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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Do you think I should pin my post so it shows at the top of every page?
  2. Easy. https://www.pontikis.net/blog/apc-ups-master-slave-setup-apcupsd https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57115-apc-ups-with-network-card-help-resolved/?do=findComment&comment=842421
  3. I'm unclear by what you mean by taking a drive offline, you originally said you have a 8TB ready to go. If you have a physical and license slot available, you would add the 8TB to the array, it would be cleared and then formatted. You would then copy the data from the 10TB to the 8TB with rsync, mc, or whatever you want, after you are sure all the data is intact on the 8TB, you would set a new config and put the drives where you want them, replacing the 10TB with the 8TB. Make sure to take a screenshot of your drives before you start so you can put them in the correct slots when you do the new config.
  4. Yes, you can stop it once the errors are corrected, then you'll want to do a non-correcting check to make sure you get zero errors.
  5. Temporarily turn on disk shares, and you can connect to the individual disks like you do the user shares. Just be VERY careful to work exclusively in the disk shares while you have them active, DON'T copy or move between disk shares and user shares. Since disks and user shares show two views of the same files, it's easy to mess up and lose data, even if you think you are doing things correctly. You can move disk to disk, or user share to user share, just don't mix between them.
  6. Parity emulates the entire drive, not the data. You can't downsize a drive without rebuilding parity, so you will need to copy the data manually. Do you have a slot available to temporarily add the 8TB to the current array?
  7. Each additional disk adds a failure point and power consumption. Don't add disks unless you need the space.
  8. Sounds like your SSD is wearing out. What model?
  9. Move copies first, then deletes the source. If the process is interrupted, either manually or some error occurs, the delete won't happen. Assuming the copy is accurate and complete, yes. The fact you have copies implies that may not be the case, see my first point. You may want to verify the copy by using checksums or a program that compares files, there are many different options. Parity doesn't contain files, so no, parity is either in sync or it's not. Parity is updated in realtime for every disk operation, be it copy, move, format, encrypt, whatever. As long as you don't have a hardware issue, or have an unclean shutdown, parity should stay in sync. Periodic (monthly is recommended) parity checks are a good idea to be sure parity has stayed in sync. That's because the user shares only show the first unique instance of any identically named file in each folder on all the disks.
  10. Possible, but not a sure bet. This will work with a normal flash drive plugged in exactly like the DOM you linked.. https://noteboox.de/StarTechcom-2-Port-USB-Motherboard-Header-Adapter-IDC-USB-20-BlackGreenStainless-steel-20-mm-125-mm-230-mm
  11. Collapsible text is what is wanted, so the main body is clean and streamlined, and each bullet point only displays when clicked to expand. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/90313-req-code-collapse-feature/?do=findComment&comment=838423
  12. Apparently that's not an absolute, just a limitation of this implementation. https://fabianlee.org/2019/02/16/kvm-virt-manager-to-connect-to-a-remote-console-using-qemussh/
  13. Edit your first post in this thread and change the title, you can add <Solved> or whatever.
  14. Encryption complicates pretty much every recovery scenario. Bottom line, if you encrypt because the data is important, you MUST keep full and current regularly verified backups. All the typical causes of data loss are amplified with encryption. Recover from backup becomes the 1st recovery option.
  15. For reference, 6.9 rc2, admittedly on different server
  16. Put a dummy hdmi plug in the first card.
  17. The flash drive MUST be formatted FAT32 or it will not mount properly, resulting in a non working Unraid. Formatting as FAT32 is covered in the instructions. https://wiki.unraid.net/Articles/Getting_Started#Manual_Method_.28Legacy.29
  18. Only if you flush the write cache before the unclean shutdown.
  19. Apparently I didn't understand the question. Can you restate what you are wanting to accomplish?
  20. There must be a minimum one array data disk to start Unraid. It could be an old junk USB stick that isn't actually used, but it must occupy a disk slot.
  21. Unraid parity has no filesystem and isn't journaled in any way. Exactly correct. But, as long as you cleanly shut down, and have no hardware failure that writes erroneous data, it's reasonable to trust that it is valid. If all writes were complete and flushed out of RAM cache at the moment, absolutely nothing, parity would still be valid. If, however, there are uncommitted writes to any data drive, then the parity emulated failed drive will be corrupt at the address of those writes. Sometimes that address is in unused space so no effect, sometimes it's in the middle of a file, resulting in just one file being silently corrupted, sometimes it's in the filesystem resulting in an unmountable file system that may or may not be repairable. Until a correcting check is run, Unraid has no way to know the parity disk is out of sync, so any errors will accumulate, but will not effect you until a data drive fails to read a sector and parity is used to recreate that sector. The longer you wait to run a correcting check after an unclean shutdown, the greater your risk of corrupted data. However, if the cause of the crash is unknown, you need to figure out WHY, before you correct parity. No point in writing bad data if the crash was caused by a failing stick of RAM. Unraid is not designed to handle unclean shutdowns gracefully, so if your power is prone to failing, you must use a UPS.
  22. Yeah, it seems like the forum software (invision) is hell bent on going the way of microsoft, making pretty GUI things for the sake of prettiness, while removing needed functionality. Prior to the upgrade, we asked multiple times for an easy to access collapsible quoting with monospace for logs and xml, and when the upgrade came they removed the ability to even manually accomplish it, which like I said, was working albeit by manually inserting tags. It's not like the back end functionality is missing, like I said, existing posts with those features still display and function fine, they just removed the ability to do it to new posts. WYSIWYG editors with no access to the actual underlying layout will be the death of us all. What little html coding I do, I still do it in a plain text editor. Suites me just fine. GET OFF MY LAWN. 🤣
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