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Everything posted by trurl

  1. What dockers are you running? Have you seen this?
  2. Why did you think it might help?
  3. Not obvious how similar your problem actually is. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post. I have split this into another thread so the OP can have that one.
  4. Fix whatever is filling your log file with these: Mar 8 01:04:34 Tower nginx: 2020/03/08 01:04:34 [alert] 12791#12791: worker process 3179 exited on signal 6 Mar 8 01:04:38 Tower nginx: 2020/03/08 01:04:38 [alert] 12791#12791: worker process 3311 exited on signal 6 Mar 8 01:04:41 Tower nginx: 2020/03/08 01:04:41 [alert] 12791#12791: worker process 3665 exited on signal 6 Mar 8 01:04:43 Tower nginx: 2020/03/08 01:04:43 [alert] 12791#12791: worker process 3701 exited on signal 6 Mar 8 01:04:45 Tower nginx: 2020/03/08 01:04:45 [alert] 12791#12791: worker process 3729 exited on signal 6 Mar 8 01:04:47 Tower nginx: 2020/03/08 01:04:47 [alert] 12791#12791: worker process 3834 exited on signal 6 ... Here are some google search results: https://www.google.com/search?q=worker+process+exited+on+signal+6+site:forums.unraid.net&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS805US805&sxsrf=ALeKk03mPrKUmLb-PPP9sB2CJ7UEBwhKDg:1584999164468&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiJi6uBxrHoAhUMCKwKHSSFCBAQrQIoBDADegQIBBAP&biw=1280&bih=610&dpr=1.5
  5. Might not be the best choice, since those small USB3 tend to get hot. In any case, it is often better to boot from a USB2 port anyway, and USB3 speed is not needed for this situation. If you don't already have a license .key file for that one you might consider getting something else. Have you tried the manual method? https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_6/Getting_Started#Manual_Method_.28Legacy.29
  6. Possibly unrelated to your question, but why have you allocated 40G to docker image? Have you had problems with it filling?
  7. You're on the wrong support thread. You can go directly to the correct support thread for any of your dockers by clicking on its icon and selecting Support.
  8. If your memory is ECC it won't show any errors to memtest.
  9. Do you have another thread about this? If not, start one in General Support and post your diagnostics.
  10. I have never tried this but https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=554749
  11. Unraid must format any disk it will use in the parity array or cache pool
  12. Go to Tools-diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post
  13. Post your docker run command as explained at the very first link in the Docker FAQ pinned near the top of the Docker Engine subforum
  14. Go to Tools-diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post
  15. You definitely don't want to do that for a drive in the array or cache pool. It might or might not work well for preclearing and as Unassigned Device, but often USB won't pass the SMART information so maybe not. I've been using this for Unassigned Devices for years: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076M3ZLKF/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_I4aEEbRXE1VZ7 Along with this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000GX4C7I/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_y3aEEb8P4103D
  16. You should be seeing SMART warnings for that disk on the Dashboard. And you should have Notifications setup so it would be nagging you to get rid of it.
  17. There may be some things here you needed to deal with before upgrading: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/66327-unraid-os-version-650-stable-release-update-notes/ SMART for that 2TB cache disk is abysmal. Don't attempt to use it at all as cache or in the array. Maybe as an Unassigned Device you can try to read something from it. Reboot and unassign that disk from cache then maybe go from there and post new diagnostics. The 60GB you are thinking of using as cache might be adequate for some dockers but not enough capacity for much else, especially for caching user share writes.
  18. People sometimes disturb connections to other drives when they are installing a drive. Another possibility is insufficient power for the number of drives, but you don't give any details for that so maybe that isn't a concern. I have also seen cases where a bad drive connected will make everything else not work well. Yes, you will have to rebuild the disabled parity, after you get the hardware working right. SMART for that disk indicates it is failing and shouldn't be used, but if you can get it to work with everything else maybe we can get something off of it. If the disk won't mount with Unassigned Devices, then obviously it can't be shared. But it might be possible to repair its filesystem and then get it to mount. Or maybe try that other software Squid mentioned and connect it to your PC with a USB dock of some sort.
  19. Some hardware seems to have problems keeping USB3 ports connected. Doesn't matter so much what you create the flash drive on, but you may have less problems if your server boots from a USB2 port. Sometimes the motherboard will have headers for USB2 even if there are only USB3 ports exposed externally. Unraid doesn't run from the flash drive. It is more like firmware. It unpacks the OS archives from flash into RAM, and runs in RAM. The flash drive is also used to store configurations you make in the webUI so they can be reapplied at boot. So, speed and capacity aren't important for the flash drive.
  20. Use another, preferably USB2, 32GB or less. Format as FAT32. Also, preferably boot from USB2 port.
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