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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. I believe that you will only be offered the delete option in the GUI if a share is completely empty.
  2. I would think so. Never seen any suggestion that this might be possible.
  3. When you are doing disk-to-disk copies/moves then the Share settings are ignored.
  4. If you had the /datadir path set to use a location on the same disk as your media then that would explain why the disk stays spun up as the server would continually be writing log entries. It is possible to disable this logging in the settings of the Admin app to see if that helps as a temporary workaround. If it is not that then it is something else and I am not sure what that might be. BTW: I have been given an undocumented way to change the scan period. Been told it will become a standard configurable option in the near future. If you want more information on how to do this then I can PM you the details.
  5. There is no setting for this, but I find that the drive does not stay spun up on my system so it must be something specific to your setup. Have you checked via the admin screen that the drive is not being scanned for indexing? A scan for changes is done every 6 hours and obviously the drive will spin up every time such a scan takes place. What setting do you have for the spindown timeout for the drive in question? EDIT: I have sent a question to MyMediaForAlexa support to find out if there is a way to change the scan frequency, and if there is not at the moment to consider adding this to a future release.
  6. Unassigned drives is independent of standard unraid User shares. You have to sim-ly decide whether to share the whole device or not.
  7. It was quite easy to get this to work once the MyMediaForAlexa developers started using dockerhub to host their container. I only had to get the XML template set up to allow it to be installed via Community Applications. I would be interested to get confirmation that it works OK for others - so far I only know of myself and my brother who have it running on unRAID. I personally run two instances - one for music and the other for audiobooks. In theory a single instance can handle both of these but the license fees per instance are so small the convenience factor of keeping them separate seemed worthwhile. The MyMediaForAlexa developers have been quite responsive in getting changes incorporated that improve the experience when running under Docker, but if you have any suggestions on further improvements either pass them directly to the developers or mention them here and I will pass them on. I have a number of suggestions already outstanding (mainly in the area of handling audiobooks) that I am hoping to see incorporated into future upgrades to the container.
  8. It is worth thinking if compression is likely to gain anything to justify the extra complexity. Most unRAID users seem to use their servers primarily for storing media and since media is normally already compressed little is gained by adding file system level compression.
  9. Strictly speaking step 5 is normally not necessary as KVM can handle .vmdk files directly. To do so you need to enter the path to the .vmdk file directly into the template as the unRAID GUI does not offer such files automatically.
  10. Additional Information Changing the Scan Frequency As supplied, the scan frequency for checking for updated media is preset to be every 12 hours. It is possible to alter this frequency by doing the following: Go the folder (probably on the cache disk) that you have configured as the Data folder for the container to use. Look for the file called Preferences.xml and open it in a text editor Find the line that contains the WatchFolderPollHours entry and change the value associated with it to the interval you want (in hours) Stop and then restart the container to activate the change You can confirm the change has taken by going to the Settings page in the MyMediaForAlexa admin. The new interval will now show under the Scan settings section. It is likely that support for changing this value via the Settings page will be added to the MyMediaForAlexa admin options thus avoiding the need for the steps given above.
  11. What is My Media For Alexa? A media server that allows you to stream audio files (e.g. music and audiobooks) that are stored on your unRAID server to Alexa enabled devices such as Amazon Echo or Amazon Dot using voice control. More details and the full list of features can be found on the My Media For Alexa web site. Licensing My Media for Alexa can be used for free for seven days to allow you to evaluate it. After that you need a (very modestly priced) license to continue using it. Details of the prices for licenses can be found on the My Media For Alexa web site. If you want to run multiple instances of My Media for Alexa then you will require a license for each instance. The license is activated when you use the My Media for Alexa admin screen to connect to your Amazon account. Installation The MyMediaForAlexa docker container is easily installed via the Community Applications plugin (which adds the ‘Apps’ tab to the Unraid GUI). For a standard installation the only entry that will need changing in the provided template is the one for the path to your media. The network settings in the default template are fine if you only want to run a single instance of the MyMediaForAlexa docker and In this case the MyMediaForAlexa container will be running using the IP address of the unRAID server. If you happen to want to run multiple instances of My Media For Alexa (perhaps with each instance handling different media) then since the ports to be used are fixed you need to be aware that each running instance of the MyMediaForAlexa docker container must have its own IP address. To set this up on unRAID all instances (other than the first) need to be set up to use the Custom networking option. On many systems this will be Custom:br0 but as the name of the bridge can vary according to your unRAID setup you need to select a setting appropriate for your system. You will also need to give the container it’s own name and modify the /datadir path to be unique for the 9nstance. More detail on the networking requirements can be found on the My Media For Alexa web site. Port and Path Mapping The My Media for Alexa docker container has two pre-configured paths: /datadir This should be mapped to where My Media For Alexa will store its configuration information and indexing information on the unRAID server. /medialibrary: This should be mapped to where your media is stored on your unRAID server. Additional paths for media can be added if your media is stored at several locations, but you will then also need to add these paths as new Watch folders via the MyMediaForAlexa WebUI admin screens. Port 52050: Communicating with Alexa Port 52051: Admin of My Media For Alexa These ports are fixed and cannot be changed as they are hard-coded into the Alexa skill. Support Support for the main My Media for Alexa app is via the My Media For Alexa web site. There is a forum for users. A Change Log of what has changed in recent releases is available (although experience has shown there can sometimes be a small delay before this gets updated). There is a FAQ available covering common problems encountered by users when using My Media For Alexa. Support for unRAID specific issues is via the Docker Container section of the unRAID forums. The Unraid specific XML template that is used to enable Community Applications to install MyMediaForAlexa is held on gitHub. Note Do not forget that you also have to have activated the My Media skill via the Alexa app on your phone or tablet before you can start using My Media for Alexa to start playing your media.
  12. No, you cannot do what you seem to want. Each share corresponds to a top level folder on one or more disks of the same name. You cannot combine shares that have different names.
  13. That screenshot suggests you have 6 fields in the custom entry. On my system I only use 5 fields and custom cron jobs run fine. Not sure if this matters but thought it worth mentioning.
  14. OK, I will just wait to hear back from the MyMediaForAlexa developers that they are happy with that approach, and assuming they are will get the XML template set up on github.
  15. The fact I would no control over the container contents was one reason I asked if it was possible to start a thread (that possibly could be referenced by a XML template) that was for discussion rather than support. I do not see the MyMediaForAlexa developers wanting to have a specific support thread on the unRAID forums (although I would like to be proved wrong!) as they are treating their app as multi-platform. I see a need for an area on the unRAID forums where unRAID users can discuss anything that is unRAID specific with the MyMediaForAlexa container so that only genuine container issues get fed upstream. This could obviously be done in one of the more open areas but it seemed logical to me that it should be done in the sub-forum dedicated to containers. I did not necessarily want to be given developer status so that I could creat my own thread in this area. As more commercial apps are released in docker container format there does seem to be a need for the clear separation of the container and unRAID specific issues such as the XML template I think there is probably an assumption that in such a scenario the docker container is likely to be maintained as the developers have a commercial interest in maintaining it. The XML template is less likely to be similarity maintained, but once set up it is likely to be static in nature. i have raised some of these type of questions via email with the MyMediaForAlexa developers to see if they have any particular desires in how thins are handled am and am awaiting a response. I have also asked if I put together the XML template for installing the MyMediaForAlexa container on unRAID and passed it on if they would vet it and then host it on gitHub themselves. from a personal perspective I already have MyMediaForAlexa installed and running in a docker container on unRAID. I was thinking I could share/use my experience in doing this to make it easier for other users in the future.
  16. Is that the route to go even if I cannot provide any support for the container itself? I thought that was the route for developers who built a container to be used with unRAID? I guess I may also need to check with the software owners/developers that they are happy for me to do this as they will own any copyright (myMediaForAexa is not open-source and requires a license to use it) or is the fact the container is on dockerhub enough permission?
  17. Is it possible to create a support thread for the MyMediaForAlexa container even though the author does not post here? The container for this is now available via dockerhub and I have been told by the developers that they will be keeping the dockerhub instance updated with the latest release. I can see this being a very popular docker with UnRAID users so it would seem sensible to have a place to discuss any issues we find. I am happy to put the initial detail required to set up the unRAID template via CA for this app into a post.
  18. It is not a bug in unRAID but the way it is designed to work. The problem is that once the free space disk drops below the value then unRAID stops copying new files to the drive. i think you are probably going to have to manually copy these very large files directly to the target disk (which bypasses the Minimum Free Space setting) or you are going to have to add a lot more disk space.
  19. What value do you have for Minimum Free Space? It needs to be larger than the file you are trying to copy. That is the only way you will get mover to select the correct disk. The problem is that is not mover that selects the disk (and can thus take into account the file size) but the underlying unRAID disk handler.
  20. Unfortunately that is not how unRAID currently works. If non of your disks have enough free space for the file then you have a problem as unRAID will never split a file across disks.
  21. You need to have the Minimum Free Space value for the share to be larger than the largest file you will be copying. That stops a disk with less than that amount of free space from being selected as the target by mover.
  22. As far as I know that error message can ONLY come from a browser window (or equivalent) left open across a reboot of the unRAID server. Having said that it would be nice if Limetech could find a way to invalidate such browser sessions so that the message does not keep spamming the syslog.
  23. I can see ‘make’ as one of the Devpack pakages. Whether that is enough to resolve your original problem I do not know.
  24. The DevPack plugin allows one to select from a wide range of development related tools. If you install the plugin do not forget that no packages are actually installed until you go to Settings->Dev Pack and select them for install.
  25. Just to clarify, all devices attached to the server at the time the array is started count regardless of whether they are being used by unRAID. Once the array is started then you can plug in additional drives that will show up under Unassigned Devices. However since you upgraded your unRAID license this clarification is probably no longer relevant
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