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Everything posted by trurl

  1. People "seed" their torrents (in fact, it's often required). Are you sure it's really writing to the array, or is the array just being used to read your seeds?
  2. You do realize that you have given nothing that would allow anyone to help you.
  3. You should be able to see whether or not it successfully fetched the version you specified by looking at the log. If not then maybe you entered the version wrong or it is not available.
  4. Have you checked the CMOS battery? Perhaps the motherboard lost the time when it was powered off.
  5. Yes it does look like both the docker and the plugin. Very confused. Remove the Plex plugin and start from scratch with just the docker.
  6. Click the link I gave you to their locked support thread. Then click the link they gave you to their blog explaining why they deprecated it. There you will find yet another link to the "official" teamspeak docker.
  7. Yes I know. I locked it at their request. I didn't ask you to post there, but this discussion definitely doesn't belong here. And your question is already answered there.
  8. Why did you post that question in this support thread which has absolutely nothing to do with linuxserver? Have you tried looking at the support thread for that docker? https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/41910-support-linuxserverio-teamspeak-3/?tab=comments#comment-412033&searchlight=1
  9. For future reference, you can always get to the support thread for any addon (plugin or docker) from its support link Community Applications.
  10. I assume here you are referring to the actual flash drive which you have tried to read in your PC. Did you get the server to boot but it is not working correctly, or by "my unraid" are you actually referring to the flash drive and not the server? This is very confusing. Is your flash drive usable as a flash drive or not? I don't mean will it boot your server and let you use it. I just mean can you put it in your PC and read any files from that flash drive. If the flash drive works as a flash drive, then it may be possible to get it working to boot and use your server without going to all the trouble of registering a new flash. Did you ever actually try this advice? Please clarify. Are you able to get to the boot menu? Or can you not even read the contents of the flash drive when you put it in your PC?
  11. For future reference, you can always download a zipped backup copy of your flash drive from Main - Boot Device - Flash - Flash backup.
  12. Yes Another approach is to use SSD as cache but don't cache user share writes. This saves all the cache SSD for docker / VMs and writes to user shares are immediately protected by parity. If you still want a little more performance on writing to user shares on the array there is turbo-write mode. Not as fast as writing to cache but doesn't have the disadvantages of temporarily having your user share data on cache, where it will be unprotected (unless using a cache-pool) until moved (which just delays the performance hit of writing to the array).
  13. The Docker and Github links in the first post explain how to install a specific version of Plex.
  14. Why not? It is easy to get your Previous Apps back in Community Applications.
  15. Is that idle? Have you checked the temps during a parity check?
  16. Lots of useful information in forum threads that have been pinned to the top of the subforums. For example, there is this one: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/37579-need-help-read-me-first/
  17. You would have to provide more details before we could analyze the specific situation to determine whether those things I mentioned are not coming into play. Split Level can force unRAID to put a file on a disk other than the new disk. And 0 Minimum Free is not recommended and is probably one of the main reasons people get unexpected out-of-space. unRAID has no way to know how large a file will become when it chooses a disk to write. If a disk has less than Minimum Free, it will choose a different disk. You should set Minimum Free to larger than the largest file you expect to write to the User Share. There is also a Minimum Free setting for cache in Global Share Settings. But as I mentioned, Split Level takes precedence, so if Split Level says a file should go on a certain disk to keep it together with other files, then that is the disk it is going to choose.
  18. Sorry, my bad. I meant "Minimum Free", not "Most Free". Note that Split Level takes precedence over Allocation Method and Minimum Free when unRAID decides which disk to write.
  19. Check Split Level and Most Free for the share. Turn on Help, then ask if you don't understand what those settings do.
  20. Looks like another fail. If you look at my post above you can see that @Switchblade is highlighted, but your attempt to "page" Limetech is not. What are you using to post to the forum?
  21. Unlikely they have seen this thread. Looks like you failed in your attempt to get their attention since you did it wrong: You must type the 'at' sign, begin to type the name and then you must choose from the selections presented in order for the forum software to take any action. Like this: @Switchblade
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