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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Do you have notifications set to let you know about errors so you can take action before errors become unrecoverable? With that many reallocated sectors I would have expected you to have been getting notifications for some time.
  2. It does sound very like a power issue. You have not mentioned what PSU model you are currently using. Yes. You need a PSU that can handle this.
  3. Have you checked the two things mentioned earlier in the thread?
  4. That “should’ give exactly the same results as clicking on the history button on the Main screen. I only added it there as a convenience to avoid having to navigate back to the Main screen to get at the history, bit I’ll check that does still work on my system. Edit: I can confirm that pressing the History button from the plugin settings page no longer appears to work. I will get this fixed for the next update.
  5. You want to avoid any card that has port multipliers on it (like that card) as they do not normally work well with Unraid, and even when working give bad performance.
  6. If you install the Parity Check Tuning plugin then it has an option to restart array operations from last point reached on next boot as long as your UPS allows your Unraid server to do a tidy shutdown.
  7. None of your pools have a Minimum Free Space value set. You should set that appropriately to stop pools getting completely full.
  8. This should report the same number of errors as Unraid does not distinguish between one that are being corrected and those that are not. It is only on the next check that the reported value should return to zero.
  9. Is there a good reason you put the SSD in the main array rather than having it set up as a pool outside the array? That would be the normal way to use a mix of HDD and SSD drives.
  10. There have been reports of the ‘extra’ space not always being correctly zeroed when upgrading the size of the parity drive (although the exact combination of circumstances to trigger this have not been identified as far as I know). If the errors only start occurring after you get past the old size of the parity drive then you have almost certainly encountered this. In such a case the only fix I know of is to run a correcting parity check after which subsequent checks will no longer report the errors.
  11. Not sure what you are trying to say? You can have parity1 and/or parity2. The only requirement is that no data drive can be larger than the smallest parity drive if you have 2 parity drives.
  12. It is worth pointing out that the Parity Swap procedure is NOT what you want to use if you are simply upgrading parity to a larger drive. Instead you want to use the process documented here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
  13. You should provide a copy of your system's diagnostics so we can see what is going on.
  14. Could be that the ‘fuse’ system that handles User Shares has crashed. Would need your system’s diagnostics take while the problem is occurring to be sure. The FCP issues are a bit. concerning so something else could be going on. Have you run a memtest on your system recently in case it is a RAM related issue.
  15. A small point on terminology - this is a Clear and not a preClear. A Preclear is when you clear the drive BEFORE adding it to the array. I agree that is a bit pedantic but it does avoid possible confusion as to what is happening.
  16. It is an option on the Unraid boot menu. If you use UEFI boot then you should download the latest version from the memtest site and use that instead.
  17. It was fixed in the 6.11.3 release (the current release is 6.11.5).
  18. Just a thought, if you have an adblocker installed in your browser make sure the Unraid server is white-listed.
  19. I would love to do this but I have not found an easy way to do this. I might be able to submit a PR that would display this information in the status line while the check is running,as,that would then work even without the plugin installed
  20. If by any chance you have the Parity Check Tuning plugin installed then from a console command line you could use the command: parity.check status and that will tell you.
  21. Ok - for some reason I read that as Wireguard
  22. This is no longer required as the functionality is now built into Unraid under Settings->VPN Manager
  23. Note that mover ignores any shares with Use Cache=No setting so any files for that share that are already on the cache are left there.
  24. Not a solution to your immediate problem, but you have not set a Minimum Free Space value for any of your pools to stop them filling completely (and then bypassing the pool and writing new files to the array)
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