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[Support] ich777 - AMD Vendor Reset, CoralTPU, hpsahba,...

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7 minutes ago, ich777 said:


Upgrade your system to something recent and you are good to go.

so your saying becuase i prefer my 6.8.2 your denying me access to a common utility that i want to use on my release that i am comfortable with for personal reasons. It really doesnt matter to me the vulnerabilities as this is on a homelab and is only used for picture and home movies. So again is there an alterante way to get this working on 6.8.2. I have seen linuxserever had a repo for 6.8.x but they have since discontinued support. So is ther a current way to use it on my version on Unraid. Again im not trying to be harsh. But im a big person on freedom to choose. What your saying is right now is i have to upgrade to use the latest features which could be backwards compatible. Sounds a lot like an apple mindset. I dont want to be bullied into upgrading for a neccessary feature for trasncoding. Thats basically all big corpo mindset. Nor do i think its justified. As Google, Apple, Microsoft and a lot of others are finding out that monopoizing your customer market is not legal nor okay to be doing.

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13 minutes ago, DemonWarrior said:

It really doesnt matter to me the vulnerabilities as this is on a homelab and is only used for picture and home movies.

This is the usecase of most users here.


13 minutes ago, DemonWarrior said:

So again is there an alterante way to get this working on 6.8.2.

No because I have to rewrite the container or better speaking the script.


13 minutes ago, DemonWarrior said:

But im a big person on freedom to choose. What your saying is right now is i have to upgrade to use the latest features which could be backwards compatible. Sounds a lot like an apple mindset. I dont want to be bullied into upgrading for a neccessary feature for trasncoding. Thats basically all big corpo mindset. Nor do i think its justified. As Google, Apple, Microsoft and a lot of others are finding out that monopoizing your customer market is not legal nor okay to be doing.

Yes you have the right to choose, but please don't compare me to anything like Google, Apple or Microsoft...

This is a community driven project and stands in no relation to Unraid itself.


You can stay on whatever version you want. ;)


EDIT: Keep in mind that Unraid implemented the Nvidia driver feature at version 6.9.0beta35+ before that everything was community driven as I said above, I even recommend in the first post to upgrade to 6.9.0beta35+ because it's easier to install. :)

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5 minutes ago, ich777 said:

This is the usecase of most users here.


No because I have to rewrite the container or better speaking the script.


Yes you have the right to choose, but please don't compare me to anything like Google, Apple or Microsoft...

This is a community driven project and stands in no relation to Unraid itself.


You can stay on whatever version you want. ;)

But we dont and i dont understand. If you had to rewrite the script from the linxuserver 6.8.x release. If i have the right to choose why am i only given this option on unraid on the newest release if there has been previous releases for the Unraids OS before 6.8.3. Why is Linuxserver no longer a supported on their own project.. Asd well as why were they forced to shutdown their repo in favor of an unraid plugin badged repo. Im sorry everything im being told in my eyes seems quite a bit fishy. So if theres been previous release for this type of plugin on other version ie 6.8.1, 6.8.2, why cant i use the github they still have up to install their release on my release of unraid 6.8.2 if i had options why are they not being presented by you guys. I do my homework before posting. I dont just post willy nilly. Please throughly read im not fool. So why are you treating me like one.

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30 minutes ago, ich777 said:

This is the usecase of most users here.


No because I have to rewrite the container or better speaking the script.


Yes you have the right to choose, but please don't compare me to anything like Google, Apple or Microsoft...

This is a community driven project and stands in no relation to Unraid itself.


You can stay on whatever version you want. ;)


EDIT: Keep in mind that Unraid implemented the Nvidia driver feature at version 6.9.0beta35+ before that everything was community driven as I said above, I even recommend in the first post to upgrade to 6.9.0beta35+ because it's easier to install. :)

yeah but you disabling a function that was made available by another person/Company and then disabiling it and making yours propriatary is not okay. You saying upgrade or dont have a fuctioning HWA. Even though theirs a working method by linuxserver on a github that has access and has been available on any version of 6.8.x I still have yet to have my question answer on why i cant use linuxservers github repo that is depreciated now but still in a nutshell works on my version 6.8.2. I haven't been instructed on how to access or get it working since it was originally removed and they were made to drop support for it recently within the last year by apparently the unraid company itself. So I am asking why my question on how to get that depreciated github to work on my install in which it was built for. 

Edited by DemonWarrior
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2 minutes ago, DemonWarrior said:

But we dont and i dont understand.

Who is we?

2 minutes ago, DemonWarrior said:

If you had to rewrite the script from the linxuserver 6.8.x release.

I don't rewrote the script from them, I have to learn/discover all myself because I mainly needed a way to integrate the Nvidia drivers and also DVB drivers into one image.

4 minutes ago, DemonWarrior said:

If i have the right to choose why am i only given this option on unraid on the newest release if there has been previous releases for the Unraids OS before 6.8.3.

You can also use the prebuild 6.8.3 from the first post that I made, keep in mind you can only choose between things that are available.

5 minutes ago, DemonWarrior said:

Why is Linuxserver no longer a supported on their own project.. Asd well as why were they forced to shutdown their repo in favor of an unraid plugin badged repo.

That's a thing you have to ask linuxserver.io.

They don't have to shutdown their plugin but they did.

7 minutes ago, DemonWarrior said:

So if theres been previous release for this type of plugin on other version ie 6.8.1, 6.8.2, why cant i use the github they still have up to install their release on my release of unraid 6.8.2 if i had options why are they not being presented by you guys.

This is not a Plugin this is a Docker Container where you can compile custom builds for Unraid with whatever you want.

Linuxserver never made their sourcecode available to the public, can't help with that, I stand in no relation to them.


Sorry don't get me wrong, but why should I rewrite the script for an outdated version of Unraid, I'm currently on Unraid 6.9.0 RC2 and I love it so far, this is not my only Container that I have to maintain here and I'm not interested in making modifications, as I said, for an outdated version (only to let you know this would mean I had to downgrade to 6.8.2 to test everything if it's working correctly and I'm really not interested in that because it's really time consuming and I got a life too ;) ).

16 minutes ago, DemonWarrior said:

if i had options why are they not being presented by you guys. I do my homework before posting. I dont just post willy nilly. Please throughly read im not fool. So why are you treating me like one.

This is completely out of context, I have to present nothing only because someone pulled his Plugin from the CA App...

3 minutes ago, DemonWarrior said:

yeah but you disabling a function that was made available by another person/Company and then disabiling it and making yours propriatary is not okay.

This is also out of context, if someone leaves and deletes his content I'm not responsible for that.

5 minutes ago, DemonWarrior said:

You saying upgrade or dont have a fuctioning HWA.

No, I said I won't rewrite the script for 6.8.2



I'm also no fool...

Sorry but this is a dead end, I won't rewrite the script.

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thats fine i already reached out to them. Im just baffeled i gave you as a developer mutliple chances to admit fault. Thats fine i really dont care what your beliefs are. All im saying is this is 100% wrong. I meant we as in the commuity. Something is more than fishy with these statements. You can find on this direct forum Unraid-Nvidia-Plugin was one day shutodown no notice. They just say it will no longer be supported. They also seemed really angry that they were having to depreciate the repo. Im pretty sure it wasnt a choice they had bud. You can say whatever you want. I was hoping you would be a bigger person and admit that you wont develop for 6.8.2 or any other beside 6.8.3 or higher becuase unriad told you not to which is the in fact case. Because i know what security flaw your are talking about and I paid for my version of unraid and i feel its not okay that all of us are getting punished for a few bad apples that found the vulnerability. So unraid decided as a COMPANY not a sole community they would deal with it by patching the security flaw and dropping all support for anyone that doesnt upgrade to 6.8.3 version or higher. I dont understand how as a company who has a big opensource community you would shaft a majority of the open source community by make only certain services allowing to use your software for updates and current software development. I know its not your fault and im pretty sure your no the one enforcing this. But im my mind this business practice is no better than Google, Apple, Microsoft, Comcast or any other monopolized market we have now a days. Again this is not against you im directing this. I just dont understand how no one has got outraged by this in general.

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15 minutes ago, DemonWarrior said:

Im just baffeled i gave you as a developer mutliple chances to admit fault. Thats fine i really dont care what your beliefs are. All im saying is this is 100% wrong. I meant we as in the commuity. Something is more than fishy with these statements. You can find on this direct forum Unraid-Nvidia-Plugin was one day shutodown no notice. They just say it will no longer be supported. They also seemed really angry that they were having to depreciate the repo. Im pretty sure it wasnt a choice they had bud. You can say whatever you want. I was hoping you would be a bigger person and admit that you wont develop for 6.8.2 or any other beside 6.8.3 or higher becuase unriad told you not to which is the in fact case. Because i know what security flaw your are talking about and I paid for my version of unraid and i feel its not okay that all of us are getting punished for a few bad apples that found the vulnerability. So unraid decided as a COMPANY not a sole community they would deal with it by patching the security flaw and dropping all support for anyone that doesnt upgrade to 6.8.3 version or higher. I dont understand how as a company who has a big opensource community you would shaft a majority of the open source community by make only certain services allowing to use your software for updates and current software development. I know its not your fault and im pretty sure your no the one enforcing this. But im my mind this business practice is no better than Google, Apple, Microsoft, Comcast or any other monopolized market we have now a days. Again this is not against you im directing this. I just dont understand how no one has got outraged by this in general.

Hello @DemonWarrior,


it is okay to use the version you prefer, no one can say anything about that as it is your decision. But this went way to far here. @ich777doesn't have to admit anything to you. You want to use something he provided to the community. If you want to benefit from that just update. If you don't want to update you miss an oppertunity here. But its your decision, not his...


You should rather appreciate what he does for the community.

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@ich777 don't let DemonWarrior get under your skin. Some people just don't understand the difference between community apps and software companies. Its like getting mad at a software developer for not making it backwards compatible with windows XP. Tones of people still use it and refuse to upgrade to a newer windows version. This is not a developers issue, it theirs for not wanting to upgrade. I am sure you would rewrite the script if you were getting paid to do so. But why waste your time when you do it for free and only a small handful of people might need it. I see he keeps referring to personal reasons, wonder what they are. Seems kind of fishy.

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@DemonWarrior I don't get it man.. you're mad because @ich777 won't bend over backwards for you for an old release? @ich777 is a non-paid community developer sharing his hard work and time with us for free. If anything you should be more respectful and have a thankful attitude for what he has done. I know I am. I don't think you're looking at the big picture here with all those accusations. Ease up, not everybody is out to get you..

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2 hours ago, Zorlofe said:

@DemonWarrior I don't get it man.. you're mad because @ich777 won't bend over backwards for you for an old release? @ich777 is a non-paid community developer sharing his hard work and time with us for free. If anything you should be more respectful and have a thankful attitude for what he has done. I know I am. I don't think you're looking at the big picture here with all those accusations. Ease up, not everybody is out to get you..

Again I'm not disrespecting the developer or any of the free non paid sources. The thing I'm tryin from understand in which I got my answer and can release upon approval of the person running this thread as im not gonna get banner for something that I am requesting to release. I'm mainly hating in the Unriad Developers the ones that made a paywall to use their premium services and when something doesn't work out the way they want. They going to shutdown anything that may in the smallest way inconvenience them. Haven't you wonder why everything else is supported in unriad 6.8.2 but only nvenc and hardware encoding is not able to be installed anything after this suppose security flaw was noticed and patched on 6.8.3. Anyone ANYTHING lower will lose only support for nvenc transcoding which in a nutshell is an essential process of using unriad and has been for anyone using it for a media server. The Unriad staff the paid unriad staff knows this. So they blocked anyone running their OS wit this security flaw having access to their main hwa encoding in a way to bully the community to upgrading so they don't have to have this security flaw around anymore. I believe if you made a mistake in your source. That's your problem your punishing innocent people that want and paid to use your software on any version. Then your pulling an apple. unriad paid staff is essentially doing the apple battery crap they did with their iphones. But depreciating their battery for bad use so they have to upgrade their phone and buy the newest and latest. Tbh it's just sad this practice is still be used by any company. You're assume this law that was put In place to stop bullying tactics like would make you think twice. Not only that but the recent google, and apple lawsuits brought to the Supreme a court for abusing their rights as google being a search engine and apple not making it fair for developer. I just want an answer from the paid staff of unriad as to why they are strictly bullying people into upgrading when they obviously paid for the software and want use a certain version. It's my right as a customer to use that version. I don't need an excuse as to why I am using as a customer it's my right to do. But you unraid paid staff requiring me to upgrade to a version so you can fix your source code messup is undenybly lower than apple. Atleast they don't claim to be run by the community and gave free developers but are blocking those free developers form developing plugins that are not approved by unriad. That's not free open source. That's controllee and monitored open source. At that point it's more of an apple type company in my eyes. Again someone who's very technology savage and has a lot of experience with cases like these. I find it very sad and poor decision making on unriad part. I'm going to make my own script that will add support for 6.8.2 thanks for being all apple has stood for. You guys rock good luck with your monopoly. I recon everyone should take note of these events unriad has taken to take control of their free support developers and only allow what they seem is in their best interest and not in the interest of their customers or community. Im now expecting a cease an decist form unraid. At which point I'll make sure my lawyer is ready and be ready to take this to the press. Becuase that's the only thing I can think of that would scare linuxserver so bad they won't even talk about it to me on chat. I had to visit a thread dedicated to this exact topic.

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2 hours ago, almulder said:

@ich777 don't let DemonWarrior get under your skin. Some people just don't understand the difference between community apps and software companies. Its like getting mad at a software developer for not making it backwards compatible with windows XP. Tones of people still use it and refuse to upgrade to a newer windows version. This is not a developers issue, it theirs for not wanting to upgrade. I am sure you would rewrite the script if you were getting paid to do so. But why waste your time when you do it for free and only a small handful of people might need it. I see he keeps referring to personal reasons, wonder what they are. Seems kind of fishy.

Btw I understand this fully. Iv states multiple times I'm not blaming the developer. I said it's more an unriad as company and sensorship which is not only illegal but is currently being pursuid by the courts in multiple levels of monopolies.

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2 hours ago, trurl said:

Looks like you haven't bothered to read your new homework yet.


Im still confused by him. He does not want to update to 8.6.3 from 8.6.2 due to personal reasons. Yet he keeps saying the only thing it fixed was a venerability. So I guess that he needs this venerability? Maybe he found a way to hack unraid on the lower builds and now pissed because if he upgrades he would have to pay. There is defiantly something fishy going on. Maybe if he would just tell us the personal reasons we might be able to help him. INstead he keep complaining that they are improving unraid and making it easier. 


He could even reach out to the community to see if anyone else is on 8.6.2 with unraid installed and see if they will send him the files. But then again if he needs updated drivers one day he is out of luck unless he upgrades unraid to an newer build with the newer kernel's that the drivers would need.


He claims he uses it for home movies and pictures, why does he even need the nvidia support then? I think he is doing some illegal stuff and it only works on the lower unraid version due to the vulnerabilities that have since been patched. This reminds me of the people who started to complain about windows and the new way licensing is done, because its harder to hack and make it activated. We just need to start ignoring him. this thread is not for this. let him start his own thread and complain over there and see if anyone else cares.

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22 hours ago, ratking90 said:

this is discontinued ?

Not sure how to progress further with this container, for now it's down due to some really strange requests from the last days (see comments above).

Eventually it will come back someday but I'm not sure...

Can I help in any way?

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4 hours ago, trurl said:

What do you mean by "this"?

"this" topic

2 hours ago, ich777 said:

Not sure how to progress further with this container, for now it's down due to some really strange requests from the last days (see comments above).

Eventually it will come back someday but I'm not sure...

Can I help in any way?

very convenient  way of patching for it87 sensors and etc. patches while maintaining dvb/nvidia (at least personally)

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7 hours ago, ratking90 said:

currently 6.9.0-rc2, last version I had used it was beta35

For Nvidia and DVB you can use the Plugins that are available in the CA App (Nvidia-Driver and DVB-Driver).

For the IT87 sensors please write me a PM, but I think they sould be integrated in one of the next releases with a newer Kernel version.

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@ich777 I've been having a hell of a time with my rx 5600 xt and the dreaded reset bug. I found a tutorial for building the vendor-reset module. (here) But the first step is to download the docker container that is no longer available. Is there a better way? Thanks for all you do! I use a lot of your work and am immensely grateful!

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