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Everything posted by Maginos

  1. That would be great, thanks! I'm referring to the email I get after the scan has finished. Unfortunately the content is too long to get sent via Telegram, so I had to check mail notification.
  2. I attached the log from the last scan. In this log no infected file was found. In the logs before I deleted the infected files, the lines look like: /scan/path/to/infected/file: Heuristics.Phishing.Email.SSL-Spoof FOUND So there is no timestamp. I assume, it shows the infected files from previous scans. How can I get rid of this? clamav_logs.txt
  3. I also have this issue. What I also observe is, that files are are listed multiple times in my logs. Can someone help me to get rid of this? Thank you!
  4. I would also like if it's possible to sort the scripts by name. I like the idea of having the scripts that run scheduled on top of the list and having all others below. So if you have time, it would be cool, if you could implement this feature.
  5. @gizmer, @Tucubanito07 and @hata: I have the same issue as you guys, I have to use version 1.24.0 and it's not possible to upgrade to a higher version. I get the same output in the log as gizmer (on page 20). Have you been able to upgrade the vaultwarden docker meanwhile to 1.25.0 or higher and if yes, how did you do that?
  6. Ok thank you, I will have a look at the plugin and the --config option and will decide, what fits my needs better. Thank you for your help!
  7. My problem is the following: After downloading the rclone docker, I run "rclone config --config /config/rclone/config/rclone.config" and set up my web services. When I try to access these webservices for example with "rclone lsd nextcloud:/" I get the error message, that there is no config at /home/nobody/... After I copy the config from the /config/... folder to /home/nobody/... I can access the webservices. So this is the reason, why I do the copy. I already saw this, and yes, the file is created. But as I said above, as long as I don't copy the config, rclone doesn't work. Additionally: When I execute "rclone config file", the file from the /home/nobody/... folder is displayed. I hope, you can now better understand my problem.
  8. Thank you binhex for this amazing docker. I have a question concerning a persistent configuration, which I was not able to solve by reading this thread. When I edit the config with "rclone config --config /config/rclone/config/rclone.config", the content of this file is of course not transfered to the /home/nobody/.config/rclone/config/rclone.config. I replace the file in the /home/nobody folder by "cp /config/rclone/config/rclone.config /home/nobody/.config/rclone/config/" but I don't think this is how this docker is intended to be used. How can I tell rclone, that it should use the config located at the /config/rclone/config folder and NOT that from the /home/nobody/.conf/rclone/config Here you can see my config: docker run -d --name='binhex-rclone' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Tilda" -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="binhex-rclone" -e 'RCLONE_CONFIG_PATH'='/config/rclone/config/rclone.conf' -e 'RCLONE_MEDIA_SHARES'='/media/photo_florian,/media/backups' -e 'RCLONE_REMOTE_NAME'='nextcloud' -e 'RCLONE_SLEEP_PERIOD'='24h' -e 'RCLONE_USER_FLAGS'='' -e 'RCLONE_OPERATION'='copy' -e 'RCLONE_DIRECTION'='localtoremote' -e 'RCLONE_POST_CHECK'='yes' -e 'ENABLE_WEBUI'='yes' -e 'WEBUI_USER'='Florian' -e 'WEBUI_PASS'='supersafepassword' -e 'UMASK'='000' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:5572]/' -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/binhex/docker-templates/master/binhex/images/rclone-icon.png' -p '53682:53682/tcp' -p '5572:5572/tcp' -v '/mnt/user':'/media':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-rclone':'/config':'rw' 'binhex/arch-rclone' 8639103e43462abab43ab1d8a7f5b043e079a1ae55d4db864f307ea99f36795e The command finished successfully! Thank you very much for your help! Maginos
  9. So I played around with my USB weather station a bit and unfortunately I was not able to get the weewx container running. Under "Tools", "System Devices", "USB Devices", I identified my weather station to be located at Bus 001 Device 006, so the corresponding device path should be /dev/bus/usb/001/006. I tried different paths for the MQTT device, but nothing worked. I also tried to passthrough the USB device via the extra parameter setting, but without luck. Maybe the problem is within the correct device path... I also tried to bypass the need for an USB device by changing the /mnt/user/appdata/weewx/weewx.conf in the following way: I set "station_type = simulator", but without luck. As mentioned above, I like the dietpi vm better for weewx, as it is comparably lightweight to a docker container but with the options for extensions for example.
  10. Seems like a error from the missing USB device indeed. Try to edit your docker, go down the page to "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device" and select "Config Type: device". For "Name" you can write "weather station" and for "Value" you can use "/dev/ttyUSB0". I hope with this you get rid of the error.
  11. With the new USB drive it works now. I did the replacement of the USB drive today, because I ordered my license on 21st July 2021, so I was able to do the replacement by myself without bothering the limetech team with it. Since I upgraded from basic to pro, two licenses were found on the flash drive and I had to remove the one, that shouldn't be transferred. I did it by entering mv /boot/config/Basic.key /boot/config/Basic.key_bak in the unraid terminal. Then logout and login in the myservers plugin and everything is fine now. Even reboots work now as expected.
  12. I just did this and it works without issues. So I will replace the USB drive then.
  13. So you recommend to replace the flash drive then? I only used USB 2.0 ports.
  14. Hi guys, since two weeks, I have issues with rebooting my unraid server (6.10.3). I have a pikvm connected to the server and it gives me some errors like "device descriptor read/64, error -71" "device not responding to setup address" "device not accepting address 12, error -71" "unable to enumerate USB device" (see picture) The boot process stops at the point of the first screenshot and does not proceed. The only thing I can do is a hard shutdown, plug the unraid USB drive in another USB port and boot it up. Then it boots normally. As you can see from the picture, USB device 1-2.2 is concerned, so I looked up in the GUI of unraid, what USB device relates to 1-2.2. The second picture shows, that the unraid flash drive itself seems to be the problem. From the google search for the "unable to enumerate USB device" I found, that either there is a problem with the kernel (probably less likely) or with the USB drive. The USB flash drive is a Samsung MUF-32BE4/EU BAR Plus 32 GB Typ-A USB 3.1 and is about one year old. For the motherboard I use a Asus Prime Z590-A Gaming and the case is a Fractal Design Define R6. So is my USB drive broken or is there any other explanation for this behavior? Thank you very much for your help! Maginos.
  15. When I set "Enable Automatic Turbo Mode:" to "Yes" in CA Auto Turbo Write Mode and do a rescan in FCP, the error goes away.
  16. Here it is. Tough the file is called settings.rtf, the content is the same. settings.rtf
  17. Hi guys, after todays reboot of unraid, FCP gives me the following error: "Your flash drive has possible corruption on /boot/config/plugins/ca.turbo/settings.ini. Post your diagnostics in the forum for more assistance." My diagnostics are attached. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you very much in advance! Maginos tilda-diagnostics-20220224-2301.zip
  18. Thank you petchav for this awesome script, the restore of a vm couldn't be much easier. I have two comments for other people using the script: - If you get the output "Invalid input" after the "Are you sure?" question in the script, type in yes and don't just press enter. - If you have a vm which is called for example "DietPi Test", a direct restore seems not possible, no matter which name you give the vm in the script. I was able to restore this vm with the following steps: - Stop all vms - Go to your backup path and rename "DietPi Test" to "DietPi-Test" - Go into this folder and change the date_time_DietPi Test.xml to date_time_DietPi-Test.xml - execute the script and stop&start the array - When you want to start the vm, an error appears, that the vdisk file is not found in the supposed directory. - Go to the console and rename the folder for this vm: - cd /path/to/vms - mv DietPi-Test "DietPi Test" - Start vm and give petchav a like for his script. Maginos
  19. @Curtis777 I personally like the solution with the dedicated dietpi vm. It's actually very lightweight and you're more flexible for example in terms of extensions. So to be honest, I'm quite happy with it and I won't switch to the docker container.
  20. I found, that I was using the OO docker from chvb, which is version After changing to the docker from Siwat2545’s Repository, I can upgrade OO to version 7.2.0 within NC without any issues. I use unraid 6.9.2, NC 22.2.0 stable and OO document server docker 6.4. Maybe you want to check, which OO docker you use and upgrade as well if needed.
  21. Yes, I have this issue too and we're not the only ones, as you can see here and here. I also created a post in the OnlyOffice forum, which can be followed here. The solution for me was to roll back an appdata backup from CA Appdata Backup/Restore App and now everything works again.
  22. I did that and after 10 minutes, it still says „please wait“. The log of the OO community server fills up with these messages (they occur every 2-3 seconds): 1 + mysqladmin ping -h mariadb -P 3306 -u onlyoffice_user --password=pw_from_me --silent mysqladmin: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
  23. Ok then, would you mind helping me with the setup of the community server (I don't need mail server)? Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me out of the box. Here's what I've done so far: - mariadb and onlyoffice document server installed and running without issues - downloaded and installed community server docker with the settings attached - on console of mariadb docker: mysql -uroot -p CREATE USER 'onlyoffice_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password_from_me'; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS onlyoffice CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON onlyoffice. * TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password_from_me'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON onlyoffice. * TO 'onlyoffice_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password_from_me'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; exit When I then start the Community Server docker, I get several Warnings and Errors in the logs, I list them here: Warning: rsyslogd: activation of module imklog failed [v8.32.0 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2145 ] Warning: start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 96: No such process Error: /app/onlyoffice/run-community-server.sh: line 182: & 255 : syntax error: operand expected (error token is "& 255 ") Warning: mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Error: ERROR 1045 (28000) at line 1: Access denied for user 'onlyoffice_user'@'localhost' (using password: YES) Warning: /etc/init.d/redis-server: 51: ulimit: error setting limit (Operation not permitted) They do not appear one after another, but they appear in this order in the log. The "mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure." error occurs several times. After waiting for around 15 minutes, the webgui of community server still says, "please wait". Can you help me with this? Thank you very much in advance! Maginos
  24. I would like to use the Community Server with my already existing mariadb docker, which I use for a nextcloud instance. Is this possible?
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