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  • Unraid OS version 6.9.0-beta35 available


    New in this release:

    GPU Driver Integration

    Unraid OS now includes selected in-tree GPU drivers: ast (Aspeed), i915 (Intel), amdgpu and radeon (AMD).  These drivers are blacklisted by default via 'conf' files in /etc/modprobe.d:


    Each of these files has a single line which blacklists the driver, preventing it from being loaded by the Linux kernel.


    However it is possible to override the settings in these files by creating the directory 'config/modprobe.d' on your USB flash boot device and then creating the same named-file in that directory.  For example, to unblacklist amdgpu type these commands in a Terminal session:

    mkdir /boot/config/modprobe.d
    touch /boot/config/modprobe.d/amdgpu.conf

    When Unraid OS boots, before the Linux kernel executes device discovery, we copy any files from /boot/config/modprobe.d to /etc/modprobe.d.  Since amdgpu.conf on the flash is an empty file, it will effectively cancel the driver from being blacklisted.


    This technique can be used to set boot-time options for any driver as well.


    Better Support for Third Party Drivers

    Recall that we distribute Linux modules and firmware in separate squashfs files which are read-only mounted at /lib/modules and /lib/firmware.  We now set up an overlayfs on each of these mount points, making it possible to install 3rd party modules at boot time, provided those modules are built against the same kernel version.  This technique may be used by Community Developers to provide an easier way to add modules not included in base Unraid OS: no need to build custom bzimage, bzmodules, bzfirmware and bzroot files.


    To go along with the other GPU drivers included in this release, we have created a separate installable Nvidia driver package.  Since each new kernel version requires drivers to be rebuilt, we have set up a feed that enumerates each driver available with each kernel.


    The easiest way to install the Nvdia driver, if you require it, is to make use of a plugin provided by Community member @ich777This plugin uses the feed to install the correct driver for the currently running kernel.  A big thank you! to @ich777 for providing assistance and coding up the the plugin:


    Linux Kernel

    This release includes Linux kernel 5.8.18.  We realize the 5.8 kernel has reached EOL and we are currently busy upgrading to 5.9.



    Version 6.9.0-beta35 2020-11-12 (vs -beta30)

    Base distro:

    • aaa_elflibs: version 15.0 build 25
    • brotli: version 1.0.9 build 2
    • btrfs-progs: version 5.9
    • ca-certificates: version 20201016
    • curl: version 7.73.0
    • dmidecode: version 3.3
    • ethtool: version 5.9
    • freetype: version 2.10.4
    • fuse3: version 3.10.0
    • git: version 2.29.1
    • glib2: version 2.66.2
    • glibc-solibs: version 2.30 build 2
    • glibc-zoneinfo: version 2020d
    • glibc: version 2.30 build 2
    • iproute2: version 5.9.0
    • jasper: version 2.0.22
    • less: version 563
    • libcap-ng: version 0.8 build 2
    • libevdev: version 1.10.0
    • libgcrypt: version 1.8.7
    • libnftnl: version 1.1.8
    • librsvg: version 2.50.1
    • libwebp: version 1.1.0 build 3
    • libxml2: version 2.9.10 build 3
    • lmdb: version 0.9.27
    • nano: version 5.3
    • ncurses: version 6.2_20201024
    • nginx: version 1.19.4
    • ntp: version 4.2.8p15 build 3
    • openssh: version 8.4p1 build 2
    • pam: version 1.4.0 build 2
    • rpcbind: version 1.2.5 build 2
    • samba: version 4.12.9 (CVE-2020-14318 CVE-2020-14318 CVE-2020-14318)
    • talloc: version 2.3.1 build 4
    • tcp_wrappers: version 7.6 build 3
    • tdb: version 1.4.3 build 4
    • tevent: version 0.10.2 build 4
    • usbutils: version 013
    • util-linux: version 2.36 build 2
    • vsftpd: version 3.0.3 build 7
    • xfsprogs: version 5.9.0
    • xkeyboard-config: version 2.31
    • xterm: version 361

    Linux kernel:

    • version 5.8.18
    • added GPU drivers:
    • CONFIG_DRM_RADEON_USERPTR: Always enable userptr support
    • CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU_SI: Enable amdgpu support for SI parts
    • CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU_CIK: Enable amdgpu support for CIK parts
    • CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU_USERPTR: Always enable userptr write support
    • CONFIG_HSA_AMD: HSA kernel driver for AMD GPU devices
    • kernel-firmware: version 20201005_58d41d0
    • md/unraid: version 2.9.16: correction recording disk info with array Stopped; remove 'superblock dirty' handling
    • oot: Realtek r8152: version 2.14.0


    • emhttpd: fix 'auto' setting where pools enabled for user shares should not be exported
    • emhttpd: permit Erase of 'DISK_DSBL_NEW' replacement devices
    • emhtptd: track clean/unclean shutdown using file 'config/forcesync'
    • emhttpd: avoid unnecessarily removing mover.cron file
    • modprobe: blacklist GPU drivers by default, config/modprobe.d/* can override at boot
    • samba: disable aio by default
    • startup: setup an overlayfs for /lib/modules and /lib/firmware
    • webgui: pools not enabled for user shares should not be selectable for cache
    • webgui: Add pools information to diagnostics
    • webgui: vnc: add browser cache busting
    • webgui: Multilanguage: Fix unable to delete / edit users
    • webgui: Prevent "Add" reverting to English when adding a new user with an invalid username
    • webgui: Fix Azure / Gray Switch Language being cut-off
    • webgui: Fix unable to use top right icons if notifications present
    • webgui: Changed: Consistency between dashboard and docker on accessing logs
    • webgui: correct login form wrong default case icon displayed
    • webgui: set 'mid-tower' default case icon
    • webgui: fix: jGrowl covering buttons
    • webgui: New Perms: Support multi-cache pools
    • webgui: Remove WG from Dashboard if no tunnels defined
    • webgui: dockerMan: Allow readmore in advanced view
    • webgui: dockerMan: Only allow name compatible with docker

    Edited by limetech

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    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    You're completely missing the point. We're glad that you integrated it. We're unhappy that our efforts and calls for help were largely ignored over the years. You never even reached out to the folks who maintained it for years. Then you have the gall to say you did it to discourage "unofficial" builds as if it was a bad thing that they provided it for years.


    Yeah, I'm out, too. Not a fan of a one way street.




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    22 minutes ago, aptalca said:

    You're completely missing the point. We're glad that you integrated it. We're unhappy that our efforts and calls for help were largely ignored over the years. You never even reached out to the folks who maintained it for years. Then you have the gall to say you did it to discourage "unofficial" builds as if it was a bad thing that they provided it for years.


    Yeah, I'm out, too. Not a fan of a one way street.





    "calls for help"?? where  exactly?  I don't recall my PM or email blowing up with anyone calling for "help".


    So the issue is "unofficial builds" huh?  The only reason for "unofficial builds" is to provide desired functionality which is difficult or impossible the way the "official build" is constructed.  Having installable drivers solves one of those difficulties, letting developers concentrate on other things.  This should have been done a long time ago but sorry, I didn't think of using overlayfs in this manner until a few weeks ago.


    You are ascribing malice where there is none.

    • Like 3
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    Awesome effort guys on the upgrade.

    For me I am getting an error with trying to install the plugin. I get the following error. I am doing this right ??.

    plugin: installing: https://s3.amazonaws.com/dnld.lime-technology.com/drivers/releases.json
    plugin: downloading https://s3.amazonaws.com/dnld.lime-technology.com/drivers/releases.json
    plugin: downloading: https://s3.amazonaws.com/dnld.lime-technology.com/drivers/releases.json ... done
    Warning: simplexml_load_file(): /tmp/plugins/releases.json:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 212
    Warning: simplexml_load_file(): [ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 212
    Warning: simplexml_load_file(): ^ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 212
    Warning: simplexml_load_file(): /tmp/plugins/releases.json:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 212
    Warning: simplexml_load_file(): [ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 212
    Warning: simplexml_load_file(): ^ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 212
    Warning: simplexml_load_file(): /tmp/plugins/releases.json:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 212
    Warning: simplexml_load_file(): [ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 212
    Warning: simplexml_load_file(): ^ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 212
    Warning: simplexml_load_file(): /tmp/plugins/releases.json:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 212
    Warning: simplexml_load_file(): [ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 212
    Warning: simplexml_load_file(): ^ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 212
    plugin: XML file doesn't exist or xml parse error


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    Hi, thanks for the update, i just installed it and I have a small bug on the Main page, as you can see my dockers are now displayed in two columns, and as you can't see, i have 2 VMs running and 3 nor running who are not displayed. The VMs are displayed correctly on thier dedicated page.

    Tried with toggling "Show only running", clearing cache, and in two browsers ( Chrome/Edge ) and same result.


    Not something that impact functionnality but I figured I tell about it if somebody is wondering about the same problem.


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    same here, dockers are 2 columms only, VM's only show the running with GPU, the VNC one is not displayed anymore when i started it





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    @aptalca You also know that I had to test things and do also much trail and error but I also got a lot of help from klueska on Github.

    One side note about that, I tried asking and getting help from you because I don't know nothing about Kernel building and all this stuff but no one ever answered or did anything to help me.

    I completely understand that @CHBMB is working at healthcare and doesn't have that much time in times like this...


    @aptalca, @CHBMB & @bass_rock Something about my Unraid-Kernel-Helper container, I know the initial plugin came from you (in terms of the Nvidia driver) but I also wanted to make the build of this some more open and needed a way to integrate DVB drivers with the Nvidia driver to my Unraid system.

    My work was manly inspired by you guys and I also gave it credit for that but I also want to share it with the community in general if someone want's to integrate anything other than the Nvidia or DVB drivers like now I have support for the Mellanox Firmware Tools or iSCSI...


    I will also keep updating my Unraid-Kernel-Helper plugin if someone wants a all in one solution and build the bz* images on their own.


    If you want to blame anyone about this then you have to blame me, when I read about that @limetech is going to integrate the Nvidia drivers into one of the next Unraid beta builds, I wrote a PM to @limetech and offered my help.


    And that's all what I have to say about that, I think Unraid is one of the best Server OS's out there in my opinion and I simply want to push it forward...

    • Like 8
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    2 hours ago, JaseNZ said:

    For me I am getting an error with trying to install the plugin. I get the following error. I am doing this right ??

    Try this link:



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    I've been saddened and disheartened today to see what was supposed to be a momentous occasion for us in releasing a substantial improvement to our OS being turned into something else.  I have nothing but respect for all of our community developers (@CHBMB included) and the effort they put into supporting extended functionality for Unraid OS.  Its sad to see that something we intended to improve the quality of the product for everyone be viewed as disrespectful to the very people we were trying to help.


    It honestly feels like a slap in the face to hear that some folks believe we were seeking to intentionally slight anyone.  It really makes me sad that anyone could think that little of us.  And while I'm not interested in engaging in the rest of the back-and-forth on this topic, I do have to address a specific comment where my name was brought into the mix:


    9 hours ago, CHBMB said:

    You know you could have discussed this with me right?  Remember me, the original dev, along with @bass_rock!  The one you tasked @jonp to discuss how we achieved the Nvidia builds back in December last year? 

    @CHBMB, unless I'm mistaken, you're referring to the PM thread that we had back in December of 2019, yes?  If so, I re-read that exchange today.  I never asked you how you created those builds.  I never asked you for build instructions or any code.  And in that same thread, I expressed our concern regarding the "proliferation of non-stock Unraid kernels, in particular people reporting bugs against non-stock builds."  That was the entire purpose of me reaching out to you at the time:  to find out what you were talking about in the post about NVIDIA and legal concerns, to make you aware of our concern about having non-official Unraid builds in the wild, and to see what ideas you had to assuage those concerns.  I would not describe that as us discussing how you achieved the Nvidia builds.  If I'm misremembering and there was another conversation we had over another platform (email, chat, etc.), please remind me, because like everyone here, I'm only human.


    At the end of the day, I really hope that calmer heads prevail here and we can all get along again.  As Tom has already stated, no disrespect was intended.  If some folks here feel that we've done something unforgiveable and need to leave our community, I'll be sorry to see that.


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    I do not use any of these unofficial builds, nor do i know what they are about and what features they provide that are not included in stock unraid. That being said, i still feel that devs that release them have a point. I think the main issue are these statements by @limetech :


    "Finally, we want to discourage "unofficial" builds of the bz* files."

    which are corroborated by the account of the 2019 pm exchange:

    "concern regarding the 'proliferation of non-stock Unraid kernels, in particular people reporting bugs against non-stock builds.'"


    Yes technically its true that bug reports based on unofficial builds complicate matters. Also its maybe frustrating that people are reluctant to go the extra mile to go back to stock unraid and try to reproduce the error there. Especially since they might be convinced (correctly or not) it has nothing to do with the unoffial build. Granted from an engineers point of view that might be seen as a nuisance. But from a customer driven business point of view its a self destructive perspective. Obviously these builds fill a need that unraid could not, or else they would not exist and there wouldn't be enough people using them to be a "bug hunting" problem in the first place. They expand unraids capabilities, bring new customers to unraid, demonstrate a lively and active community and basically everything i love about unraid.


    I think @limetech did not mean it in that way, but i can fully see how people who poured a lot of energy and heart into the unraid ecosystem might perceive it that way. I think if you would have said instead:


    "Finally we incorporated these new features x,y, and z formerly only available in the builds by A, B and C. Thanks again for your great work A,B and C have being doing for a long while now and for showing us in what way we can enhance unraid for our customers. I took a long time, but now its here. It should also make finding bugs more easy, as many people can now use the official builds."


    then everybody would have been happy. I think its probably a misunderstanding. I can't really imagine you really wanting to discourage the community from making unraid reach out to more user.

    • Like 17
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    1 hour ago, ich777 said:

    Try this link:



    Thank you for that, Installed and now everything is working perfectly. 😀

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    1 minute ago, JaseNZ said:

    Thank you for that, Installed and now everything is working perfectly. 😀

    The plugin should also now show up on the CA App.

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    8 hours ago, memphisto said:

    @limetech Ok, you will support DVB drivers for future releases?

    I have also created a plugin for that that should show up in the next few hours in the CA App (it's currently in beta and you have to add one line to your 'go' file so that the DVB card(s) that you have installed are initialized correctly on system startup).

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    Thanks for all work put into this, Thanks to all the devs I can only imagine the hours of work that goes into everything for us the end user just to click the update button.

    I am very pleased to have the gpu functions now built in instead of having a different build to rely on. 


    Thanks from an end user everything that is done is much appreciated. 



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    8 minutes ago, Videodr0me said:

    then everybody would have been happy.

    I think the point is that @linuxserver.io created the plugin first and I've created a Docker container, I think a year later, so that you can build unofficial images yourself with Nvidia, DVB,... or whatever you want to integrate (because I needed a way to integrate Nvidia and DVB drivers in my Unraid system.


    I reached out to @limetech when I read about that they would implement Nvidia drivers in one of the next builds and I'll be happy to help with that if they need something.

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    @ich777 so this would also mean we could have iSCSI support in stock Unraid with the right modules loaded and plugin (that you are working on).


    I'm excited if that's the case!

    (and I'm already super excited about 6.9)


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    1 minute ago, tjb_altf4 said:

    @ich777 so this would also mean we could have iSCSI support in stock Unraid with the right modules loaded and plugin (that you are working on).


    I'm excited if that's the case!

    (and I'm already super excited about 6.9)


    Yes, exactly, now the plugin is really basic (since I'm not really the webcoding guy) but @SimonF and @Joedy are currently working on a frontend for the plugin that's a little more polished than my approach and I will test and implement that as soon as the give me the OK that is everything finished and ready for deployment.

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    7 hours ago, limetech said:

    The problem is, this driver alone along with support tools adds 110MB to the download and expands close to 400MB of root file system usage.  Only a fraction of Unraid users require this, why make everyone bear this cost?  Same situation for all the other drivers required for the "DVB" builds.

    Without going near any of the other stuff, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this one:


    Why the concern over install size? Most people are installing unRAID on 16-32GB sticks these days. Does it matter much if the install size is 400 vs 100MB? 


    I can absolutely understand efficiency standpoint; it's a lot of space for something very niche, I'm just not sure what the downside is. The only one I can really think of is longer backup times of the flash drive, but that seems very minor. Is there something I'm missing here?

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    3 minutes ago, -Daedalus said:

    Why the concern over install size?

    I'm using a 1GB SLC based flash drive.

    Those kind of drives are very expensive but very very durable...

    Keep in mind that not everyone uses such big drives...



    (I know the 1GB model is not available anymore but I've run it since the beginning on this devices and never had any problem)

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    @linuxserver.io thing makes me very sad...

    I'm using many dockers from them...

    Currently the nvidia Unraid driver Settings is already no more working.

    This seems to be a very sad moment, i feel.

    From my perspective this is a massiv loss a functionality that is currently not available in Unraid itself.


    Maybe those two parties should take calm and go into discussion.

    I hope they not completely out of developing for the community things could be clarified...

    I hope they're really not stopping all of their great community dockers.


    I would encourage anyone else, who uses dockers or plugins from them, to write their two cents, so the impact on the community gets more attention.

    Edited by DarkMan83
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    8 minutes ago, DarkMan83 said:

    @linuxserver.io thing makes me very sad...

    I'm using many dockers from them...

    Currently the nvidia Unraid driver Settings is already no more working.

    This seems to be a very sad moment, i feel.


    Maybe those two sides should take calm and go into discussion.

    I hope they're really not stopping all of their great community dockers.


    I would encourage anyone else, who uses dockers or plugins from them, to write their two cents, so the impact on the community gets more attention.

    I could be thinking things wrongly but my understanding is that @CHBMB is stopping unraid deleopment so no plugins for unraid from them...

    I am unsure how this affects dockers since they can and always have been able to manually install them pulling directly from DockerHub instead of using CommunityApps.


    It would be nice (if not already provided somewhere) to have offical word from the whole @linuxserver.io team.


    But I agree with multiple replies that if there was better communitcation from @limetech then @CHBMB quiting development likely would not of happened.....

    Edited by Conmyster
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    Is there a special step needed for HW transcoding in Plex? I have followed the usual steps. Installed drivers via Nvidia Driver, but had to remove "--runtime=nvidia" from Plex extra parameters because the install would fail. I cannot seem to get HW transcoding to work now.

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    1 hour ago, -Daedalus said:

    Why the concern over install size?

    Unraid doesn't install to the flash. The flash is just the archives of the install. It installs into RAM.

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  • Status Definitions


    Open = Under consideration.


    Solved = The issue has been resolved.


    Solved version = The issue has been resolved in the indicated release version.


    Closed = Feedback or opinion better posted on our forum for discussion. Also for reports we cannot reproduce or need more information. In this case just add a comment and we will review it again.


    Retest = Please retest in latest release.

    Priority Definitions


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    Urgent = Server crash, data loss, or other showstopper.


    Annoyance = Doesn't affect functionality but should be fixed.


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