xml parse errors (error log attached).


Has anyone else had this issue or has any idea what I can do?


Thx Ingmar

error.txt 209.87 kB · 0 downloads

Working fine for me.  You might try a reboot.

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So . . . i had a VM where i set a share to an unassigned disk. This VM would create files on the disk. However, now i'm unable to delete these files. 


When running new permissions or docker safe new perms, i cannot 'select' the disks to redo their persmissions.

How would i get control again over the disk files, without simply formatting?

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Hey, I'm hoping someone can advise me and resolve this issue.


So I'm new to Unraid and I'm just starting out. I'm using my Unraid server mainly for Docker. Which includes transmission,sonarr and radarr.  I have all my Movies and TV Shows stored on my synology NAS. So then i  decided the best way to get these folders within Unraid would be to use Unassigned Devices plugin. So i got my SMB of both the MOVIES and TV Shows folders in Unraid.


The paths to these are mnt/remotes/Movies and mnt/remotes/TV Shows. When i installed radarr and Sonarr this points to  folders called /movies and /tv.


This is where the issue happens.../movies works fine and i can mount that into Radarr and it just works fine. But when i go to /tv folder it shows a empty folder. If i go into Protainer i can see that /mnt/remotes/TV Show is pointing to /tv folder but it will not show any the tv shows in there. I have tried editing my .env file and writing it like this "mnt/remotes/TV Shows" due to the space being in the name but that completely broke the mount.


Any ideas please?


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37 minutes ago, Dialatech2303 said:

The paths to these are mnt/remotes/Movies and mnt/remotes/TV Shows

Can you see these files in something other than the dockers? If so, then you have a problem with the docker and not with UD. You can go directly to the correct support thread for any of your dockers by clicking on its icon and selecting Support.


Are you specifying slave mode in the mapping?


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Via the view of the active processes I noticed that Unraid constantly tries to scan any external IP addresses for port 445 (SMB):



Further investigation has revealed that the Unassigned.Devices plugin seems to be the culprit.

root@ADL15-SRV01:~# grep -rnw '/boot/' -e '/dev/tcp'
root@ADL15-SRV01:~# grep -rnw '/usr/' -e '/dev/tcp'
/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/scripts/port_ping.sh:21:        timeout -s 5 $timeout bash -c "(echo >/dev/tcp/${ip}/${port}) &>/dev/null && echo $ip" 2>/dev/null &


Why is the plugin doing this and how can I prevent it?

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18 hours ago, trurl said:

Can you see these files in something other than the dockers? If so, then you have a problem with the docker and not with UD. You can go directly to the correct support thread for any of your dockers by clicking on its icon and selecting Support.


Are you specifying slave mode in the mapping?



Thank you for your reply. I will check out the Docker FAQ.


UD is doing some very weird things, That i think are related to Docker Containers. So i have my NAS mapped within UD. No Docker containers running and everything works fine. as you can see from the link below 




Once i start the Radarr or the Sonarr Docker container. This will crash UD and the NAS drive will be unavailable from within Unraid and from within Radarr or Sonarr. 


Any one else had this issue with Docker and UD not playing nicely?





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1 hour ago, Dialatech2303 said:

UD is doing some very weird things,

What weird things are you seeing?


1 hour ago, Dialatech2303 said:

Once i start the Radarr or the Sonarr Docker container. This will crash UD and the NAS drive will be unavailable from within Unraid and from within Radarr or Sonarr. 

What is 'crashing' in UD?


UD manages mounting/unmounting remote shares and displays some status on the UD web page.  It has no active role in the remote share operation once it is mounted.


Is there any chance you are mounting the device with UD and the docker container?

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