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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Look three posts above yours.
  2. The beep should happen either directly before or simultaneous with video going live.
  3. Sounds like you misplaced a / in the rsync command. Install the file manager plugin, and browse to the target disk of your last operation, and you will find a folder named disk1. Inside that folder will be all your shares, you need to move them to the root of that disk instead of being in the disk1 folder.
  4. did it beep? successful POST should be a single beep.
  5. https://netcraftsmen.com/just-say-no-to-jumbo-frames/
  6. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/103924-how-to-turn-my-docker-file-to-a-docker-folder/?do=findComment&comment=1048386
  7. Several options. Change the warning thresholds. Expand the image size limit. Delete the current image and recreate as the same size, but don't reinstall all the apps you currently have, omit what you don't use. Change to a directory instead of an vdisk image. The image will normally expand and contract as updates are applied or containers are added and removed. If the size varies across the warning thresholds, you will get constant warnings.
  8. No. Any forwarded ports must be handled inside the VPN tunnel, by the VPN host end. It means your torrent connections will be limited to those clients willing to send you data with no chance of you "returning the favor" so to speak by sending data to clients that would request it. Torrent protocol by design is very egalitarian, and it penalizes you if you aren't willing or able to reciprocate equally with all members of the swarm. In practice that means you will only be able to successfully download some torrents, your download speeds will be limited, and you will not be able to use private trackers normally. This is not deluge specific, it's torrents in general. Torrents require port forwarding to work as designed. You need to find a VPN provider that works with port forwarding to fully use torrents. You may get it to work somewhat, but you will always be limited.
  9. appdata holds the configuration, customization, and some of the meta-data for your media files that are on the server. So, a new install of Emby pointed at your media files would indeed have your shows, but all your Emby users, played status, thumbnails and assorted other things will be missing and need to be recreated, either by you or automatically depending on what it is.
  10. You asked how to find the location, not how to move the file. It's not implied knowledge, but I can't know you don't know until you ask. The easiest way is probably put the file into a share that you CAN access from your windows machine, then use the plugin file manager in Unraid to move it to the final location. Many times containers need restricted permissions which mean you need to use a different method besides windows accessible shares to work within their configs.
  11. Edit the container, look for the path mapping that references /config on the container side, whatever is filled in on the host side is where you look. You may need to change from basic to advanced in the top right.
  12. Too little detail, but maybe nomachine is what you need?
  13. edit the container, top right, toggle basic view to advanced view
  14. Just for completeness, you could try all the combinations with and without RAM and video, but yeah, the CPU + motherboard + PSU + speaker should be enough to make the motherboard protest about lack of RAM with a distinctive set of beeps. If it doesn't beep ever, it's dead. The next steps to troubleshoot which exact part is bad involve known good CPU and motherboard substitutions, which if you are purchasing instead of sourcing from a pile of used parts doesn't make much sense, unless you are spending single digit amounts. It comes down to how much time and money you want to add to the stack of old parts instead of sourcing newer more power efficient stuff.
  15. If you created it correctly it should boot from that memtest flash drive.
  16. Server hardware that has typically been used with Unraid is not designed with sleep in mind, it's designed to run 24/7/365 for years on end without hiccup. The extremely wide variety of hardware that can be used with Unraid means it's not possible to support sleep natively with any level of success, it's all dependent on the hardware combination in use. You could have a perfectly sleep compatible system, add a server grade HBA, and suddenly sleep causes all sorts of issues because the HBA doesn't support it. Instead of sleep, investigate safely shutting down then powering back up with WOL.
  17. https://www.howtogeek.com/734838/how-to-use-encrypted-passwords-in-bash-scripts/ openssl is in Unraid stock, sshpass needs to be added, I didn't do the legwork to find a package that I know will work in Unraid, but this might get you started. https://slackware.pkgs.org/current/slackers/sshpass-1.09-x86_64-1cf.txz.html
  18. Not downplaying the value of the request, but you should be able to script a work around fairly easily. User scripts, something like this, scheduled to run at array start. #!/bin/bash printf "%s" "waiting for domain controller ..." # Change IP to the DC while ! ping -c 1 -n -w 1 &> /dev/null do printf "%c" "." done printf "\n%s\n" "domain controller is back online" # Change number of seconds to a sane number that will ensure the target service is ready sleep 30 net join -U Administrator
  19. Just a suggestion that may or may not work, has anyone tried USBIP? Client plugin for Unraid Description of setting up host on Rpi, not specifically for a printer, but the host is generic. https://derushadigital.com/other projects/2019/02/19/RPi-USBIP-ZWave.html
  20. It tends to work more often. GUI update is temperamental. cli seems to work for more people consistently. I use the GUI updater, but it always requires one or more browser refreshes to complete properly, it times out between stages.
  21. Compare the Pro.key file from the backup to the one currently on the usb stick.
  22. Do you have a prior backup of your flash drive?
  23. Pretty sure the built in collabora won't work in this container because of the base it's built on. Maybe someone will correct me, but that's my recollection. Perhaps try here? @Kilrah seems to be fairly active here recently.
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