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Everything posted by MyKroFt

  1. I will try it again Dont know what to do with [...] in the server section, so I am going to remove it
  2. Does anyone have a letsencrypt subdomain.conf file for this container? My version is coming up with bad gateway, I am still learning proxies Thanks Myk
  3. Thank you very much, that is what it was, I was using the external port instead of internal. I am now understanding this much more. Appreciated!
  4. Ya I found that as well, but am still at a loss of why I: am getting Bad Gateway, hopefully someone who know more than I do, will see this and can push me in the right direction. Thanks
  5. yes I have my own domain name, nextcloud and others are working just fine. I: can access medusa via local ip, but when I try https://medusa.townecrier.domain I get bad gateway
  6. ok, please be kind, my brain is moosh trying to go thru 92 pages, and search didnt help either am trying to setup subdomain medusa, there is no sample avail so here is my try, but I am getting bad gateway, I know its something simple., but I Just cant see it atm # make sure that your dns has a cname set for medusa # to enable password access, uncomment the two auth_basic lines server { listen 443 ssl; server_name medusa.*; include /config/nginx/ssl.conf; client_max_body_size 0; location / { # auth_basic "Restricted"; # auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd; include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; resolver valid=30s; set $upstream_medusa binhex-medusa; proxy_pass http://$upstream_medusa:8082; } } yes, i am using binhex still - but am planing on moving over soon.... Error log shows: 2018/08/14 20:28:11 [error] 386#386: *6 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: medusa.*, request: "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "medusa.townecrier.extensionhidden", referrer: "https://medusa.townecrier.extensionhidden/" Please help me, thanks Myk
  7. what about : https://www.ebay.com/itm/LSI-LSI00244-9201-16i-PCI-Express-2-0-x8-SATA-SAS-Host-Bus-Adapter-Card/173180865442?hash=item2852624ba2%3Ag%3AGGIAAOSwigxak3xZ&_sacat=0&_nkw=lsi+9300-16i&_from=R40&rt=nc&LH_TitleDesc=0
  8. I have 3 SUPERMICRO AOC-SASLP-MV8 PCI-Express x4 Low Profile SAS RAID Controller, which have been working perfectly fine for me. Problem is I have 4 slots on the SuperMicro MB, but the 4th one is too close to my cpu cooler to plug the 4 port intel network card in so.... Is there anything out there recommended to replace them, these cards support 8 drive, I would need something to support 12 drives per card, so I can go back down the 2 and have room for the network card.... Suggestions? Thanks Myk
  9. Another question trying to set this up, what would be the best way to have the unRAID machine and bare metal machine connected to the modem so they can auto switch? Can you put a small switch after the modem and have both hooked up since only one at a time would be trying to connect to the modem?
  10. Did this video ever get made, this is exactly what i am looking for, I have a seperate 1u box in the rack that is my pfsense, would love to run it in a VM environment. Did you also think of a good way to update the configuration on the physical box? Thanks Myk
  11. are you sure your dont have more than one partition on that flash drive. it sure sounds like you have a 512mb partition, and another with the rest of the space. Windows will only see the 1st partition to format, insert it and use the drive management tool from windows. it will show you if there is more than one partition. remove them all, then use the unRAID creator tool. I have used it, the tool does work
  12. I know this is old, but ... I am trying this and getting server refused our key. Am trying to use extraputty suggestions?
  13. Apparently I am stupid then, when I go there, It wants me to setup billing information. Apparently they are not free anymore after 7/16/18
  14. what specific service do we need for the API?
  15. Where is the updated plugin/how to do this? I tried getting the plugin from the 1st link, but it comes back generic error in the plugin manager..... I have been uploading to my google plexdrive system manually via web browser and am tired it is stopping or I forget I am uploading and close the browser... Thanks Myk
  16. When I had this happen, I had to delete and re-create the docker.img file as well, Then use CA to reinstall all your apps. I have not had it happen since doing this. Been over a year now Myk
  17. That is not a complete url, could be the problem
  18. Is there a way to install a specific build/ver with ENV VAR?
  19. Deleted files do not go to the recyclebin when deleted from share via windows laptop found the below in /mnt dir? 0 space taken up
  20. I dont get any error msgs in my logs, this is what is in my smb-extra.conf, let me know what else will help #vfs_recycle_start #Recycle bin configuration [global] syslog only = No log level = 0 vfs:0 #vfs_recycle_end include = /boot/scripts/RootShare.conf include = /etc/samba/unassigned-shares/Crucial_CT240M500SSD1_1332095464B2.conf
  21. Am trying to modify the fetch_key to use sftp over ssh with a password .ppk file anyone have a good example? Thanks Myk
  22. My PiHole docker gets up to a extremely high load, and then will start bringing down unraid. I had to make a cron and restart the docker once every 24 hrs.... Don't know why it happens, happens faster if I leave it on its GUI dashboard screen.... Myk
  23. do we have a fix yet for the changing client ID? otherwise anyone recommend any other dropbox docker?
  24. I am not home atm to post diags, but when this happens to me, if I manually kill the docker daemon, everything comes back, as I get this hang on community apps looking for updates and the log complains about php-fpm as well as the docker page Myk
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