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Everything posted by Squid

  1. We're then back to try different port, ideally USB2
  2. Some combinations of hardware trigger an MCE during processor initialization. Happening to you and safe to ignore.
  3. The cause is corruption on the cache drive. Wait for the BTRFS god ( @JorgeB) to pipe in.
  4. You set up a new stick from scratch, or set up a new stick and copied the files over from the original? Asking because I haven't seen this before Apr 16 19:59:32 Tower root: modprobe: FATAL: Module md-mod not found in directory /lib/modules/4.19.107-Unraid And also because there's an FSREC file in the flash that is created by a filesystem check when the system has completely lost track of a file...
  5. IIRC there was a setting introduced in this plugin months ago that addressed this, where it did it's constant writes to RAM and only on stopping the array did it then save to the flash.
  6. Assuming no VMs, you would simply pin every container to specific cores, and never touch any core that you want unraid to have exclusive access to. With VMs, you would isolate the CPU cores that you want the VMs to use from the OS and then do the above. Note that it is basically impossible though to completely isolate containers from the OS, as the OS can if it needs to use any core that's not isolated to them. If you really want to go hog wild, then you isolate every core from the OS except for say 0 and 1, then pin what you want your VMs to use and you could pin each container to a SINGLE isolated core. It is not possible in this circumstance to pin a container to 2 or more isolated cores and have it execute on any of them except for the lowest numbered one.
  7. It's deprecated, but not going to be removed. The story is that appdata backup introduced automated flash backups prior to any method within the GUI The the GUI permitted manual backups. Since it wasn't automated, I didn't deprecate the backup script Now Unraid.net introduces automated on the fly backups. It's ideal, works great, and that part of Unraid.net is bug-free. You do not need need to use the remote access features of Unraid.net in order to take advantage of the flash backup features.
  8. Settings - Display Settings, change the Header custom text color to be 000000
  9. I believe that under 6.9 scan user shares (/mnt/user) should be set to no
  10. You rebooted after the warning came up, and it's not finding it now, so I can't tell what may have triggered it.
  11. Either your flash drive is terrible and corrupted or its dropping offline causing the issues. Try a different USB port (ideally USB2). If that fails, replace the drive.
  12. It sounds like the flash drive is dropping offline. Try a different port, ideally USB2
  13. You've got to either double check your mover tuning settings, remove the plugin, or ask in it's support thread.
  14. edit /boot/config/plugins/dynamix/dynamix.cfg and in the "system" entry near the bottom of the file, give it an appropriate cron entry Then from the command prompt, update_cron Note that changing other settings (theme, etc) will probably revert that setting.
  15. Check the settings in the Mover Tuning Plugin or remove it.
  16. If you're using the GPU for passthrough to a VM, then if you want to also have access to the output of the OS, then you'll need another GPU (or the on board). (And a monitor with dual inputs) You set the primary GPU for the OS in the BIOS.
  17. Apr 9 08:48:24 Tower kernel: CIFS: VFS: \\\Backup Close unmatched open for MID:41a534 What's this all about?
  18. You've got a 5 minute wait after plex before the system continues or says that all containers are done (if there's nothing after plex to start) Apr 14 20:14:41 Tower rc.docker: plex: started succesfully! Apr 14 20:14:41 Tower rc.docker: plex: wait 320 seconds That 320 second roughly corresponds with when you grabbed the diagnostics
  19. Also note that 2Gb is that absolute bare minimum RAM required. It should still work, but you really should consider upgrading the memory, even for using the system as nothing but a NAS
  20. You'd most likely want to install open vpn client on your server. Unfortunately, the plugin that did that is no longer available. Next solution I suppose would be to install an openVPN client as a container, and then point all your traffic from the server to it. Not quite sure if that's feasible or not. Alternatives I suppose would be if you can set up your router as a VPN client...
  21. Try adding this to your containers https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/stable-releases/683-unnecessary-overwriting-of-json-files-in-dockerimg-every-5-seconds-r1079/?tab=comments#comment-10980
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