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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Fyi, a 512 Meg flash drive can be used in the array rather than burning a hard drive for this.
  2. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564314
  3. AFAIK, you need to in the router supply a route back to the server to communicate with containers that are on a separate IP.
  4. At the bottom of the page that's linked from Collabora's support link on the dropdown, there's a link to it's own forum. Probably your best bet for advice / help
  5. If there's a problem getting to the site (dockerHub), then not unavailable will appear
  6. Without going through the massively complicated directions, since you're using 6.9, instead of utilizing an unassigned device for things, you're better off (and it's going to just plain work better) if you had instead created a new cache pool. But, for the execution error, edit the container, make a change any change, revert it then hit apply. The exact reason why it's failing will appear following the docker run command that appears.
  7. How did you upgrade? via the nVidia plugin or via Tools - Update OS? Only upgrading via nVidia will keep the ability to hardware transcode
  8. Any chance you're running through a proxy?
  9. Any chance you ran a cleanup during this process? ca.cleanup.appdata.plg - 2020.10.21 If you've severely misconfigured a docker container, and blindly clicked through the warnings on the plugin, this is a possibility. Also, I don't particularly recommend running this Oct 23 21:33:49 Tower root: unRaid Chinese Pakage Oct 23 21:33:49 Tower root: urchs.682 安装完成. Best way to support Chinese is to upgrade the OS to 6.9
  10. I use gigabyte, and TBH I don't really worry about it. HPA is only an issue if it winds up on the parity disk, and anecdotally the BIOS only ever pops in an HPA if one doesn't already exist on another drive, and if the system attempts to boot off of a hard drive instead of the flash. IE: easy to mitigate as in the BIOS you just set the only boot device to be the flash drive (pretty much what you want anyways). But, if it does wind up on the parity, it's fairly easy to get rid of it anyways. Any other drive that its on, I don't really care. I'm not going to be the ~1 Meg of storage space it takes up.
  11. A refresh of the other windows will get rid of them once they're dismissed.
  12. You have netdata installed. Quite normal when it starts
  13. It only does it with the array started. Stopped, it works as expected.
  14. Been awhile, but doesn't Windows 10 after x number of failed boots automatically go into a recovery mode which then gives you the option for Safe Mode? Doesn't directly answer your question though...
  15. Edit the container, make a change anywhere, then undo that change and hit apply. The docker run command will appear that will tell you exactly why that's coming up.
  16. Every day at ~4am EST you will get those for a minute or 2. The forum under goes some maintenance at that time.
  17. What ever your issue was, the update definitely did not fix it.
  18. You don't need to with PiHole on it's own IP.
  19. With the login screen now, those commands probably do not work anymore. Usually, you would put PiHole on it's own separate IP address. Simplifies everything, and I believe the templates are all set up that way. Edit /config/ident on the flash drive and change the port, (also edit docker.cfg and set it to not start the service) What is this line in your "go" doing? Probably should remove it. cp -r /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui/phaze.page /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix
  20. User Scripts does not directly execute the scripts, so permissions don't matter. They are changed to be linux style line endings (so that a DOS editor will work on the files if you want), and then executed from /tmp with permissions of 0777. But, yeah run in background isn't working for some reason.... Will look into it
  21. I looked at it, and it was by design. But, you convinced me, so I did a coding change, and we'll see if the powers that be agree.
  22. Set up the syslog server to mirror to the flash drive. Then start a backup manually (or wait for it to run at the schedule). If it crashes, then post the syslog that's stored on the flash drive https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-781601
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