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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Not quite sure what you mean by this? The /mnt/user0 location is just a view that is a sub-set of /mnt/user that omits any files/folders that are on the cache. As such you have no files in that location that need moving.
  2. Have you tried booting in Safe Mode? That will stop any plugins being loaded in case one of them is interfering with the fire unraid OS.
  3. All that change does is move the files to another drive, and do not affect stability. It would only be worth doing if you wanted to reduce the I/O load or the space used on the cache drive. No idea what might improve your stability I am afraid.
  4. I do not think that running from a UD drive will affect stability in any way.
  5. I suspect for most people this is not a major criteria as performance heavy options are probably mainly running from the cache drive which is not affected by the parity check. There is also the fact that using the plugin to only have parity checks running increments outside prime time the parity check speed may be less critical.
  6. I am afraid stopping/starting services is not part of the plugin as its primary purpose was just to avoid parity checks hitting system performance during prime time. It seemed a step too far at the moment and rather difficult to implement in a generalized fashion. What I have been thinking of adding is an ability to run custom scripts on parity check start/resume and pause/end. If I get this in place so you can do your own stop/starts is this likely to be of use?
  7. This has been the case ever since the pause feature was introduced. Not a fix, but if you have the Parity Check Tuning plugin installed it ‘patches’ the history entry to give the correct details for the whole of the run (as well as providing some other features you may find useful). Having said that I perhaps need to check that this is always the case when manual pause/resumes have been done rather than automated ones. I think it is handled properly but I am not 100% sure.
  8. No. What UnRAID is telling you is that it is acting as if the disk is present by reconstructing on-the-fly the contents using the combination of the other drives plus the parity drive. Unraid never moves data between array drives on its own - it always takes manual action to achieve that. That was an incorrect assumption. When you told UnRaid to format the disk it was an instruction to write an empty file system to the disk and update parity appropriately. If the disk was was disabled then the format took place against the emulated drive and not the physical drive so you may still have retrievable data on the physical drive that was disabled.
  9. How are you thinking of attaching the drives to the Shuttle? Although technically Unraid supports USB drives in practice they tend to prove unreliable when used with Unraid as Unraid cannot handle array drives temporarily disconnecting and then coming back (as USB drives are prone to do).
  10. You could try installing the File Activity plugin. Have you tried stopping Plex to see if that is the culprit?
  11. It would be interesting to know what type of information this was as the Diagnostics are meant to be anonymised to avoid exactly this issue. Maybe there is some further tweak needed.
  12. There is another recovery option to reiserfsck that will read every sector on the drive and attempt to recover folders/files/fragments that are not referenced by any directory entry. However these end up in the lost+found folder with cryptic names so you have to decide if it the data is important enough to try and work out what each such folder/file actually is.
  13. It does for me, so I wonder what is different about your system. Having said that I only have 6.7 and 6.8 test systems at the moment that I can quickly use.
  14. Sorting is already possible using drag-and-drop in the GUI
  15. You can always run a User Script manually from the Unraid GUI. Therefore if you can get to the GUI you can run the script whenever you want.
  16. I wonder if the CA Config Editor could be extended to allow for editing UserScripts script files?
  17. I believe it is the editor built into the plugin. Thus the suggestion to use an alternative editor.
  18. There was a change introduced to strip out non-ascii characters to allow for those who did a copy/paste from forum posts as that was inserting hidden characters.
  19. If you are running 6.7.2 (or later) you might want to enable the syslog server under Settings to capture the log to a persistent location so it survives a reboot.
  20. It sounds as if your server did not actually manage to shut down tidily. Have you tested that the UPS can handle the shutdown sequence without running the batteries below about 50% (to give some room for glitches during the shutdown that extend the time it takes). You probably want to test with all drives spun down as the start point as that is likely to be the most demanding from a current draw perspective as all drives will then need spinning up.
  21. I find that NoMachine tends to give even better performance than RDP and is available for most OS.
  22. If it is related to plex then maybe you should post a screenshot of the docker settings for that (assuming you are using a docker version). Maybe something is configured such that plex is writing to RAM.
  23. The standard Linux command line tool (gdisk I think) should be able to do this.
  24. The key is tied to the GUID of the flash drive so you cannot do quite what you describe. what you COULD do is buy the Pro key for a different USB drive and then transfer your current configuration over by copying the config folder. You would then have the original USB with its existing Basic key available for use on the other server.
  25. This is almost certainly something in the bios that is refusing to continue booting without a keyboard attached. You need to check your bios settings for what it is set to do when there is no attached keyboard.
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