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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Try this first: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/92462-unassigned-devices-managing-disk-drives-and-remote-shares-outside-of-the-unraid-array/page/265/?tab=comments#comment-1068461 If that doesn't fix it, then from the command prompt diagnostics and upload the resulting zip file from the flash drive here.
  2. Could simply be a bug with whatever app is triggering them. eg: Plex is infamous for causing General Protection Faults. Whether it's an actual issue or not varies.
  3. Is the backup share a "new" share (ie: did you make it very recently?) Try stopping and starting the array to see if that makes a difference...
  4. What are you doing with the script and are you passing through to the container /dev? But, I would agree with @trurl that this looks like a flash problem of it simply dropping offline. If this continues, either replace the flash or install the flash remount plugin. (Since the server is at a datacenter, I'd install the plugin regardless)
  5. FYI If the spinner doesn't disappear within exactly 120 seconds, then it will never disappear. Under 6.10RC3+ this time limit has been increased to 480 seconds. But, what @trurl stated is 100% true. Its so easy to make a copy yourself, and even easier to utilize the MyServers plugin to accomplish this stuff without even thinking about it.
  6. That % is actually quite normal. By default (and convention in Linux), the percentages reported by each core are added up. (Note that on the docker page itself (Advanced view), those percentages are normalized to be 0-100, so that page would be showing you 50% - although I can't remember if it takes into consideration the pinned cores or not so it might show 100%)
  7. Try it from the command prompt instead. There's files missing (notably syslog) probably due to you clicking the button a number of times and it attempting to regenerate it multiple times.
  8. Unlikely. Can you get them from the command prompt?
  9. Are you running VM's? Have you isolated cores to the VM's? Best way to give as much CPU to any given container is not not pin it to anything at all. Now, if you've isolated CPU cores for VMs, then the containers will only run on the non-isolated cores, and if you try and pin a container to multiple isolated cores then it will only ever run on the lowest numbered one.
  10. It's technically not available Presumably (without diving into the code), when the system checks the settings if it doesn't see one it recognizes it defaults to Pacific Time. Otherwise, you'd be having in that drop down far more options available that are all equivalent.
  11. If I had to take a guess, it's a BIOS bug, and I wouldn't expect AsRock to ever fix it. If there's no issues, ignore it.
  12. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something. I don't see any bug. The email is being sent via your gmail account, so gmail dutifully shows it in your sent items. The sending email address has nothing really to do with the account that's actually sending it. ie: The email is not being sent from [email protected] Either create a rule to delete from sent items those particular emails, or create another burner account to send them from so you don't see them and only see them in the inbox
  13. Just apply it via a user script. Some drives won't "stick" that setting.
  14. Personally, I always do it on Windows (MakeMKV), but the MakeMKV app for Unraid will work.
  15. Have you ever tried doing what the error message in CA is suggesting? (Setting Static DNS addresses in Unraid?)
  16. That is not the diagnostics Post the entire zip file. Look at the link
  17. #1 - Typical Plex issue which is harmless. Happens all the time due to errors they make #2 - Post your diagnostics
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