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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Not really.... Trouble is that I've got no problems. The plugin gathers it's information from what Unraid itself. I could diagnose via some scripts etc, but not particularly feasible for me to do this until week of Aug 2nd after the flying coffin (hopefully) gets me back home from a "if you can't laugh you have to cry" installation for work. PM me that week, as I will definitely forget all about this.
  2. You could sort it out by digging through the syslog to see which drives are coming up after the HBA is initialized, but Simply rearranging the drives pretty much isn't going to give any improvement because on any parity build / rebuild / check, all the drives are involved in the operations, and if nothing is actually wrong, you may be running into bandwidth issues on HBAs / slots they're plugged into vs # of drives.
  3. Tools Tab. Diagnostics. Post the entire zip file to your next post here
  4. You're definitely not able to hit the outside world then. Open up a new thread and include your diagnostics
  5. Not a CA problem, but based on the description, it's a network issue. (Not necessarily on your end). You can probably fix by switching to advanced view and doing a "Force Update" Version not available pops up when during the last time the OS checked for updates, it wasn't able to reach dockerHub. Slower than normal CA popups would mean that the request to CA's App Server is taking longer than normal (internet / network issues)
  6. Go one step further. After following all the areas, go to Streams and create a new stream. Check off all the various options accordingly. Now you can automatically display everything by simply selecting that stream under "My Activity Streams". You can also replace the "UNREAD" button on the forum by after displaying your custom stream there are a couple of icons after the name, one of which selects your default stream
  7. Post your diagnostics the next time this happens before you reboot
  8. I bought one for a song and a dance for the hell of it, and had nothing but problems with it and threw it out. But at $20 I was willing to take a shot.
  9. The templates which you're uploading to the GitHub template repository automatically show up in CA. Don't upload them to GitHub until they're tested.
  10. The overlap message is indeed referring to frequency. I'll look at the days not translating. Thanks.
  11. You've got the auto turbo mode plugin installed, so quite normal for those messages as it swaps back and forth depending upon the state of your array.
  12. The problem with that is that before mover runs, it is quite normal and expected for files to either be on the array or on the cache drive. It's more something that mover should maybe explicitly log even if it's logging is disabled
  13. I don't believe the openelec template include in the OS has been updated in quite a while (as you've seen). You're best off following these directions to use OpenElec
  14. Your BIOS is a few revisions back, and the latest versions outright specify Improved Memory Compatibility and improved Microcode for the processors. It would be the first thing to really do.
  15. Because you have quite a number of containers that have the default "?" icon. When loading the dashboard / docker tab, the system will attempt to try and download the icons. This is the delay that you're seeing, since it keeps on failing. Once it succeeds, there will never be a significant delay
  16. You didn't set a path in the template when installing for the second path, and just left it blank. (But, the app's default xml could be amended to include a default path there.)
  17. Try setting the DNS in settings - network, not in the router. While it's possible the issue isnt there, there are 2 servers with an automatic fallback between the two, and the odds aren't very good that both would go down simultaneously
  18. Either its failing or you're winding up with a lot of unclean shutdowns
  19. It's no different than rebuilding the docker.img file all of your appdata is safe and not affected. Just ideally use a separate cache only share for it
  20. Diagnostics when this is happening might shed a clue
  21. All I can say is that it is something in the network configuration (Or the wireguard configuration).
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