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[Support] binhex - Crafty

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17 hours ago, dkerlee said:

@Myleslewis looks like Crafty is def the one misbehaving. So, I saw your screenshot up there of part of your Docker config for it, it refers to

/mnt/user/Minecraft Backups

so: make sure that that folder exists in your array.

Also: are you clear how these paths work? Dockers are sorta locked into their own little worlds. When you add a Path to the Docker config, it will give the Docker access to a spot outside it's little Docker universe. In this case, the Crafty Docker thinks it's looking at


and it will read and write to, where it thinks is /backups

but it will actually be /mnt/user/Minecraft Backups/


/backups -> /mnt/user/Minecraft Backups

Hi dkerlee, thanks for your response !


I can confirm that /mnt/user/Minecraft Backups exists, and I've tripple checked the case of the lettering etc.


I have a basic understanding of the paths, though you've made me think... Inside the container, in the UI, I have my backups going to /backups/Minecraft Backups/ like this:




Could that be causing issues ? It is writing correctly to the location on the array as seen here:




Which all looks correct, so this is why I'm confused, as it appears to be working as intended!


Hi binhex, thanks for your response !


I've tried the below...


11 hours ago, binhex said:

Tip, change du -a to du -ah to make things easier to read

Sent from my 22021211RG using Tapatalk


And this was the outout, same as before.




Really stumped on this one :/ Could there be anything in my diagnostics file that could suggest what's causing the issue ?


Thanks, - Myles

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Something weird I noticed, I don't have time to look at this more right now, but the command you ran:

du -a /dir/ | sort -n -r | head -n 20

(where "/dir" is the directory in question)

returns a bunch of files that are "1020K" but those files are NOT 1020K. 


sh-5.1# ls -S -lh
total 980M
-rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody users   11M Aug  8 02:40 r.2.6.mca
-rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody users  9.9M Aug  8 02:40 r.-4.-3.mca
-rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody users  9.8M Aug  8 03:02 r.-3.-1.mca


for instance. Hmmmm


Remember what I said up there how Dockers live in their own worlds. You can commandline into that world by clicking on the Dashboard > Docker Containers > Crafty, then select Console >_

That's why my console looks weird up there "sh-5.1#" instead of the normal "root@UNKNOWNSERVER:~#"


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Hi dkerlee, running the command from within the container terminal, instead of the the the root one, gives a different output.


sh-5.1# du -ah | sort -n -r | head -n 10
du: cannot read directory './proc/73/task/73/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/73/map_files': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/73/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/91/task/91/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/91/task/92/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/91/task/93/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/91/task/94/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/91/task/97/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/91/map_files': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/91/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/96/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/98/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/99/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/100/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/101/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/102/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/103/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/104/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/105/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/106/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/107/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/108/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/109/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/110/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/111/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/112/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/113/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/115/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/116/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/118/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/119/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/120/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/121/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/122/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/123/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/124/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/128/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/131/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/132/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/143/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/144/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/145/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/153/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/154/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/155/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/156/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/157/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/158/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/159/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/172/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/180/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/181/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/182/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/183/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/187/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/188/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/189/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/190/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/191/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/192/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/193/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/194/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/195/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/196/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/197/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/198/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/199/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/200/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/201/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/202/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/task/203/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/map_files': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory './proc/96/fdinfo': Permission denied
du: cannot access './proc/1128/task/1128/fd/3': No such file or directory
du: cannot access './proc/1128/task/1128/fdinfo/3': No such file or directory
du: cannot access './proc/1128/fd/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access './proc/1128/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
du: ./sys/kernel/slab: Input/output error
1020K   ./config/crafty/servers/Minecraft(Personal)/backups/world/2022-7-8 18-39-19/AETHER/region/r.1.2.mca.gz
1020K   ./config/crafty/servers/Minecraft(Personal)/backups/world/2022-6-19 15-13-37/AETHER/region/r.1.2.mca.gz
1020K   ./config/crafty/servers/Minecraft(Personal)/backups/world/2022-6-12 20-27-14/AETHER/region/r.1.2.mca.gz
1020K   ./config/crafty/servers/Minecraft(Personal)/backups/world/2022-5-20 21-09-00/AETHER/region/r.1.2.mca.gz
1020K   ./config/crafty/servers/Minecraft(Personal)/backups/world/2022-5-15 21-44-41/AETHER/region/r.1.2.mca.gz
1012K   ./usr/lib/libitm.so.1.0.0
1012K   ./config/crafty/servers/forge_1.18.2/world/entities/r.1.-2.mca
1012K   ./config/crafty/servers/forge_1.18.2 (Staging)/world/entities/r.1.-2.mca
1008K   ./config/crafty/servers/Minecraft(Personal)/backups/world/2022-7-8 18-39-19/AETHER/region/r.1.-8.mca.gz
1008K   ./config/crafty/servers/Minecraft(Personal)/backups/world/2022-6-19 15-13-37/AETHER/region/r.1.-8.mca.gz


Though the files are still showing the same size as my previous screenshot.


Thanks, - Myles

Edited by Myleslewis
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  • 2 weeks later...

alright I hope this gets you going.

Check "Fix Common Errors" in unRaid. See if there are any capitalization errors.

We'd like to find out exactly what in the docker is so big, and why it's in the docker and not in a mapped version of your unraid file system.


This doesn't really solve any issues, but you can start getting your fingers into your Docker.


The thing I'd point out here is the look of the CLI (command line interface) if it's "rubble" that's the regular command prompt in my unraid system. If it's only black and white "sh-5.1#" that's the CLI inside that specific docker.


I suspect the big files are your world files You can see with mine that my world files are a bit shy of 4GB, but the size of my crafty-4 docker is 1.36GB = the world files are outside of the docker image.


As I was looking around for some relevant information for ya, I thought this thread was really good. It's not directly related but has some good information from some heavy hitters on these forums. Expand docker image size


The other day I helped someone out with a remote desktop peek. I know you've been struggling with this for a while, if you wanna PM me off this thread we can work something out. Sometimes a second pair of eyes is all ya need. Also: crafty-4 has a very pretty back end :). Ba-dun...ching


console in docker.png

crafty 4 advanced docker tab.png

rubble console world sizes.png

ruth docker size.png

settings docker advance volume info.png

size of worlds.png

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Hi dkerlee,


I checked fix common problems and other than dockers and some plugins being out of date, there were no other issues. No capitalisation errors.


When going to docker > crafty > console and run du -sh * it looks like it gives me the contents of my root folder, as doing du -sh * shows boot, mnt user etc, and doing ls gives me this:




My worlds appear to be saved to appdata correctly as I can go in and view them in the directory that they're expected to be in.


Thanks, - Myles


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Hi, think I've just fixed it !




it looks like it was my /config mapping... there was an extra / at the end of the mapping:




But removing that end / and changing it to /mnt/user/appdata/binhex/crafty has reduced my docker image utilsation to 26%of 40G (increased it to give me a bit more time to figure things out) and gives the above sizes when I go docker > container size.


Defo missed it previously, but the link you posted on expanding docker image size prompted me to go over mappings again and noticed that.


Will keep an eye on things but I think that should put this to bed now.


Thanks, - Myles

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Yeah, it looks like it !


From my veeeery basic understanding, having it as /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-crafty writes everything all the sub folders etc into that directory but having it as /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-crafty/ expects a folder after that last / but because it was left 'blank' it wrote to /tmp as the docker was, surprise surprise, writing to a directory that didn't exist, in this case binhex-crafty/


I probably explained that veeeeery poorly, but I understand what I mean and can avoid it happening again :')


Thank you so much for your help!!


- Myles

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  • 4 weeks later...

Make sure you’re editing the correct server.properties, and that you’re editing it in the correct format. How familiar are you with Docker file locations, there is a learning curve there. Many settings you can change from within the game using a chat

/gamemode hard <enter>

for example 

you do have to be “op” for that. 
from the Docker find you server and where you enter commands. 
op <username> <enter>


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  • 1 year later...

Is anyone still using this container in 2024?

I recently spun up a 1.20.4 vanilla server and had nothing but issues.

Random disconnects are today's issue. Also had crashes.

Crash logs are confusing and don't seem to show anything helpful.

Is there another option I should explore instead or is this just the name of the game running a Minecraft server on Unraid? Hate to pay for a service when I have a powerful unraid box sitting in my closet. Thanks

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10 minutes ago, mmtaii said:

Is anyone still using this container in 2024?

I recently spun up a 1.20.4 vanilla server and had nothing but issues.

Random disconnects are today's issue. Also had crashes.

Crash logs are confusing and don't seem to show anything helpful.

Is there another option I should explore instead or is this just the name of the game running a Minecraft server on Unraid? Hate to pay for a service when I have a powerful unraid box sitting in my closet. Thanks


But this is dead I think. The one working now is binhex-crafty-4.

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