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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. No. An emulated disk can operate exactly like an unemulated version. Therefore both reading and writing are supported. The only limitation is that while rebuilding performance can be impacted, and until the rebuild completes ant new data is not protected.
  2. In the Scatter mode you are trying to empty a drive, so only a single drive can be selected as ‘from’. You can then select multiple To’ drives that can be used to as the target for the move.
  3. I know for certain that one of the things it does is leave alone the permissions on the appdata Share where having the correct permissions can matter to the docker apps.. Not sure if there are any other Shares/folders that are also left alone.
  4. The preclear process DOES add a signature. However this is only relevant when adding a new drive. In the absence of this signature unRAID carries out its own 'clear' process to set the disk to all zeroes. As was mentioned this is equivalent to the 'write' phase of pre-clear so only takes about 30% of the time of the full preclear process. When replacing a disk the existing contents are irrelevant as the rebuild process overwrites every sector anyway. The only requirement is that the disk is 'good' so that the writes of the rebuild process complete without error.
  5. It is worth pointing out that you never ‘rebuild from parity’ in isolation. What you are doing is rebuilding from parity + the good data drives. That is why the number of drives that can be rebuilt is limited to the number of parity drives because you also need the other data drives to be good for the rebuild to succeed.
  6. It is not ever necessary to pre-clear a drive that is being added as a new data drive or replacing an existing one. The preclear is just a confidence test of the drive. If adding it as a new drive, UnRAID will carry out a clear operation (equivalent to the write phase of pre-clear) when adding a drive that is not pre-cleared. If replacing a drive then the rebuild process overwrites every sector anyway. if replacing a drive then the maximum number of drives that can be replaced at once is the same as the number of parity drives you have.
  7. That message gets generated if you have a browser window open somewhere from before your last reboot. The message is a system level one and is not specific to this plugin.
  8. You are asking for a very unusual combination of capabilities! You normally control mover via the share setting and tell to ignore folders by using the cache=no setting, but you are wanting a strange combination of cache=yes and mover ignoring that setting on the folder. The vast majority of people want mover to run without any manual intervention and for that the current settings are adequate. Asking for an option to disable mover via the GUI is reasonable, but beyond that is (I think) beyond what most people want. Have you tried having a setting of cache=only on the ‘downloads’ share and then manually copying the files to a ‘downloads’ folder on particular disks thus bypassing the User Share settings? The way unRAID works I think these files would still be part of the ‘downloads’ share for read purposes because the cache settings only control writing and not reading. Whether this is practical in your particular scenario I am not sure. Having said that LimeTech have stated that they intend to enhance the mover tool in the future. I believe for instance they are thinking of it supporting most (if not all) of the functionality of the unBalance plugin. You could at least register what you want as a Feature request to see if it can be incorporated into that work.
  9. 1). This is not an option. Yours seems rather an unusual requirement so it is unlikely to be added I would think. 2). Others have replaced the script with their own customised version. No plugin for this though. 3). Although you cannot disable it completely via the GUI you could set it to only run monthly. Not sure if it is possible to manually edit a configuration file to pick a value (e.g. 32) for a day-of-the-month that cannot occur. Another possibility is to add an entry to your ‘go’ file that renames the mover file which stops it running although it is a bit of a heavy-handed approach as it also then stops you running it manually.
  10. This will be because you have the network for the VM set to use virbr0 which is a NAT style connection. If you want the VM visible on the network you need to use a bridged connection (typically called br0). You do need to have enabled bridged networking under the unRAID network settings to have this offered as an option.
  11. This should definitely work if you select the right format that both the Mac and the UD plugin can understand.
  12. The fact it occurs during parity checks suggests that it is due to the system being under maximum load. I would suspect the power supply, although it could just be cables vibrating and intermittently losing connection. If you stop the array after one of these events does unRAID say that the drive is missing (which means it dropped offline). One additional thing to check is that any HBA is properly seated in the motherboard. At one point I could get symptoms rather like this when I had a SASLP controller that was not quite perfectly seated, although in this case there was a tendency for multiple drives to go offline at the same time. Note that a drive being flagged as unmountable does not necessarily mean there anything physically wrong with it. If a drive unexpectedly drops offline then this can result in corruption at the file system level. If on the next boot the drive shows up again and the SMART attributes look fine then this is virtually always fixable using the appropriate file system recovery tool (accessible by clicking on the drive while the array is in Maintenance mode).
  13. Those messages indicate that errors are being found that have resulted in PARITY1 being corrected. Unfortunately it is not possible to easily determine the cause. If you include the full diagnostics (Tools->Diagnostics) zip file then you may get more informed feedback about the state of your system/disks. I notice that you are using a Supermicro SAS2LP-MV8 HBA. On some systems these seem to cause problems when using unRAID v6 so these messages could be a side-effect of that. The question is whether you always get such error messages doing a parity check, and whether they are the same sectors each time.
  14. If you click on a disk on the unRAID Main tab you will be taken to the page from which you can run SMART test or look at results.
  15. Note that if you have dual parity and tell unRAID to trust parity then you would find that the contents of parity2 are invalid as the calculations for deriving parity2 include the disk positions. This means you cannot swap disks to new slots and have parity2 remain valid. Parity1 calculations do not use the disk positions so parity1 is not affected if disks are reordered.
  16. V6 will support the v5 disk formats. You should only consider converting disks to the newer formats when you are happy with v6 and no longer want the ability to revert to v5.
  17. Is you have a backup of the contents of your USB stick then you can always copy that back to revert to a previous release. What might be easier if you just want to check things out is to set up unRAID on a new USB stick and then apply for a trial license key (valid for 30 days I believe with an option to extend). That way you can control which release you use by which stick you boot off. If you are happy with v6 you could then copy the files from the v6 USB drive to the v5 one (as your key is currently tied to the GUID of that one). Alternatively copying the key onto the v6 USB stick and removing the trial key will cause unRAID to take you through the automated process for transferring a license to a new USB drive. in your case you need to be aware that no plugin that you use on v5 will work on v6 (due to the switch from 32 bit to 64 bit). Some plugins are also available on v6 but on the whole for apps plugins are now deprecated in favour of docker based solutions. Also if you want to be able to revert to v5 you need to leaved your drives in reiserfs format. In v6 this is still supported but XFS and BTRFS are now the preferred formats. Some users have reported stability issues with reiserfs format disks on v6 that disappeared when the disks were converted to use XFS format.
  18. Your comment about the data drives seems to be a standard misconception about parity. There is no actual data stored on a parity drive. Instead there is the information that can be combined with ALL the other drives to reconstitute the sector contents of a failed/missing drive. It is the fact that ALL the non-failed drives are involved in recovering a failed drives is what limits the number of failed drives that can be recovered to be equal to the number of parity drives. The link given explains some of the mathematics around how this is done and also that the mathematics used for the second parity drive is different to that used for the first one. This also explains why monitoring the SMART Pending Sectors attribute is important as it implies a sector cannot be read reliably even though the drive appears to otherwise be OK. This would, however, affect the ability to reconstitute the sector accurately on ANOTHER drive if it it has failed.
  19. Probably still the point applies - the screen shot shows no check box being displayed.
  20. There should be a checkbox next to the Delete option! What browser are you using - some recent versions of Chrome have a bug that prevents check boxes being handled correctly.
  21. Formatting a drive in UD causes it to lose its pre-clear status so it can no longer be added to the array without affecting parity. If you tried to add a disk formatted in this way to the array, unRAID would promptly clear it down again and make you format it after it had been added to the array. This means you should only format a drive from UD than you do NOT intend to add to the array.
  22. You second and third parity seem to contradict each other! One talks about being remote and the other local. iI you are remote to your server then you are not on your local network. What using a VPN connection gives you is the ability to be physically remote to your home network, but act as if you were connected to it locally.
  23. UnRAID runs from RAM. You can always disable/remove a plugin and then reboot the unRAID system to cause it to unpack a fresh copy from the USB stick.
  24. 'You should note that /home is only in RAM so files placed there will not survive a reboot. For files to survive a reboot they need to be held on the flash and copied to their final location as unRAID is loading. For ssh I think this involves putting the files into the config/ssh folder on the USB stick.
  25. I believe there is an issue with the GUI if you are running a preclear when you try to stop the array. When the preclear finishes the GUI comes back to life.
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