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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. If your existing single cache drive is BTRFS, then it's probably going to be ok. However... you do have regular backups of your appdata and any cache:only/prefer shares, right? If your server isn't rock solid, I'd strongly recommend staying with a single drive. It seems like there are many more issues reported with BTRFS cache pools than there are with single XFS cache drives. Also, what size are the existing drives, and what size are you planning on adding?
  2. Sounds like a power issue. Like a shorted cable or bad connector, not that the PSU doesn't have enough power. Describe or attach a photo of how your power is distributed to all your devices.
  3. https://www.kingston.com/us/usb-flash-drives/datatraveler-se9-usb-flash-drive Cheaply available on amazon.
  4. Not an option. tools, diagnostics, attach the zip file to your next post if you want assistance.
  5. That's your host paths, what are they mapped to on the container side? You need to browse to the folders defined for the container half of the docker mapping.
  6. click on your name at the top of the forum, click on account settings, click on signature. The rest should be self explanatory.
  7. Typically the answers given are plenty to use in a google search that reveals multitudes of other threads with complete answers. It is extremely frustrating for us to answer the same questions over and over again, when a search will uncover the exact procedures needed. When someone asks a question, often times it is because they didn't know the magic terms to make google give a good answer, and we provide those magic search terms succinctly. If the question asker can't be bothered to do research on their own and expects to be personally led through the solution click by click.... I get your point that a few more words could be helpful in some instances, but many times it's obvious that the asker hasn't put any effort in, and expects us volunteers to do all the work. Feel free to jump in and provide the more complete procedures when someone asks questions. We welcome all helpful submissions.
  8. If you can't restore your critical data from backups, you need to rethink your storage strategy. Unraid or RAID are not a substitute for backups. A better plan would be to add the capacity you need with fresh drives, and use your current drives as backup media.
  9. Read the description for high water. Notice the free space remaining on all the drives. It's working exactly as described.
  10. The difference between /mnt/user and /mnt/disk or cache has been an ongoing issue for several years now. Some versions work better than others, theoretically the 6.8.x tree was supposed to have solved all that for good, but apparently not. Initially the /mnt/cache path will not exist with no cache set up, but the docker engine will happily create defined paths as soon as a container with that path defined is started. There are no guaranteed paths with direct disk access right now. The closest guarantee would be /mnt/disk1, but even that may not exist if someone skips the #1 slot for some reason.
  11. That assumes you actually HAVE a cache drive or pool set up. Not all Unraid users do. If you change to /mnt/cache and DON'T have a valid cache setup, it will still work as long as you don't run out of RAM, and everything saved to /mnt/cache will disappear when you reboot.
  12. That's an nvidia, you are trying to use a radeon. Much different.
  13. Just to be clear, you have the license key file from your old USB stick in the config folder of your replacement stick? How long has it been since the key was replaced the last time? If it's been less than a year you will need to contact limetech directly and explain what's going on.
  14. 1. Update your signature. 2. Wait for a release of Unraid that includes multiple cache pools. IIRC it's supposed to be in public testing Soon™. (weeks to months) If you go through the hassle of setting things up on unassigned devices you will have to redo much of your work when multiple cache pools are a thing. Or, if you like tinkering and fooling around with your server, go ahead and switch things up for the novelty and experience. There is really no "right" answer, which is probably why nobody replied. It's whatever you want to do.
  15. Tools, diagnostics, attach the zip file to your next post in this thread.
  16. Tools, diagnostics, attach the zip file to your next post in this thread.
  17. From the looks of it, I'm pretty sure you are overclocking the RAM controller, but I could be wrong. Make sure you are obeying the max speeds for the amount and type of RAM on that CPU. Any errors at all are unacceptable, you need to change either the hardware or the settings until you get zero errors over a 24 hour runtime of memtest.
  18. I recommend putting this in bold and possibly red at the top of the relevant section in the first thread post. Since trurl recommends 20GB docker image files, having 15GB free isn't likely by default. Any chance you can put a check in your script to abort if there isn't enough space in the image? Otherwise I suspect there will be some unhappy campers when their docker image gets corrupted.
  19. Tools, diagnostics, download the zip file and attach it to your next post in this thread.
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