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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Hot-swap is still working normally for me on v6.7.2, not saying there isn't a problem, but it might be limited to a specific controller or other hardware, you should post the diagnostics showing the problem, if nothing else we can see the hardware used.
  2. I was, apparently I can't have spaces in the name, I'll try again tomorrow since I'm out for the rest of the day.
  3. Nope ๐Ÿ˜ช Not even after starting the array and running that manually, so maybe I'm doing something wrong? The script works if I call it manually after array start, just not scheduled at array start.
  4. Should have just googled it, found a way of doing what I want, likely not very elegant but it works, problem now is that the script is not working when set to run at array start, I thought it might need a delay for the array to start and the smb-shares.conf to be created but added a "sleep 20" and it still doesn't work, it works if I run it manually after array start, any ideas?
  5. I could probably google this but I wonder if someone can help, I want to make a user scrip append something to /etc/samba/smb-shares.conf and then reload samba conf, but just want to add it to the end of a specific share, in this case to the cache share (I have disk shares enable), turn this: [cache] path = /mnt/cache comment = browsable = yes # Public writeable = yes Into: [cache] path = /mnt/cache comment = browsable = yes # Public writeable = yes vfs objects = btrfs
  6. Happy birthday Unraid ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽ‚ ๐Ÿฐ ๐ŸŽˆ Bough my 1st Unraid: 11/30/2007, almost 12 years ago, where does time go?!
  7. Anyone still having this issue, please try the following: -Disable Plex auto scan. -Copy a few GBs of media to the array, to a share that will be scanned by Plex, but make sure it doesn't go to the same disk where the Plex appdata is located. -Start another large copy to the array, media or any other files, as long as it's writing directly to the array, if possible make it go to a different disk from the first media copy and Plex appdata, or try different combinations, while the copy in going on start a Plex library scan, see if doing it while there's array activity more easily triggers the database corruption.
  8. If the disks aren't detected by the HBA bios the HBA is likely the problem, assuming they work on a different controller.
  9. https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/stable-releases/disks-missing-after-upgrading-to-670-r536/?do=findComment&comment=4583
  10. Just to add that this problem is also easy to notice for an array disk to disk copy (though with a smaller performance impact) , e.g, copying 3 files totaling about 12GB, time spent: Read/Write/Modify Reconstruct Write v6.7.2 8m43s 6m17s v6.6.7 5m37s 4m26s
  11. It does look like that is the problem, are the disks detected by the HBA bios during boot?
  12. This is what I used and appears to solve the problem for now.
  13. Seems a little harsh no? Since updating my Win10 VM to 1903 I was having some issues but I wasn't associating them with RDP, I usually leave the session open but I would lose connection after some time and then the VM would be practically unresponsive, trying to reconnect RDP took very long and failed, and even when using Unraid VNC it stayed unresponsive, needed to force a shutdown. After reading this I tried just closing the RDP session and that leaves the VM in the unresponsive state, so I think it's related, I'm trying the workaround linked above and appears to fix it for now, so thanks for posting.
  14. Direct i/o is more for user shares, for this I used disk shares, but I did try having direct i/o on or off and it didn't make any difference.
  15. If the budget allows I would go it an LSI 9300-16i, or any other similar PCIe 3.0 model, older PCIe 2.0 models can bottleneck with 16 drives.
  16. It was a good idea and good to rule out, still would be surprised if the mitigations caused such a big performance loss, 10 or 15% OK, but in this issue performance goes from 70MB/s to <0.5MB/s.
  17. I had the idea that only Lynnifield and newer CPUs were affected by those bugs, but I was wrong, the E8400 is also affected, still just tried the plugin and disabling the mitigations didn't make any difference.
  18. Can't right now since I'am at work, but I have a small server here, based on a Core2Duo 8400, which isn't affected and the behavior is exactly the same.
  19. I would say it's very possible, since the array becomes almost completely unresponsive, even listing a folder's contents can take many seconds, so it might cause timeouts for other things.
  20. It's normal since Samba is restarted, same will happen if you add/change a Share.
  21. Since I can remember Unraid has never been great at simultaneous array disk performance, but it was pretty acceptable, since v6.7 there have been various users complaining for example of very poor performance when running the mover and trying to stream a movie. I noticed this myself yesterday when I couldn't even start watching an SD video using Kodi just because there were writes going on to a different array disk, and this server doesn't even have a parity drive, so did a quick test on my test server and the problem is easily reproducible and started with the first v6.7 release candidate, rc1. How to reproduce: -Server just needs 2 assigned array data devices (no parity needed, but same happens with parity) and one cache device, no encryption, all devices are btrfs formatted -Used cp to copy a few video files from cache to disk2 -While cp is going on tried to stream a movie from disk1, took a long time to start and would keep stalling/buffering Tried to copy one file from disk1 (still while cp is going one on disk2), with V6.6.7: with v6.7rc1: A few times transfer will go higher for a couple of seconds but most times it's at a few KB/s or completely stalled. Also tried with all unencrypted xfs formatted devices and it was the same: Server where problem was detected and test server have no hardware in common, one is based on X11 Supermicro board, test server is X9 series, server using HDDs, test server using SSDs so very unlikely to be hardware related.
  22. If all members of the pool are present you can mount it with UD, more info here, on the notes part.
  23. Just that it's not broken in general, many users using encryption, the problem in this case is that nothing out of the ordinary appears on the diags, at least nothing that I can see, so difficult to see what's causing the problems.
  24. I still believe it's some compatibility/kernel issue with that specif hardware, do you have another server/computer you could test with encryption?
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