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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Difficult to say without more information on what is happening. Have you checked that the Unraid flash device is still set as the default boot device?
  2. It needs to be FAT32. Is the flash drive larger than 32GB, if so you need a 3rd party tool (e.g Rufus) to format to FAT32 as Windows will not do it on drives larger than 32GB.
  3. As far as I know this only applies to scheduled checks - not manual ones. The parity Check Tuning plugin can pause manual checks as well as long as it’s settings say to do this. As was mentioned earlier a screenshot of the Parity Check Tuning settings (or posting its .cfg file from its folder on the flash) would allow for checking how the plugin has been configured.
  4. Are you sure the flash drive is formatted as FAT32? The error message suggest it may not be? Also have you made sure there are no other partitions on the flash drive - this has been known to cause issues in the past.
  5. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your system’s diagnostics zip file.
  6. Have you followed the procedure documented here in the online documentations accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI?
  7. And post a screenshot of the Parity Check Tuning settings.
  8. What type of partition is it on the drive? You want it be a ‘simple’ partition not one of the more advanced Windows types.
  9. The diagnostics are showing that the cache dtive appears to be playing up and that the docker.img file is corrupt. looking at the SMART information for the cache drive I see: 199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count -O--CK 100 100 050 - 1 202 Percent_Lifetime_Remain ----CK 000 000 001 NOW 0 but not sure how significant the Remaining Lifetime attribute really is in practice. You could try running an extended SMART test on the drive to see if that can complete without error.
  10. Perhaps a simpler solution would be to use the 'su' command to run the download as the desired user - another thing I need to check out. If this does turn out to be the case then maybe a request for an easy way in CA User scripts to specify the user the script should run as might be the best long term solution? EDIT: Just remembered that Unraid is not set up to allow the 'nobody' user to run a shell so maybe the chown/chgrp/chmod type solution will be required.
  11. I have also managed to get translations working in PHP scripts.
  12. Perhaps there is a bug in 6.9.2 in that is does not correctly set permissions to the user running the script for locations under /mnt/user so it only worked by accident? I'll have to do some checking to see.
  13. What size is the cache? That is probably just the overhead of of having an empty file system created.
  14. What do you have for the Use Cache setting on the ‘System’ share? Looks like it may be set to Yes which is NOT what you want. You should attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post so we can see exactly how you have things configured.
  15. Sounds like the script is running as root, so after downloading the files it needs to set the correct permissions on the files? I know I do this is scripts I run under User scripts.
  16. I am afraid it is still not clear to me at what point you receive this message Do you mean that you had successfully logged into the Unraid GUI or something else? Was the file that could not be found named? Can you get your system's diagnostics zip file?
  17. You can always delete the historical devices without affecting the contents. All it means is that if you in the future plug in as an Unassigned Device the UD will no longer remember any UD settings you had set for that drive.
  18. That does not make sense unless you have left out some details. When you install Unraid it takes over the machine
  19. This does not sound as if it is relevant to Unraid so it might have been considered spam? Also what part of the forum did you try to use - there might be more latitude in the Lounge area.
  20. Did you check on the VMs tab that port 5900 was the one actually being used by the VM? The port is dynamically assigned (starting at 5900) to VMs so it could well be slightly different. Also, is the IP address you used that of the VM or of the Unraid server - you need to use the Unraid server address as it is the Unraid server providing the VNC server capability. I have found you get much better performance and more functionality if you install something like noMachine server into the VM and then use a noMachine client to access the VM (this WOULD use the VMs IP address).
  21. It might be a power related issue - running the parity check tends to be the most demanding on the system in terms of parity draw. You also need to be careful about power splitters as they can be subject to vibration causing momentary disconnects.
  22. If your current pool is using the BTRFS variant of RAID1, then adding the 3rd 1TB drive would give you 1.5TB of useable space. BTRFS does not require you to have an even number of drives. One thing to be aware of is that with an odd number of drives in a BTRFS pool the used/free space values in the GUI tend to be off (but get more accurate as the pool fills up).
  23. It only updates every 10%, and since the check can typically take 1 - 2 hours per TB the extended check can take a long time to complete.
  24. There might be a faint chance if you have a syslog covering it going corrupt, but not much chance otherwise. commonest culprits are: letting the. Drive holding it become completely full. BTRFFS seems prone to corruption if this happens. Avoidance action is to set a reasonable value for the Minimum Free Space setting to a suitable value on a share or pool to stop this happening. RAM going bad. Memtest can help pick this up Overclocking RAM beyond the CPU/Motherboard supported settings. Seems to be common on Ryzen based systems. Also many people do not seem to realise that having an XMP profile set in the BIOS is an overclock - many desktop motherboards seem to default to it being on.
  25. Either should work so go with whatever you think is easiest/most convenient.
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