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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Don't see what exactly post #3 has to do with 4K alignment, since "align" doesn't appear anywhere on the first page of this thread. I can see how you might use the ideas in post #3 after you have aligned a disk. You need to spell out in much greater detail exactly what you are thinking about doing.
  2. See here. Then go to Windows Control Panel - Credential Manager and delete any unRAID credentials to they can be renegotiated.
  3. Since you say you are using screen and not the preclear plugin, what does it look like in your screen sessions?
  4. I/O is cached in memory until memory is used up, then it has to wait on the disk. That accounts for the burst at the beginning. Writing to the parity array is always slower than the drives because it must first read the disk to be written and read parity, calculate the change that would be made to parity by the data to be written, write parity and write data. So, 2 reads and 2 writes when writing to the parity array.
  5. Looks OK but I would probably do another preclear cycle. I like to see all zeros on mine.
  6. You can put a .cron file anywhere under /boot/config/plugins/dynamix and it will be added to crontab for you when you boot. See some of the built-in .cron files there for examples.
  7. I think you can just fill in the drivers without actually doing the detect if you know what they are. Maybe search for your motherboard here and google.
  8. If it happens again, take a look on the Dashboard under System Status for the numbers labeled flash : log : docker. Possibly the "no space" device is the log.
  9. Most likely what happened was your plex docker updated when it was started after the reboot, and it is plex that is broken. Probably would have happened even if you did not update unRAID and merely rebooted or restarted the docker. Nothing to do with 6.1.4.
  10. With unRAID 32bit v5 it was definitely possible to run out of memory preclearing. Not sure if it still an issue with 64bit v6. I'm not aware of anyone trying as many as you are suggesting so you may just have to try it and see. Can't imagine you really need all of them at once though so you might go with fewer at one time. Unless you break it by running too many you should be able to use your server for other things while preclearing, such as loading data to the drives already precleared so maybe not that important to do it all at once anyway.
  11. There may be a new version of sensors-detect. Unfortunately the www.lm-sensors.org is refusing connections for some reason.
  12. Since you have given this to the community, you should make a little more effort to explain the differences yourself. Not everyone is going to be able to make useful comparisons between different Dockerfiles in different repos.
  13. Google urlencode. When URLs are involved, spaces are encoded into + and + are decoded into spaces. Other things happen to other special characters so they might need to be considered as well.
  14. Have you installed the Community Applications plugin? It really makes using dockers much easier, and gives you links to each dockers support threads.
  15. Looks like this is your first post to any docker thread. Since this particular thread is about 2 dockers, maybe you should tell us which one you're talking about. Do you have any other working dockers?
  16. thanks trurl for your help. So you mean that I only need not to assign the drive when I start the array and then move data from one disk to this drive? My understanding is that you intend to use your parity drive as a new data drive and run without a parity drive, correct? If so, New Config without a parity drive and assign the parity drive to a data slot. When you start the array, unRAID will format that drive. Then you use it however you want as another data drive. Obviously you won't have any parity protection. Do you have backups of anything important?
  17. unRAID requires that any data drive added to a parity array be clear so parity will remain valid. No parity, no need to clear.
  18. The User Share Copy Bug can only happen if you are mixing disks and user shares in a copy/move. If you read the thread it explains why this happens.
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