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Everything posted by Zonediver

  1. Ok - next weird thing: I reconfigured the network again and now the process doesn't finish... ๐Ÿ˜ก Can someone explain what's going on here? Is there a procedure to configure the LAN over the console?
  2. Hi folks, again a network problem i didnt understand. I am not able to reach the inet over the new onboard Broadcom-NIC. All PCs are in the same Network and reachable except the router ( and i cant ping unraid from the router-console. Before i changed the Board, i deleted the network.cfg and network-rules.cfg When i do a ping to www.google.at over the console it resolves the ip but i have 100% paket-loss... I did all changes over the web-interface under settings, Network-Settings. What the heck is going on here??? Is there a "special trick" to reconfigure the LAN or are the Network-Settings broken at v6.8.2? This is the network.cfg: # Generated settings: IFNAME[0]="eth0" DESCRIPTION[0]="Broadcom-1000Mbit" PROTOCOL[0]="ipv4" USE_DHCP[0]="no" IPADDR[0]="" NETMASK[0]="" GATEWAY[0]="" DNS_SERVER1="" DNS_SERVER2="" DHCP_KEEPRESOLV="yes" USE_DHCP6[0]="no" IFNAME[1]="eth1" DESCRIPTION[1]="ASUS-10Gbit" PROTOCOL[1]="ipv4" USE_DHCP[1]="no" IPADDR[1]="" NETMASK[1]="" SYSNICS="2" Maybe someone can help - Thanks a lot unraid-diagnostics-20200212-2241.zip
  3. Using the sleep-plugin under 6.8.2 and all is fine. What i have integrated under "Custom commands after wake-up:" is this: sleep 120; hdparm -y $(ls /dev/sd*|grep "[a-z]$") >/dev/null 2>&1 This command sends all Disk 120sek after a wakup to sleep-mode (normaly they are all in active/idle-mode) and enables the server to go to sleep again. Important: After every new boot/reboot you have to press the button <SPIN DOWN> once by hand, otherwise the server will never go to sleep again because the disks are all in active/idle mode and pressing the button bring them all to sleep-mode.
  4. Use Split level: .) Automatically split any directory as required or .) Split only the top level directory as required
  5. Thanks bonienl for your help - works perfect ๐Ÿ‘
  6. Hi folks, i want to know if it is possible to tell unraid to use only a certain NIC. Reason: I want that plex is using only one NIC (Intel Pro 1000GT eth0) to stream movies. If this is possible/configurable, please give me a hint. Thanks a lot
  7. Interesting - what screw did you use and how many? One or two? Well, the bracket looks fine but is terrible expensive...
  8. Thanks for your reply johnnie. I think its an WD80EFAX-68KNBN0 but will see after buy. By the way an additional question: Is it possible to use WD-Purple's for unraid or is this type of HDD not recommended?
  9. Hi folks, i am a little bit confused because i read an article that says, WD is using SMR on newer WD80EFAX. Can someone confirm this? Thanks a lot
  10. You can create a batch file (Windows) which holds the WOL-command. Then create a Task at 8:00am and a second one on 8:00pm to execute the batchfile - done. Of corse, the computer which holds the batchfile has to be on ๐Ÿ˜‰ Other solution: Take a raspberry and create a WOL-File and implement two cronjobs for 8:00 am/pm. https://www.instructables.com/id/Raspberry-Pi-As-Wake-on-LAN-Server/
  11. Its not an unraid issue. You need to create the same Windows-user on unraid as well - then all is working fine. If you dont create the Win-user under unraid, you get in trouble - my experiance over 10(!) years ๐Ÿ˜‰
  12. I know all this sh.. MS is doing... I was not lucky to update to Win 10 because Win7 was working fine, but the support-end on 14.Jan is a problem...
  13. Hi Frank1940 and thanks for your reply. Fist of all: My Problem has nothing to do with this prob described in your Link. I try to explain what really happens (difficult): I use mapped network addresses for my shares \\\Movies \\\TV-Serien \\\Cache Win 10 starts the copy-process (Window comes up with this green graph), copies ~100MB or more to the share and then drops to Zero(!) No Error, no nothing - the window with the green graph is still on the screen but nothing happens any more - like it hangs. Only a reboot fix this error. After the reboot all is working fine as there was never a problem... (lol). I think its def. a Win 10 problem and has nothing to do with unraid (i think). And now the most strangest thing: When i use the network environment (not the mapped addresses!), sometimes all is working fine, and sometimes it fails like i described... so there must be a ghost or a goblin in my machine When i use the mapped addresses, it "always" fails at the first attempt - reboot - working... MS sucks! My test-machine (also Win10 1909) with only one NIC can copy to all shares without a problem. Maybe Win10 has a problem with 2 NICs like in my case or it is really a driver problem of the Asus XG-C100C... i don't know... But the most annoing problem still persist: I cant copy files to the root folders of my shares "Movie, TV-Serien and Cache" - what the hell is this??? Attached is a screen of a copy process (20GB) in German (sorry ;-)) Win10 copied 32% (~7GB) and then stopped (0 Bytes/s)...
  14. Ok - command back - this problem is still there... also with the Asus-driver... โ˜น๏ธ
  15. Found the culprit... the Aquantia driver of the 10GB network card. I'm now using an old Asus driver that works with everything - crazy stuff. Apparently the Aquantia driver for Windows 10 x64 has some quirks...
  16. What i can say is this: I changed the security on unraid from private to public, but i cant copy files to the root-share (Movies and TV-Shows) as i could under win 7. So there must be def. some changes on SMB...
  17. Interesting... i downloaded Win10 Pro directly from the MS-Webpage and they offer 1909. My TestPC got the 1909-update a week ago and on the machine of my son MS offered the update directly over the WindowsUpdate. So it's available (here in Austria at least).
  18. I used Win 7 and the support end is near - so whats the problem with 1909? And by the way - who is a Guinea Pig?
  19. Hi folks, have a fresh install of Win 10 PRO (1909) on my Machine and now i can't copy files to unraid. I read something about SMB-Versions but i am not an expert... Strange Thing: I can copy files FROM unraid to Windows 10 - lol? I have tested this over both NICs and both can copy files FROM unraid to Windows 10 BUT NOT TO unraid...
  20. The "slowdown-bug" is back! Got 1-2 FPS while i was copying data to the cach SSD. The stream came from Disk10. As soon the copy-process was over the stream from plex went back to normal streaming... unraid-diagnostics-20191206-1936.zip
  21. I am on the way ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘ EDIT: Diags included now unraid-diagnostics-20191206-1936.zip
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