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Everything posted by trurl

  1. "hope"? The security of each of your user shares is displayed on the Dashboard.
  2. https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/stable-releases/sqlite-db-corruption-testers-needed-r598/
  3. Since /volume2 is not an Unraid path, I assume you are running this docker on another platform. Have you read the first post in this support thread?
  4. First thing if you are having flash problems, make sure you are using a USB2 port. USB3 is less reliable for booting. You might try just putting flash in PC and letting it checkdisk. While there backup the config folder. If that doesn't fix it then you can try preparing it as a new install and copy the config folder back. If there is actually something wrong with flash then you can make a new install on a new flash and copy the config folder back. You would have to get the license transferred. You can do that from the webUI.
  5. Can you boot another OS on this machine, such as a Linux distro?
  6. According to my forum profile, I asked my first question March 31, 2011. Who knew I would enjoy spending so much time answering them.
  7. Do you have an attached monitor and keyboard?
  8. Is this a new install? Not entirely clear what you mean. Post a screenshot.
  9. You read them. Did you try them? Do you get the same result if you don't use a mapped drive?
  10. OK. Just wanted to make sure you weren't encountering #2 I mentioned in my post above:
  11. Can your server reach the internet?
  12. In each of these, you say copying, but are you really copying? As in there is now the original in the source and a copy of it in the destination? Or are you moving?
  13. Help us understand what is different about your setup that makes it have this problem when so many of us are using Windows and Unraid together without this problem. You never answered this question: If you are then that would be one thing you are doing differently than I am. Not saying it should matter, just trying to get more information. I always work with files on other computers like Frank1940 explained here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/79454-file-transfer-results-in-error-0x8007003b/?do=findComment&comment=737866 Nobody in this thread seems to have responded directly to the suggestions in that post.
  14. Mover was originally intended for idle time. The default schedule is daily in the middle of the night. Not saying this shouldn't be investigated, but it might be useful to some users if they simply reconsidered how they are using the cache feature. Different people will have different needs, of course, but I sometimes wonder if enough thought has been given to how and whether to cache. Here is a recent post I made about how I use cache: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/82329-why-i-wont-be-using-unraid/?tab=comments#comment-764006
  15. For the case of Unraid in the home, it doesn't seem all that serious to me. Adding users or shares isn't something that happens frequently in the home environment. And it is (or should be) easy enough to know when someone is accessing the server for those rare occasions when you want to do this sort of management. In any case, it is temporary and its only effect is the one you saw, which is easily recovered from.
  16. Here is a link to the Report Guidelines: https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/stable-releases/report-guidelines-r68/ And here is a relevant quote from those:
  17. Now that you mention "available cache disk space", I wonder if even mentioning Mover to the users isn't asking for trouble. Between the confusion of the Use cache settings, along with not even being aware of the Minimum Free setting for cache and what it does, and the fact that people often add cache AFTER they have already created docker image on the array... I have dealt with a lot of users that have all of this misconfigured on their servers and it usually takes a half page of posts to get them straight.
  18. That just tells you what is on cache. It doesn't tell you whether or not any of it would be moved to the array; i.e, files from cache-only or cache-prefer user shares would not be moved from cache. And it doesn't tell you if any files would be moved from the array to cache; i.e, files from cache-prefer user shares. Another approach would be to disable mover for the duration of the test.
  19. Just in case you are considering running it on that platform, it isn't recommended. USB, though allowed, often isn't a reliable connection for array or cache disks.
  20. If you edit a previous post, your thread doesn't show up as having anything new in it. So it might be overlooked. Since you actually made a new post anyway, then we did notice it. Something to consider when using the forum. That is why I said
  21. Because you had not been approved yet. Sending you a PM.
  22. Make sure you have Notifications setup to alert you immediately by email or other agent if a problem is detected.
  23. Seems like a problem with Flash. Go to Tools-diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your next post.
  24. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your next post. I may split your part of this discussion into its own thread.
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