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Everything posted by ChatNoir

  1. Hi, RAID modes are only available with BTRFS and ZFS. You would have to backup and recreate the pool in a FS that support RAID.
  2. If you do a Parity check, the SMART tests might not be necessary since the Parity check will already have read every single block of each drives of the Array. Maybe for the Pools ?
  3. Probably a corruption of one or several boot files on your flashdrive.
  4. Not super fast here but at least 5.5MB/s. Probably also a ISP or routing issue as previously reported 3 years ago.
  5. Hi, not much forum folks can do to help. You should contact support.
  6. Not sure I understand your request. There is already a setting for the date format in the notification settings.
  7. You should read the patch notes form the successive 6.12 releases and see if some changes might impact you.
  8. Why ? Where ? There are plenty of SATA controllers recommended : SAS controllers are ONE option, but not the only one.
  9. Not sure I understand the issue. This folder can be named "EFI" or "EFI-" both are correct but not for the same usecase. EFI- is for booting in legacy/BIOS mode EFI is for booting in UEFI mode (point 8 of https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/getting-started/manual-install-method/ ) Can you clarify ?
  10. Worked for me with several privacy plugins on Chrome. But there are server problems those last few weeks.
  11. Just click the 'Generate backup' section : Whether it works or not is probably dependent on the server though.
  12. For WD drives, you should add attributes 1 and 200 to the monitored attributes. That way, Unraid will alert you if new errors are detected. They are not monitored by default as Segate manages them differently.
  13. If you have double parity, you should be able to do both (I never had to do it yet ^^).
  14. You should run an extended SMART test on disk16 to be sure.
  15. Ok, I'm bored in my meeting. Disk 16 looks worst on attributes 1 and 200. ID# ATTRIBUTE_NAME FLAGS VALUE WORST THRESH FAIL RAW_VALUE 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate POSR-K 200 200 051 - 101 3 Spin_Up_Time POS--K 253 253 021 - 8341 4 Start_Stop_Count -O--CK 093 093 000 - 7191 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct PO--CK 200 200 140 - 0 7 Seek_Error_Rate -OSR-K 100 253 000 - 0 9 Power_On_Hours -O--CK 017 017 000 - 60806 10 Spin_Retry_Count -O--CK 100 100 000 - 0 11 Calibration_Retry_Count -O--CK 100 100 000 - 0 12 Power_Cycle_Count -O--CK 096 096 000 - 4730 192 Power-Off_Retract_Count -O--CK 200 200 000 - 206 193 Load_Cycle_Count -O--CK 198 198 000 - 6984 194 Temperature_Celsius -O---K 111 091 000 - 41 196 Reallocated_Event_Count -O--CK 200 200 000 - 0 197 Current_Pending_Sector -O--CK 200 200 000 - 0 198 Offline_Uncorrectable ----CK 200 200 000 - 0 199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count -O--CK 200 200 000 - 0 200 Multi_Zone_Error_Rate ---R-- 200 200 000 - 1
  16. I see a single attribute that is problematic. ID# ATTRIBUTE_NAME FLAGS VALUE WORST THRESH FAIL RAW_VALUE 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate POSR-K 200 100 051 - 9 Let's see the result of the SMART test.
  17. Can you tell us what drive in particular ? I'm not so keen on searching in the 23 drives. Ideally try to run an extended SMART test and post the result.
  18. https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/release-notes/6.12.0/#exclusive-shares
  19. That would be on Marvell to provide working drivers for the linux kernel. Some companies do (Intel for example), some don't (Realtek).
  20. That's a container, not a plugin. And I rather use Midnight Commander that is already included in the base Unraid (mc at the command line). As for the list, there is a good third of those that I don't use. I would rather not have the core OS with more and more feature that I don't need taking up RAM. Even if my server has plenty of RAM, many users have the OS run on older platforms or simple HW with 2 or 4GB of RAM. Adding everything would increase the RAM footprint and make it impossible for those systems to run the OS. Also, most of those are created and maintained by people that are not Unraid employees. That would make the integration more complicated. Finally, and as mentioned by SimonF, including them in the core OS would prevent fast updates of the plugins for new features, bugfixes, etc.
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