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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. There might be a faint chance if you have a syslog covering it going corrupt, but not much chance otherwise. commonest culprits are: letting the. Drive holding it become completely full. BTRFFS seems prone to corruption if this happens. Avoidance action is to set a reasonable value for the Minimum Free Space setting to a suitable value on a share or pool to stop this happening. RAM going bad. Memtest can help pick this up Overclocking RAM beyond the CPU/Motherboard supported settings. Seems to be common on Ryzen based systems. Also many people do not seem to realise that having an XMP profile set in the BIOS is an overclock - many desktop motherboards seem to default to it being on.
  2. Either should work so go with whatever you think is easiest/most convenient.
  3. Not quite sure what you are asking? Issuing the shutdown command from a User Script should be equivalent to pressing the Shutdown button on the Main tab so as long as the button works OK for you, then the script should as well. This is exactly the technique I use on my own server and I do not have any problems.
  4. The diagnostics when you say the problem was ongoing show repairing messages in the syslog of the form: Jun 13 05:01:02 Tower-Zohor kernel: ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0xffffffff SErr 0x0 action 0x6 frozen Jun 13 05:01:02 Tower-Zohor kernel: ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED Jun 13 05:01:02 Tower-Zohor kernel: ata1.00: cmd 61/08:00:d0:b9:40/00:00:0c:00:00/40 tag 0 ncq dma 4096 out Jun 13 05:01:02 Tower-Zohor kernel: res 40/00:01:01:4f:c2/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout) Jun 13 05:01:02 Tower-Zohor kernel: ata1.00: status: { DRDY } Jun 13 05:01:02 Tower-Zohor kernel: ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED Jun 13 05:01:02 Tower-Zohor kernel: ata1.00: cmd 61/08:08:00:c0:30/00:00:0d:00:00/40 tag 1 ncq dma 4096 out Jun 13 05:01:02 Tower-Zohor kernel: res 40/00:01:00:4f:c2/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout) Jun 13 05:01:02 Tower-Zohor kernel: ata1.00: status: { DRDY } which is the cache drive. Not sure why they are occurring though.
  5. Are there any plans to allow for copying/moving files between a User Share and a UD device? At the moment it seems I can only do this between a Disk Share and s UD device.
  6. The syslog has messages like Jun 12 16:57:31 vUnraidv17 kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): Directory bread(block 29682) failed Jun 12 16:57:31 vUnraidv17 kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): Directory bread(block 29683) failed Jun 12 16:57:31 vUnraidv17 kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): Directory bread(block 29684) failed Jun 12 16:57:31 vUnraidv17 kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): Directory bread(block 29685) failed Jun 12 16:57:31 vUnraidv17 kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): Directory bread(block 29686) failed Jun 12 16:57:31 vUnraidv17 kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): Directory bread(block 29687) failed Jun 12 16:57:31 vUnraidv17 kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): Directory bread(block 29688) failed Jun 12 16:57:31 vUnraidv17 kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): Directory bread(block 29689) failed Jun 12 16:57:31 vUnraidv17 kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): Directory bread(block 29690) failed Jun 12 16:57:31 vUnraidv17 kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): Directory bread(block 29691) failed Jun 12 16:57:31 vUnraidv17 emhttpd: error: put_config_idx, 615: No such file or directory (2): fopen: /boot/config/shares/Share.cfg which definitely shows that Unraid was having problems reading the flash drive. I would conclude from that the flash drive is probably failing and needs replacing. Do you have an up-to-date backup of your flash drive (in particular the ‘config’ folder which contains all your settings).
  7. I do not think the script file can be on the /boot device as files there are not allowed to have execute permissions.
  8. What you are in effect asking is for a facility for mover to move files between pools which to be honest I do not see being likely to happen as it would probably break some Use Cases that work because of the current behaviour. To achieve what you want you either need to manually move files between the pools, or first use mover to get the files off the original pool onto the array and later set it to move files from the array to the new pool.
  9. I am confused as to exactly what you are asking for. If you have changed the cache drive then the files on it are no longer available to be moved/cleaned up.
  10. Very difficult to tell as it depends on why this is happening. A GUID should never change so I doubt anyone has looked at the consequences. It could mean for instance that Unraid is no longer able to read and/or write any configuration information from the flash.
  11. The instructions I linked to did not even mention the config folder and involved plugging the USB stick into a PC/Mac to do the update. Is that how you did it as your description implies something else.
  12. Strange - but the 6.10.2 release on the Stable branch is newer than any 6.10.2 release on the Next branch. I would suggest getting onto the 6.10.3-rc1 release to see if that fixes your issue as doing so would eliminate any of the issues arising on the 6.10.2 release.
  13. How much RAM do you have? you can always do a Manual Upgrade if you have problems doing it via the GUI..
  14. Unraid does not support this.
  15. A share gets automatically created whenever a top level folder is created on a drive. It is almost certainly due to you having a docker container with that mapped.
  16. What server hardware do you have? It might be hardware that needs the 6.10.3-rc1 release to boot with network connectivity.
  17. Why did you update to such an old release? 6.10.2 is available on the Stable branch, and 6.10.3-rc1 on the Next branch.
  18. That’s a limitation of the RAID controller you are using.
  19. The system never uses the sdX designations to identify drives. In the main array it is by serial number, and If you want it under UD then you CAN already get UD to always use the same identifier for each drive by simply setting the name to use explicitly.
  20. The boot USB drive does not count. Any other attached storage device counts regardless of how it is connected.
  21. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your system’s diagnostics zip file.
  22. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your system’s diagnostics zip file.
  23. If you click on the flash drive on the Main tab there is a backup option on the resulting screen.
  24. Did not spot anything obvious in first glance. You might want to update FCP to the latest version and remove the Preclear plugin that you have installed as it is not compatible with 6.10.2 (you can use the UD Preclear plugin instead).
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