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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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5 minutes ago, Mainfrezzer said:

I have a minor issue with the newest version after i updated UD on 6.11.5. The bar on the mainpage is a tat out of whack. Given that i have high hopes that some of the incompatibility issues will be resolved with the next unraid update, its nothing tragic but i did wanted to mention it.

What theme are you using?  Tabbed or untabbed mode?  What is the width of your monitor in pixels?  Show a screenshot of more of the UD page.

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13 minutes ago, dlandon said:

Use the file browser to change the permissions on the device to what you want.

Sorry, could you clarify? The unraid webpage file browser? I do not see any permissions options there.


Not sure how that would work anyway, usually CIFS mount permissions cannot be changed after mounting.

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Just now, dlandon said:

I see it.  There were some GUI changes made in 6.12 that are not compatible with 6.11.  I'm looking into it.

i figured that much after reading the notes for 2023.11.10. I had 2023.10.08 until now and was fine. Nothing big but as long as there are issues with nginx and the AX88179 driver im holding off upgrading the main machine^^

i did see how its supposed to look in 6.12 1036792160_ud6_12.4.thumb.PNG.d40199b7d75516b897f1669d0b53ff19.PNG

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2 minutes ago, tctx said:

Sorry, could you clarify? The unraid webpage file browser? I do not see any permissions options there.


Not sure how that would work anyway, usually CIFS mount permissions cannot be changed after mounting.

Install the file manger app from CA and then click on the mount point of the device and change permissions.  The file manager looks like this:

Screenshot 2023-11-10 094715.png

If you don't see this, install the file manager from CA.

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4 minutes ago, dlandon said:

Install the file manger app from CA and then click on the mount point of the device and change permissions.  The file manager looks like this:

Screenshot 2023-11-10 094715.png

If you don't see this, install the file manager from CA.

Alright, I tried this and the mount point remains at 0777.




I assume this was just using chmod under the hood anyway. Like I said, as far as I know, a CIFS mount that was mounted with dir_mode and file_mode specified cannot have permissions changed after mounting. chmod will just run and complete with no error, but no permissions are actually changed.


Possible feature request to be able to customize some of the options for UD's mount command?

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4 minutes ago, tctx said:

I assume this was just using chmod under the hood anyway. Like I said, as far as I know, a CIFS mount that was mounted with dir_mode and file_mode specified cannot have permissions changed after mounting. chmod will just run and complete with no error, but no permissions are actually changed.

Change permissions on the remote server share and not on Unraid.

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30 minutes ago, dlandon said:

Change permissions on the remote server share and not on Unraid.

It's not really relevant what the permissions are on the remote side.


The Nextcloud container is running on Unraid. UD mounts with `nounix` and specific `file_mode` and `dir_mode` options (0777)

Nov 10 09:52:00 unraid unassigned.devices: Mount SMB command: /sbin/mount -t 'cifs' -o rw,relatime,noserverino,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,uid=99,gid=100,credentials='/tmp/unassigned.devices/credentials_nextcloud' '//NAS/nextcloud' '/mnt/remotes/nextcloud'

therefore things on Unraid will see the permissions to be 0777 regardless of what they are on the remote side. Therefore Nextcloud sees its data dir (mounted by UD) to have 0777 and complains.


If there's not a way using UD for me to specify mounting with 0770, then noted, I will just have to manage that particular mount manually. Everything works fine when I manually mount and specify dir_mode=0770, it would just be nice to have the convenience of UD.

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1 hour ago, tctx said:

therefore things on Unraid will see the permissions to be 0777 regardless of what they are on the remote side. Therefore Nextcloud sees its data dir (mounted by UD) to have 0777 and complains.

Your Nextcloud data would be better on the Unraid itself.  A network is not robust enough for Nextcloud data because of the database tracking the data.  You can get disjointed very easily and cause yourself issues.


1 hour ago, tctx said:

If there's not a way using UD for me to specify mounting with 0770, then noted, I will just have to manage that particular mount manually. Everything works fine when I manually mount and specify dir_mode=0770, it would just be nice to have the convenience of UD.

There is no way to do this in UD and I'm not sure it makes sense to do add a feature to do this for a wider audience.

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21 minutes ago, Unraid-arr said:

Today's update broke the Toggle switches UI for me... Anyone else?


Unraid Version: 6.11.5

Unassigned Devices Version: 2023.11.10 

Unassigned Devices Plus Version: 2023.11.08

Unassigned Devices Preclear Version: 2023.11.08 





Same for me on 6.10.3!

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2 hours ago, Mainfrezzer said:

i figured that much after reading the notes for 2023.11.10. I had 2023.10.08 until now and was fine. Nothing big but as long as there are issues with nginx and the AX88179 driver im holding off upgrading the main machine^^

i did see how its supposed to look in 6.12 1036792160_ud6_12.4.thumb.PNG.d40199b7d75516b897f1669d0b53ff19.PNG

I'll have a fix for this in the next release.

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Quick question:
SMB Shares never reconnect after a reboot, but if I go to "Add Remote SMB" then click on the "windows logo" then "Next" then press "Search For Servers" - they all reconnect!
What is it doing when it searches? I would like to add a user script to run after boot to reconnect the SMB drives since UD doesn't appear to be doing it at the moment.



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22 hours ago, Unraid-arr said:

Today's update broke the Toggle switches UI for me... Anyone else?


Unraid Version: 6.11.5

Unassigned Devices Version: 2023.11.10 

Unassigned Devices Plus Version: 2023.11.08

Unassigned Devices Preclear Version: 2023.11.08 






22 hours ago, dlandon said:

Known issue.

Thanks for the quick turnaround on this. Fixed as of version: 2023.11.10a

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23 hours ago, dlandon said:

Post dignostics.  UD mounts SMB shares if they are set to Auto Mount.  The diagnostics will help understand what is not happening so it can be fixed.

Next time I'm on that server I will!
FYI it's not that it doesn't Auto Mount (can't mount what's not online...) - it shows "Remote Server is OFFLINE" until I push it to search for servers, then they all reconnect.

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1 hour ago, PSteward said:

Next time I'm on that server I will!
FYI it's not that it doesn't Auto Mount (can't mount what's not online...) - it shows "Remote Server is OFFLINE" until I push it to search for servers, then they all reconnect.

If it's happening when it first boots, you may need to increase the delay before UD tries an auto mount.

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Hi All, @dlandon as always thankyou for all that you do mate!

I've just formatted a new drive to zfs via UD, The new zfs device mounts fine with no errors in the logs but for some unknown reason I cannot see it in ZFS Master. 


I have other devices that where also formatted to ZFS via UD some months ago and they mount just fine and visible in ZFS Master.


To further test I have just formatted a 2nd new drive to ZFS via UD and again this mounts ok without errors in logs but not visible in ZFS master..... weird


Its as if UD is not formatting correctly or the pool name is not compliant with ZFS/Unraid, I tried multiple pool names the most simple being "test"


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10 hours ago, wacko37 said:

I have other devices that where also formatted to ZFS via UD some months ago and they mount just fine and visible in ZFS Master.

ZFS has been updated in 6.13 and disks formatted ZFS in 6.13 end up not being backwards compatible due to some new features.  In order to keep backwards compatibility, UD now formats all ZFS disks with the compatibility set to legacy.  Because of this, the 'zpool status' shows different information that the ZFS Master plugin is probably not expecting.  This is the 'zpool status' command on two disks formatted in UD - one before the compatibility set to legacy (Testing-zvol) and the other (Testing_luks) I just formatted:

root@BackupServer:~# zpool status
  pool: Testing-zvol
 state: ONLINE
  scan: scrub repaired 0B in 00:08:17 with 0 errors on Sat Nov  4 17:45:45 2023

        NAME          STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        Testing-zvol  ONLINE       0     0     0
          sdk1        ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

  pool: Testing_luks
 state: ONLINE
status: Some supported and requested features are not enabled on the pool.
        The pool can still be used, but some features are unavailable.
action: Enable all features using 'zpool upgrade'. Once this is done,
        the pool may no longer be accessible by software that does not support
        the features. See zpool-features(7) for details.

        NAME          STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        Testing_luks  ONLINE       0     0     0
          sdg1        ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

You should report this to the ZFS Master plugin developer.  They will need to make a change to handle this situation.


There is an additional option in UD Settings to upgrade a ZFS disk in this situation.  That option shows in 6.13 and above, so a user can upgrade the pool if they want with the warning that it would not be backwards compatible.

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