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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. The ability to block notifications and viewing of posts from selected users (trolls) would be a wonderful feature addition.
  2. My mistake. The included version is shown in the release tab in GitHub linked in the first post. https://github.com/binhex/arch-qbittorrentvpn/releases
  3. Scroll up one post above yours. You can also see the notes for each build in the dockerhub link in the first post in this thread.
  4. You should be aware though that this isn’t a solution for everyone (myself included). After making these changes the callback traces persist. Wasn’t a big issue for me since I wasn’t still using the VLAN I just went ahead and switched to IPVLAN. Not sure what problems that may cause down the road though.
  5. You can check what tag you are using by going to the docker tab and clicking on the name of the docker. The tag will be shown on the repository field. If you change the tag the associated version will install when you click “apply”.
  6. I would just use the user scripts plugin to clean them up. There are several scripts for this. Here’s one- https://forums.unraid.net/topic/39447-ds_store-cleanup-for-v6/
  7. IIRC network type bridge is recommended.
  8. Just a guess but perhaps a typo when you set the port? You don’t show what you have set for the WEBUI_PORT variable but if you want it to be 8080 then Host Port 3 would be 8080:8080.
  9. You probably needed to change it in the docker config- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/qbittorrentvpn.md Scroll down to Q4.
  10. Do you have UD and UD+ installed? Not sure if both are needed but at least UD is.
  11. What error do you get when you test the connection?
  12. From the logs it looks like a corrupted database. https://wiki.servarr.com/radarr/faq
  13. Yes. The count was up to over 5000 by the time I completed transferring all the data off of it. I’ve already removed it from the array. Not planning to use it for anything.
  14. DNS failure. Try just setting name resolution to
  15. LAN_NETWORK= This is likely your issue. https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md Scroll down to Q4.
  16. Looks like no internet connection but I believe the log you posted was also truncated.
  17. Paste the contents of supervisord.log into your next post. Be sure to redact users and passwords.
  18. I must be blind.😁 Read the blog but still didn’t see it.
  19. Thanks. The most recent warning has reallocated sectors at 2600. I think I’ll just trash it once I get it emptied.
  20. No. Just a short test. I could do an extended test if you think the results might change your recommendation?
  21. Smart and diagnostics. brunnhilde-smart-20230621-2212.zip brunnhilde-diagnostics-20230621-2216.zip
  22. Just moved and I’m temporarily stuck with the worlds worst 5G plan for internet. On a good day I can get speeds around 500 bps down and 50 bps up.😕 On a bad day it’s much worse. I know there are options that will work with CG NAT but with those speeds why bother. The local cable company is in the process of installing their network to my street. They expect to be finished by the end of the month and I’ll be able to get my OpenVPN back up. The wait is killing me.😁
  23. It’ll probably get higher. Started at 38 about 4 hours ago and it’s been increasing steadily all morning.
  24. In the middle of a parity check due to an unclean shutdown last night. Started receiving email notifications this morning. Here is the latest- Event: Unraid Disk 6 SMART health [5] Subject: Warning [BRUNNHILDE] - reallocated sector ct is 232 Description: ST8000AS0002-1NA17Z_Z840EATS (sdl) Importance: warning Not at home so I can’t pull a smart report or diagnostics but my gut tells me it’s time to replace it.
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