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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. That will make moving your Unraid license to a new machine problematic, as the GUID will be of the reader, not the media. There is a reason a USB stick is required.
  2. What brand and model of flash drive is changing GUID? Could you please post a close up picture of the flash drive itself?
  3. Won't fix, not normal. Attach diagnostic zip file to next post in this thread. What do you mean? The serial numbers are listed for the two disabled drives. The large number of errors on multiple drives looks like controller issues, not drives though.
  4. Sorry, no comment on red or gold, but whichever you land on, try not to have them all shipped at the same time. Ideally you should purchase each one from a different vendor, hoping to possibly get a different shipment from the factory. Hard drives are fragile, and if the shipper dropkicks your package, you don't want all 4 drives to experience the same trauma. Plus, many shippers get a little lax when sending multiple identical items, and the packing separating the items doesn't keep them from hitting each other.
  5. rc2 and 3 are working fine for the vast majority of people, so it's got to be something unique to your setups. I suggest clicking on the radarr icon on the Unraid dashboard, selecting the support option, read through the last several pages in the thread to see if your issue is mentioned, if not create a post in that thread detailing your issue along with attaching your diagnostics.
  6. Or, the system was unstable for the previous owner, and they were throwing parts at it until they gave up and sold it.
  7. No, because it would need much more than just the thumb drive. The absolute minimum to set up a turnkey setup like you are wanting with a decent starting setup would be the USB stick, an NVME or SATA SSD, and a single data drive. Even then it would be a pain to guarantee that it would set up and run properly on a variety of motherboards and cpus. Unfortunately even if it was preconfigured for you, it would break within days, weeks or months depending on update frequency and such. You really need the knowledge and background of setting it up and why things are done a certain way to keep it up and going. Have you watched Spaceinvader One's youtube videos? He covers Unraid pretty well.
  8. Depends. I personally have 3 boxes on rc2 and one on rc3, I've had no ongoing issues. There are some people that seem to be having issues though, I recommend reading the release threads to see if it sounds like you may have something in common with the complaints. It's been several months since I upgraded from 6.9.2, so I can't remember for sure, but I don't think there are any showstoppers involved in going back to it if the rc's don't work out for you.
  9. I would get sorted with the format of disk3 to XFS followed by copying the old disk3 content back to the new disk3, then with your newfound experience in manipulating data on the server I would copy the content of disk1 and disk2 to disk3 as well. Then you would be in a better position to finish your ReiserFS transition, as you could format disk1 and disk2 to XFS since the content is now on disk3. Only after that was done would I replace disk1, and as a freshly formatted blank XFS disk, ready to receive the content from disk4 and disk5, which would conclude your transition off of ReiserFS. Note that I would NOT move any content in this entire operation, instead COPY. It's faster, especially when the source drive is ReiserFS, and you can compare the files on the source and destination before moving forward. Also, for the purposes of this migration be sure to only work with /mnt/diskX paths, never stray into the /mnt/user tree. If you really can't get a grip on doing this with mc at the console, then you can temporarily turn on disk shares and copy things over the network. If you do, be VERY careful never to interact with the regular shares while you are working with the diskX shares, and turn them off after you are done.
  10. Try one of the other emulated network adapter types in the VM setup screen.
  11. Inside the calibre app settings, not the container config, what path is pointed to your library?
  12. I can't address the acpi handler issue, but I really recommend disconnecting the power button header from the motherboard. If your case has a reset button, it's usually much harder to hit by accident, so that's a good candidate for use as a power button. If you don't have IPMI or some other means of powering on, you could always either set the PC to boot immediately when it gets power, or attach a slot cover button.
  13. No, it's because the target flash drive doesn't have a GUID that can be used to license Unraid. You will probably need a different model flash drive.
  14. Great! Hopefully you understand better what is going on with path mapping now. It's essential to understand when you are troubleshooting containers.
  15. No, /mnt/user/MULTIMEDIA doesn't exist in the container, only the host. /data is the container side mapping.
  16. Right there in your screenshot, container path is /data, but you are saving content to /config...
  17. This darphbobo character could end up exceeding a 1 to 1 reputation to post count ratio if he doesn't watch it🤣
  18. Because the most common cause of extra folders in /mnt is somebody mistyping or misunderstanding a container mapping, which will quickly run the server out of RAM if not addressed. You created the folders on purpose, it's up to you to manage whether they are mounted properly before you start writing to them. The warning isn't saying don't do it, it's saying "This error may or may not cause issues for you". Feel free to click the ignore error button, since you are aware of the issues and can manage the risk. It's just notifying you that folders outside of Unraid's direct control exist in a spot that could write to RAM instead of a mounted filesystem. If your mount process fails for whatever reason, the folder will happily accept data written, up until you exhaust the available RAM and crash the server.
  19. Did you read the last several posts on this page before you posted? Specifically https://forums.unraid.net/topic/89702-plugin-docker-folder/?do=findComment&comment=1106150
  20. Yep, it's an all or nothing. FWIW you can go to google account, security, devices to get an idea of what might break and need attention.
  21. from the page you linked less secure app access is for allowing use of your main account password, not app password
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