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Everything posted by BRiT

  1. The reason I said to do it one at a time is you obviously have something wrongly mapped on at least one of the dockers. There's no reason to need more space on the actual docker.img. Everything that requires large amounts of space should be mapped through outside the docker container. If you dont review and correct the wrong mapping(s) you will continue to have your original issue.
  2. Correct the share settings for the disk shares or dont enable disk shares at all.
  3. Delete docker.img and recreate, adding dockers back in from My Dockers list, except this time actually look at each mapping of each docker to make sure its still not fraked up like before. The flow is similiar to that, might not be exact, but it's close enough for anyone to just poke around and get it going.
  4. Not useless at all when you don't own any nvidia hardware.
  5. It seems to mirror the purpose of "go". Its hooked in via one of the rc.d scripts if my memory hasn't failed me. I haven't seen anyone use it and I see more hooked in via rc.local.shutdown. Apply ECC Bits as needed for this memory dump.
  6. Question: What's the point of switching from Public to Secure? Did you restrict users as well when setting it to Secure? If not, then every user still has the same access, so what does it get you?
  7. If you have COAX run into the rooms, look into using Bonded MOCA 2.0 or the newest Bonded MOCA 2.5 adapters. https://www.gocoax.com/ Many have had success in using those new 2.5 adapters at The Tivo Community Forums: https://www.tivocommunity.com/community/index.php?threads/moca-2-5.571180/ However, they seem to be out of stock, not sure when new stock will be available. I'm using multiple sets of the Motorola Bonded 2.0 adapters to connect the 3 bedrooms and living room into the server and rec room networks: https://www.amazon.com/Motorola-Adapter-Ethernet-2-Pack-MM1002/dp/B078HMDDVS/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=moca+2+bonded&qid=1562421653&s=gateway&sr=8-4
  8. No, but substantially more complex and will be wiped out upon any reboot.
  9. Different kernel, which goes back to manufacturer responsibility to provide working drivers.
  10. It's up to the hardware manufacturer to provide drivers that work in Linux. They seem to have fallen behind on some kernels.
  11. Did you or anyone else set direct io to No?
  12. Docker container or VM for perl and do all your work in there?
  13. 1. Yes. 2. Yes. Just never do a copy involving /mnt/disk# and /mnt/user unless you know exactly what you're doing (see user share file copy issue that could overwrite a file with itself and ends up at 0 bytes).
  14. BRiT

    Memory Leaks?

    Many users dont run Plex at all, or if they do they likely use AppData Backup once a week which will stop the dockers before doing the backup, so I'm not surprised more aren't experiencing your issue.
  15. There is support for persistent syslogs since 6.7.0. Enhanced syslog handling. On Settings/Network Services page click on Syslog Server. Here you can designate this server to receive system logs from other Unraid OS servers, or forward this servers syslog to another local or remote server. Also, if there are stack traces or dumps in the logs, they would be slightly different considering all the changes since then.
  16. I think anyone from the community who may try to help you now will ask that you post your Diagnostics file from the time after the server experiences the issue and before it's rebooted to recover.
  17. Now that you're back at a sanity point, try the following commands, to show by connection in a tree format. You might need additional information from a basic 'lspci' to add context to the tree format (-t), sometimes it might only display the ids, but sometimes it will include enough info when -v is also specified. lspci -tv
  18. All individual drive are accessible in normal Linux if your boot USB drive is lost. The only complication is if you're using encryption.
  19. You could attempt a reboot to get back to sanity and then at the beginning of a normal system boot up there might be a devices list in the syslog, hopefully something more than what the lspci command provides. All the syslog included are just that error message over and over.
  20. Post your entire Diagnostics zip file, not just a syslog. Read the FAQs if you're unaware of what Diagnostics is.
  21. Yes, just need two different servers. 😛
  22. Uninstall "atop". Its using all your space on /var/log. Other option is resizing /var/log to be at least 256 Meg on every reboot. Jun 6 11:56:05 Tower nerdpack: Installing atop-2.2 package... Jun 6 11:56:05 Tower root: Jun 6 11:56:05 Tower root: Installing atop-2.2 package...
  23. If they're not that bright then they wouldnt be running custom Nvidia or DVB versions in the first place.
  24. Maybe because other Dockers use SQLite differently from other runtimes, like if Emby uses it then its through the dotNet Framework and not from C++ or PHP?
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