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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Disk looks fine, there were issues with multiple disks simultaneously, Intel SATA controllers are usually rock solid, so most likely either the board/controller is failing or you have a power problem.
  2. Unraid doesn't spin down SAS devices, not yet anyway, maybe in the future.
  3. Like mentioned it's normal on the SMART page, no idea where the plugin get its info from, best to ask on the appropriate support thread.
  4. Do you mean in the main page or SMART test page? It's normal on the SMART test page, on the main page I believe it should show correctly, but note that by default stats are only update every 30 minutes, that can be changed on disk settings.
  5. GUI SMART tests don't work on SAS drives, you can still run them manually. The lack of temperature issue is a smartctl problem/bug, it should be fixed on an upcoming release.
  6. Probably a controller with custom SMART data, but we can't say for sure without the diagnostics.
  7. Minimum free space for the Media share is set to 9TB.
  8. Then most likely previous sync errors were the result of an unclean shutdown.
  9. It didn't work because that is a RAID controller, even in HBA mode, it's not a true HBA, if you still want to use it you'd need to do a new config and re-assign all disks, note that if in the future you replace the controller with a different one you'll need to do the same, it would be best to use a true HBA, LSI preferred.
  10. You should contact support directly, or wait for @SpencerJto see this and help you.
  11. You can do it before or after, but to remove any current array drive you need to do a new config to reset the assignments, it won't delete any data, just make sure that after that you don't assign any data disk to the parity slot.
  12. Sep 9 19:57:24 PirateBay rc.docker: binhex-radarr: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path '/mnt/user/appdata/data/Media': mkdir /mnt/user/appdata/data/Media: no space left on device Problem is because Appdata share floor is set to 4TB. It's also set to split directories, make sure that's what you want, since appdata should usually only exist on one device, yours exists on cache, disk1 and disk2, good idea to consolidate that.
  13. SAS2LP used to wok great with v5, but since v6 many users start having problems with it (same for SASLP which uses the same driver), many times issues begin after an Unraid upgrade out of the blue, doesn't mean it's the problem, since it doesn't usually makes the server crash, but definitely not recommended. The last diags you posted are just after rebooting, so not much to see, if it keeps crashing, or you can make it crash, use this then post that syslog.
  14. Yes, that will do to have one array device.
  15. Also please post new diags is a parity check begins after booting, that will confirm if it's because an unclean shutdown. You're right of course, my bad, only took a quick look at the syslog and assumed it was cache. Depends how the data was recovered, if the vdisk was copied normally from the device, even if using one of recovery mount options it will be OK since any corruption would be detected by btrfs, if it was recovered with btrfs restore it might be corrupt since that option is a last resort and it doesn't verify checksums.
  16. In the syslog you can see which drive corresponds to the ATA#
  17. Looks like you have the file integrity plugin installed.
  18. Some observations: -CRC errors are a connection problem, usually the SATA cable, no need to replace the disk, replace the cable. -Parity check will run after an unclean shutdown, most likely what's causing them -cache filesystem is corrupt, you need to re-format cache, note that you're overclocking the RAM and that's a known issue with AMD, even can in same case cause data corruption, see here for more info.
  19. You need to format the disk in Unraid before use, next to array start/stop buttons.
  20. Yes, it's a known btrfs bug, fixed on kernel 5.7.11
  21. No. Don't understand the question, cache has nothing to do with array parity, but raid0 should be faster, though if using gigabit network might be the bottleneck even with a single device.
  22. The add-on SATA controller uses a SATA port multiplier and those are not recommended, though doubt it's the reason for the current issues, but if you can test without it do it.
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