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[SUPPORT] AMP (Application Management Panel) - CorneliousJD Repo

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AMP is short for Application Management Panel, it is a piece of software designed for managing multiple game servers from a single user interface.

This supports Minecraft via McMyAdmin3, TF2, Starbound, and a whole lot more!

Please see the GitHub page for different modules you can use and create with this!



You will need an AMP license, or a McMyAdmin license in order to get this to run.

NOTE: If you use a McMyAdmin license, this container will limit you to only have access to Minecraft and nothing else.

For license management, see here: https://manage.cubecoders.com/


If you are migrating from McMyAdmin2 to AMP, please see here: https://github.com/cubecoders/amp/wiki/How-to-import-an-existing-Minecraft-server-into-AMP


PLEASE READ: You must also set a static MAC address on this container!

AMP is designed to detect hardware changes and will de-activate all instances when something significant changes. This is to stop people from sharing pre-activated instances and bypassing the licencing server. One way of detecting changes is to look at the MAC address of the host's network card. A change here will de-activate instances.


By default, Docker assigns a new MAC address to a container every time it is restarted. Therefore, unless you want to painstakingly re-activate all your instances on every server reboot, you need to assign a permanent MAC address.


In order to do this on unRAID, please follow these steps.

1. Visit this page: https://miniwebtool.com/mac-address-generator/

2. Put 02:42:AC in as a prefix.

3. Choose to format with : colons

4. Generate a MAC address.

5. In the container template during install (or edit) please make sure the "advanced" toggle is on in the top right corner. 

6. In the "Extra Paramters" enter your MAC address like this







LICENCE: The licence key for CubeCoders AMP. You can retrieve or buy this on their website here: https://manage.cubecoders.com/

Note if a McMyAdmin license is applied, it will limit AMP to MyMyAdmin only mode.


MODULE: Which Module to use for the main instance created by this image. Please see GitHub page for more options.


USERNAME: The username of the admin user created on first boot.


PASSWORD: The password of the admin user. This value is only used when creating the new user. If you use the default value, please change it after first sign-in.


GAME PORT: Be sure to use the proper port, and edit the port to be TCP/UDP based on what the game uses!


Other Variables: For a list of other variables that can be used and created, plese see the GitHub page.


Reverse Proxy

This should work just fine with a reverse proxy (like LinuxServer's SWAG container, or Nginx Proxy Manager).

I would recommend setting this up as a subdomain, such as https://amp.yourdomain.com

A basic example would be as follows. Note that I have currently not tested this.

server {
	listen 80;
	server_name amp.yourdomain.com;
	return 301 https://amp.yourdomain.com$request_uri;
server {
	listen 443 ssl http2;
	server_name amp.yourdomain.com;
	location / {
		include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;


Known Issues

I do not know of any known issues with this container at this time.

Edited by CorneliousJD
Added screenshots about MAC address.
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7 minutes ago, Jclendineng said:

Basically this requires a paid license to use? And if so, I see on the AMP site the option to purchase, is this yearly, monthly, etc?

It does require a license, yes. 

It's a permenant license though, cost is very cheap (less than $10 USD) currently during their special. 


Note I'm not affiliated with CubeCoders at all. I had an old McMyAdmin license from them which is now part of AMP and my brother requested I try to get AMP running on unraid, so here it is. I do not profit at all if you decide to buy a license.


In my opinion, the management for Minecraft alone is very much worth the price of entry.


Hope this helps! 

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I love the idea of this..... I do have a question though if anyone knows as iv never attempted something. Right now i have a linux VM that is dedicated for just AMP. now obviously a performance boost would take place not to use a VM. Would there be away to assign the docker to an unassigned SSD i have which has my VMs on it currently which was dedicated to the VMs, or at least have it so the Data of the Docker goes to the unassigned drive (Meaning Docker on my cache drive and the Game Servers and such to the Unassigned device? Thanks for feedback

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After some Tinkering around i managed to figure out my request. But if anyone needs help with the SFTP issue, you need to add the port to the settings in the Docker for adding additional ports as AMP uses 22## port, just add that as TCP and you will be able to use SFTP. It also appears you may need to add any/all ports you need open via this method to for anything to forward properly in unraid.

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2 hours ago, nikkinrob said:

After some Tinkering around i managed to figure out my request. But if anyone needs help with the SFTP issue, you need to add the port to the settings in the Docker for adding additional ports as AMP uses 22## port, just add that as TCP and you will be able to use SFTP. It also appears you may need to add any/all ports you need open via this method to for anything to forward properly in unraid.

Yep this is pretty normal. I hoenstly didn't even know it had TFTP support since I figured most users would have full access to their unRAID filesytem, so never thought to add 22 to the port list there.


Same with games, the defualt game port listed is Minecraft, but if you want to run another game or multiple games you'll need to edit the container to add more ports. There's no way I could add every port for every game into the template, and thought Minecraft would be the most popular choice for running AMP so I left that as the one I added as an example port.

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6 hours ago, CorneliousJD said:

Yep this is pretty normal. I hoenstly didn't even know it had TFTP support since I figured most users would have full access to their unRAID filesytem, so never thought to add 22 to the port list there.


Same with games, the defualt game port listed is Minecraft, but if you want to run another game or multiple games you'll need to edit the container to add more ports. There's no way I could add every port for every game into the template, and thought Minecraft would be the most popular choice for running AMP so I left that as the one I added as an example port.

SFTP in AMP uses ports like 2223,2224,2225 ext.... doesn't use the standard port of 22. But the main AMP core service uses 2223 which can access all servers with that one. Just hope my research in this helps Other users that are interested in this docker so they don't run into problems 😃

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Also note, Granted we can share the folders and such from unraid to say Windows, but you will be denied access when trying to use samba since AMP has its own admin account in a way and logged in via unraid through samaba wont grant you access to the folder structure, so SFTP is best route to be honest.

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On 11/2/2020 at 3:13 PM, nikkinrob said:

Also note, Granted we can share the folders and such from unraid to say Windows, but you will be denied access when trying to use samba since AMP has its own admin account in a way and logged in via unraid through samaba wont grant you access to the folder structure, so SFTP is best route to be honest.

You can just chmod the folder to gain access, or if you're not comfortable with a command line you can use something like Krusader or Dolphin docker containers to modify permissions to give yourself access too short of SFTP, but yeah you can certainly use SFTP if you'd like to!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Think I found the first bug, If you try to add for example a generic module, it freaks out about missing some dependencies with dotNET. I may think this is also valid for steam related games too that need dotNET, complains about system.global.localization needing to be set to true as well due to the dotNET related its from my research, I haven't found a way to change that setting anywhere in AMP software. When I don't use a docker version of AMP I don't have this issue. any suggestions?

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7 hours ago, nikkinrob said:

Think I found the first bug, If you try to add for example a generic module, it freaks out about missing some dependencies with dotNET. I may think this is also valid for steam related games too that need dotNET, complains about system.global.localization needing to be set to true as well due to the dotNET related its from my research, I haven't found a way to change that setting anywhere in AMP software. When I don't use a docker version of AMP I don't have this issue. any suggestions?

This is going to be an issue of AMP-Dockerized, and not specifically running it on unRAID.


See GitHub Page here: https://github.com/MitchTalmadge/AMP-dockerized



Tested and Working:


Minecraft Java Edition

Minecraft Bedrock Edition

srcds (GMod, TF2, ...)




Everything Else


If you are able to get an untested module working, please add it to the tested list, create an example docker-compose.yml config, and add any further instructions to our Wiki.


If you are not able to get a module working, make an issue and we can work together to figure out a solution.


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Hi, just popping in! I'm the creator of the Docker image for AMP (I am not affiliated with CubeCoders / AMP, just made the container for fun)

13 hours ago, nikkinrob said:

Think I found the first bug, If you try to add for example a generic module, it freaks out about missing some dependencies with dotNET. I may think this is also valid for steam related games too that need dotNET, complains about system.global.localization needing to be set to true as well due to the dotNET related its from my research, I haven't found a way to change that setting anywhere in AMP software. When I don't use a docker version of AMP I don't have this issue. any suggestions?

This is the problem of the generic module and stuffing everything into a Docker container -- I can't predict what the generic module would be used for, so the Docker container only has dependencies for the officially supported modules like Minecraft and the Valve games. However, I'm definitely willing to consider adding more dependencies to help you out; I just have to be cautious that it won't be a ton of extra data since it would need to be downloaded by everyone else who uses this image. (Though, I do have a potential solution that could allow you to have whatever dependencies you need without affecting others. More on that later)


What is your goal with the generic module? What are you looking to run? Let's see if we can come up with a solution!

Edited by MitchTalmadge
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My AMP instance suddenly got an shutdown request:

[10:00:08] [Core Notice] : AMP shutdown requested.

After that the License couldn't be activated anymore

[13:13:09] [Core Error] : No valid AMP licence was found. Please run `ampinstmgr reactivate SwissDesuServer` to reactivate this instance.

running that command simply resulted in an error that it couldn't run.

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4 hours ago, MitchTalmadge said:

Hi, just popping in! I'm the creator of the Docker image for AMP (I am not affiliated with CubeCoders / AMP, just made the container for fun)

Thank you for popping in and supporting your creation here too! :) Much apprecaited. 

29 minutes ago, PSYCHOPATHiO said:

Do we need to add the ports to the docker it self as in range of ports?

You would need to edit the container and add a new port if you want to run more than one port open to AMP, yes. Pretty easy to do, if you need help with that though let me know and I can take some screenshots to show you later!

21 minutes ago, Mizz141 said:

My AMP instance suddenly got an shutdown request:

[10:00:08] [Core Notice] : AMP shutdown requested.

After that the License couldn't be activated anymore

[13:13:09] [Core Error] : No valid AMP licence was found. Please run `ampinstmgr reactivate SwissDesuServer` to reactivate this instance.

running that command simply resulted in an error that it couldn't run.

Are you running with a properly generated MAC as this thread describes? Failure to have a consistent MAC address would result in it being deactivated for sure.

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1 hour ago, CorneliousJD said:

You would need to edit the container and add a new port if you want to run more than one port open to AMP, yes. Pretty easy to do, if you need help with that though let me know and I can take some screenshots to show you later!

I'll manage as I have some other twisted setups. just needed a confirmation to go ahead and work my ways.


@CorneliousJD ok might be a thing not sure of as I'm not sure it would work but is it possible to set a port range, I remeber it was doable but cant some some reason do it now.

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2 hours ago, Mizz141 said:

The License isn't deactivated, but the Container thinks it has been moved, how do I get my servers back? A Static MAC has been made after I first launched the container.

Off hand, I don't know how to fix this short of wiping the container's data out compltely and setting it up again with a static MAC address that it needs from the very first launch. It sounds like having a differnt mac after you first launched it is what caused this.


You can (and should) of course backup your game server data first, so you can just restore it once you get AMP set back up and re-activated.

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6 minutes ago, Mizz141 said:

How do I go about Backing up those files? Anytime I try to move any files I get denied due to "not having access" 

You could either fire up a TFTP port as described above in the thread, or just use something like Krusader or Dolphin (both available as docker containers) to move files, they should run as root and have full access to all the files, then you can copy/paste them out of the appdata directory and back them up elsewhere. I always keep Krusader and Dolphin installed for managing files, docker permissions get tricky sometimes and I can pretty much always do what I need to do with one of those and never have to touch the command line. :)


Hope this helps! If not let me know, I'll see what I can do to more directly assist w/ screenshots, etc later.


EDIT: If you're not running anything that needs to be saved then go ahead and just blow the whole thing away.

For example if you're running a Minecraft world that nobody has really started using yet, you might as well just start it over fresh IMO.

Edited by CorneliousJD
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On 11/16/2020 at 6:19 AM, Mizz141 said:

My AMP instance suddenly got an shutdown request:

[10:00:08] [Core Notice] : AMP shutdown requested.

After that the License couldn't be activated anymore

[13:13:09] [Core Error] : No valid AMP licence was found. Please run `ampinstmgr reactivate SwissDesuServer` to reactivate this instance.

running that command simply resulted in an error that it couldn't run.

Ah yeah that happens when the MAC address changes.. AMP sees a new MAC and assumes that the license was moved to another computer, so it deactivates it to prevent sharing. Sorry for the pain in getting it back up and running. I need to invent some kind of solution for auto-reactivation since I doubt you're the first to run into this problem.

Edited by MitchTalmadge
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On 11/16/2020 at 3:44 AM, MitchTalmadge said:

Hi, just popping in! I'm the creator of the Docker image for AMP (I am not affiliated with CubeCoders / AMP, just made the container for fun)

This is the problem of the generic module and stuffing everything into a Docker container -- I can't predict what the generic module would be used for, so the Docker container only has dependencies for the officially supported modules like Minecraft and the Valve games. However, I'm definitely willing to consider adding more dependencies to help you out; I just have to be cautious that it won't be a ton of extra data since it would need to be downloaded by everyone else who uses this image. (Though, I do have a potential solution that could allow you to have whatever dependencies you need without affecting others. More on that later)


What is your goal with the generic module? What are you looking to run? Let's see if we can come up with a solution!

Thanks for the response, Honestly main goal here is to run other games that is not added into amp, Such as game ECO, which needs that to function. So it used so that other steam games and such can be hosted that dont have a native module.

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On 11/23/2020 at 10:41 PM, nikkinrob said:

Thanks for the response, Honestly main goal here is to run other games that is not added into amp, Such as game ECO, which needs that to function. So it used so that other steam games and such can be hosted that dont have a native module.

Ah I see. I am trying to think of a way to allow customizations like this. For the most control you'd want to fork my repository and make the additions, build the image, and run it yourself, but that would be a pain I'm sure. My other idea is to create a "scripts" feature where a custom user-provided bash script can be run on startup as root (inside the container) in order to e.g. install new packages, or whatever. Do you think that would suit your needs? Just brainstorming.

Edited by MitchTalmadge
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