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Everything posted by Squid

  1. The docker image will always be on a single device, in your case probably disk 2
  2. Grab diagnostics (Tools - Diagnostics) and post them here.
  3. It's basically a Windows problem because it does not support a share named "Media" and one named "media" at the same time. But since Unraid actually does, when exporting over a network it has to pick one or the other otherwise very strange things happen in Windows when accessing it. What you need to do is copy all those files from the one that's exported ("media") somewhere else (your desktop), then delete the share, then copy all the files back into the share that now will appear. You should also check / figure out how that other share got created in the first place. Probably a docker app is creating it, so you'll see in one of the templates a mapping to /mnt/user/media
  4. Do you have a share "media" and say another share named "Media"? Post your diagnostics
  5. Assuming you're talking about frigate, then it's not appearing because of "TemplatePath": "/tmp/appFeed/templates/yayitazalesRepository/yayitazale/frigate-amd64.xml", "errors": [ "Opening and ending tag mismatch: Registry line 5 and Container", "EndTag: ' "Opening and ending tag mismatch: Container line 2 and Overview", "Extra content at the end of the document", "Opening and ending tag mismatch: Container line 2 and Overview", "Extra content at the end of the document" ], @yayitazale But, it should still appear within Previous Apps
  6. Disabling logging from mover will help (Settings - Scheduler, Mover Schedule) And it looks like you should recreate your docker.img https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564309
  7. Disk assignments is created by the Appdata backup plugin, and is valid at the point the backup is made.
  8. Usual cause of VMs pausing is either the VDisk is over-provisioned for the device (ie: it can't fit onto the device), or the VM is actually hibernating.
  9. I would just do this https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564309
  10. IIRC correctly, that's a regular problem with Plex. Look on their support forum for Reclaim Server
  11. Forget using the container, and instead install Plex within the Ubuntu Kodi VM.
  12. To rule it all out, have you checked your port forwarding in the router?
  13. By more stuff attached, I assume you're talking about USB devices done via the template? Edit the VM, and reselect what is supposed to be attached.
  14. Your cache drive is completely filled which is causing issues. Might want to check what files are on it. Based upon your share settings, it would appear that you've done some massive downloads and they haven't yet moved to the array.
  15. Yeah, I missed that, and only was looking at the last one which didn't find it
  16. You can't do that because the system won't be able to rebuild the bad drive due to the missing drive (single parity), or you'll be running the array in a degraded state (dual parity) Actual drive failures are exceedingly rare. The usual problem is poor connections to the drive / sata ports. Post your diagnostics.
  17. If CA doesn't find anything on a search that doesn't have an autocomplete entry, try simplifying the search term. ie: searching for henry comes up with the appropriate app
  18. Only reason for a disk to be disabled is because a write to it failed. Usual reason is poor cabling connections, but if there happened to be a power blip during a write and no UPS, then that could also explain it. Either way, to rebuild onto itself. Stop Array Unassign the disk Start Array Stop Array Reassign the disk Start Array It'll begin rebuilding the data
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