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[Support] Nginx Proxy Manager (NPM) Official

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13 minutes ago, karola said:

Port forwarding from the router to NGINX and then?

nginx does only http/s ... game server dont run via http ... so this wont work as desired.


what you can do, if your NPM is accessable ... and NPM supports stream server ... then you can add a stream server service in NPM which runs seperately from port 80/443 and route to your gameserver then, wonders me a little, but yes ...


just in terms NPM supports stream server setup (swag user here)


but this is not domain related then, stream server function in NPM is more or less just a port forwarding ...

so you also would need to open those ports too in your router to NPM and ...

any domain/ip routing to your router ip:port would work then


so as sample from @Aeloth


client >> ip/domain:25565 >> router >> NPM (stream) >> gameserver docker


so client could call game.yourdomain.com:25565 OR 100.200.300.400:25565 (while 100.200.300.400 would be your external IP),

you could use any existing domain which may already be set for other services in NPM as they route to your home anyway.


what wonders me ... if your gameservers cant connect to the internet ... then how should they send data to clients ... ;)


perferable methos, put them in some seperate bridge, setup port mappings and forward those ports to your gameserver/s

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/17/2021 at 6:02 AM, mgutt said:

Overview: Support for the Nginx Proxy Manager (NPM) Official docker container

Docker: https://hub.docker.com/r/jc21/nginx-proxy-manager

Github: https://github.com/jc21/nginx-proxy-manager


This is the official Nginx Proxy Manager container. Its advantage compared to the version of jlesage / Djoss is the support of IPv6 on ports 80 and 443.*


Donate? 🤗


*jlesage's docker has an open issue regarding this.





Solving SSL Certificate issues

To obtain valid Let's Encrypt certificates, you need to forward / open the port 80 in your router. Port 80 is used for loading "http://" URLs from your server. So if you are suffering from errors while generating a new certificate, try to open the following URL through a mobile device which is NOT in your local Wi-Fi (like cellular mobile data):



This must return the following 404 error of NPM:



If you instead receive a 5xx / timeout error, your domain could have a wrong IP in the DNS/DDNS database or your internet provider does not provide a real IPv4. You can test this by opening your public IPv4 with the same mobile device outside of your Wi-Fi:


This must return the welcome page of NPM:



If not, then port 80 is probably closed or your IPv4 is not public reachable.


Only if this requirements are met, Let's Encrypt is able to reach your NPM container and verify the SSL certificate. Note: This is automatically repeated every 90 days to re-verify the certificate, so port 80 must stay open!


Hi mgutt...
I'm trying to configure NMP to manage the IP:Port redirection for the domain.
I haven't opened any ports on my router, I'm using Clouflare Tunnel.


My question is “How can I set the NPM IP in AdGuard?” because to access the NPM I need IP:Port and AdGuard doesn't let me set the Port.

I have a network to my dockers called "bdrtec", but AdGarud and NPM is in "br0" network because in "bdrtec" network I can't access the WebUI.

Thanks in advance for your help.



1) Set DNS AdGuard Mikrotik


2) AdGuard Configuration



3) NPM Configuration




Edited by Braulio Dias Ribeiro
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1 hour ago, Braulio Dias Ribeiro said:

My question is “How can I set the NPM IP in AdGuard?”My question is “How can I set the NPM IP in AdGuard?” because to access the NPM I need IP:Port and AdGuard doesn't let me set the Port.


Which is correct. A domain is nothing else as an easy reminder for an IP address. So if IP:port works, you can use domain:port if the domain has a DNS entry returning the correct IP address.


If you don't like to add a port to a domain name you need to change the IP of the domain so it points to a reverse proxy like npm. In NPM itself you need a rule which points to itself. This is how I solved it:




And my domain "npm.gutt.it" returns the IP address which points to NPM.


Side note: As you are trying to add a DNS entry by using Adguard. Did you verify it is working? So "ping your-npm-domain" on your client should return this IP address. If it is returning the IP address, but failing to reach the target, you maybe have a router which does not support "NAT loopback" or it disallows DNS resolution to local IPs called "DNS rebind protection"?!


Additional note: If you use Adguard as your DNS server in your router, you need to add a public DNS IP to unraid or everytime adguard isn't running (for example server reboot), Unraid is not able to reach domains.

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On 9/4/2024 at 5:47 PM, mgutt said:


Which is correct. A domain is nothing else as an easy reminder for an IP address. So if IP:port works, you can use domain:port if the domain has a DNS entry returning the correct IP address.


If you don't like to add a port to a domain name you need to change the IP of the domain so it points to a reverse proxy like npm. In NPM itself you need a rule which points to itself. This is how I solved it:




And my domain "npm.gutt.it" returns the IP address which points to NPM.


Side note: As you are trying to add a DNS entry by using Adguard. Did you verify it is working? So "ping your-npm-domain" on your client should return this IP address. If it is returning the IP address, but failing to reach the target, you maybe have a router which does not support "NAT loopback" or it disallows DNS resolution to local IPs called "DNS rebind protection"?!


Additional note: If you use Adguard as your DNS server in your router, you need to add a public DNS IP to unraid or everytime adguard isn't running (for example server reboot), Unraid is not able to reach domains.

@mgutt after much analysis, I found the solution, but another problem appeared lol

Can you help me understand.


npm was configured to listen to port 880 and 4443, I just changed it to 80 and 443 and it worked. I forgot that the http request comes from these ports.


My docker network configuration is:
- Docker custom network type: ipvlan
- Host access to custom networks: Disabled



I have this problem now:
1) npm is configured on the "br0" network with a fixed ip ( But I can't access the panel because when i try to do login , shows the error “Bad Gateway". All the other containers are on a single network (bdrtec), only npm is on “br0”.


Edited by Braulio Dias Ribeiro
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On 9/4/2024 at 5:47 PM, mgutt said:


Which is correct. A domain is nothing else as an easy reminder for an IP address. So if IP:port works, you can use domain:port if the domain has a DNS entry returning the correct IP address.


If you don't like to add a port to a domain name you need to change the IP of the domain so it points to a reverse proxy like npm. In NPM itself you need a rule which points to itself. This is how I solved it:




And my domain "npm.gutt.it" returns the IP address which points to NPM.


Side note: As you are trying to add a DNS entry by using Adguard. Did you verify it is working? So "ping your-npm-domain" on your client should return this IP address. If it is returning the IP address, but failing to reach the target, you maybe have a router which does not support "NAT loopback" or it disallows DNS resolution to local IPs called "DNS rebind protection"?!


Additional note: If you use Adguard as your DNS server in your router, you need to add a public DNS IP to unraid or everytime adguard isn't running (for example server reboot), Unraid is not able to reach domains.

I couldn’t ….. I don’t understand …..


What’s your docker NPM IP?


Your NPM is on the same network as the other dockers or it is on the br-0 network?

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6 minutes ago, Braulio Dias Ribeiro said:


- You use cloudflare to renew?
Maybe your token expired or is wrong.


- Maybe your change config network dockers and haven't access internet to download

Possible on token; didn’t think they ever expired though?


I have not changed anything recently with dockers, network, Unraid or pfSense as of recently at all. 


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19 minutes ago, blaine07 said:

Possible on token; didn’t think they ever expired though?


I have not changed anything recently with dockers, network, Unraid or pfSense as of recently at all. 


Since it seems to be stuck trying to install Cloudflare over and over now I can’t even login to NPM. It’s still routing etc but can’t log into website/GUI. 🤔


EDIT: Maybe this? https://github.com/NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager/issues/3824

Edited by blaine07
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1 hour ago, blaine07 said:

Já que parece estar travado tentando instalar o Cloudflare repetidamente agora, não consigo nem fazer login no NPM. Ele ainda está roteando etc., mas não consigo fazer login no site/GUI. 🤔


EDIT: Talvez isso?  https://github.com/NginxProxyManager/nginx-proxy-manager/issues/3824

I have a similar login problem.
My docker network named “” NPM opens normally, when I put it in the “br0” network it doesn't open and gives an error when logging in. It also doesn't update the certificate.

In my case it's related to the network but I can't solve it.

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1 minute ago, Braulio Dias Ribeiro said:

I have a similar login problem.
My docker network named “” NPM opens normally, when I put it in the “br0” network it doesn't open and gives an error when logging in. It also doesn't update the certificate.

In my case it's related to the network but I can't solve it.

Will certificate renew/work when it is NOT on the br0 network?

Yeah, such odd, I have changed NOTHING about network, pfSense, Unraid or ETC recently.

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36 minutes ago, blaine07 said:

Will certificate renew/work when it is NOT on the br0 network?

Yeah, such odd, I have changed NOTHING about network, pfSense, Unraid or ETC recently.

In my case it updates on “br0” but on the “bdrtec” network (docker network) it does not update.

I've just seen a message from cloudflare saying that there's maintenance on the network today.

If your problem started today, wait until tomorrow to see if it works again.


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4 minutes ago, Braulio Dias Ribeiro said:

In my case it updates on “br0” but on the “bdrtec” network (docker network) it does not update.

I've just seen a message from cloudflare saying that there's maintenance on the network today.

If your problem started today, wait until tomorrow to see if it works again.


I hope my stupid *beep* didn’t break anything else in process of mucking around like an imbecile lol. How many days from

expiration does NPM try to renew. I just had an alert today about it needing renewed is why I had tried to head down this rabbit hole. 

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4 hours ago, Braulio Dias Ribeiro said:

In my case it updates on “br0” but on the “bdrtec” network (docker network) it does not update.

I've just seen a message from cloudflare saying that there's maintenance on the network today.

If your problem started today, wait until tomorrow to see if it works again.


Where did you see Cloudflare was doing maintenance that might be relative to this; definitely still broke here...

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So, I figured my mess out - not sure what changed when. Evidently something changed with Unraid 6.12.13? I have always had NPM on a br0 with a IP on my network. Evidently br0 can't reach outside network anymore and THATS what issue was? To get this "fixed" i had to change Unraid Management GUI off 80/443 to 8947/8948 and THEN changed NPM to "HOST" mode and restarted it. It immediately was able to grab the things it needed and renew certs. I moved it back to br0 now that certs are renewed but what changed about Unraid that would warrant me having to have NPM on HOST mode and that br0 will NOT work any longer?



Edited by blaine07
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21 minutes ago, cscoppa said:

If it helps, I have mine setup like this and it works perfectly:

That is 100% how mine/was when it didn't work, too 😞


Yeah in main post I mentiond BOND and should've been br0 - ugh LOL. Yeah entire time mine has been like this and wont work 

Edited by blaine07
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1 hour ago, blaine07 said:

So, I figured my mess out - not sure what changed when. Evidently something changed with Unraid 6.12.13? I have always had NPM on a br0 with a IP on my network. Evidently br0 can't reach outside network anymore and THATS what issue was? To get this "fixed" i had to change Unraid Management GUI off 80/443 to 8947/8948 and THEN changed NPM to "HOST" mode and restarted it. It immediately was able to grab the things it needed and renew certs. I moved it back to br0 now that certs are renewed but what changed about Unraid that would warrant me having to have NPM on HOST mode and that br0 will NOT work any longer?




My problem is the same.....in "br0" network it's don't renew my certificate and I can't login in NPM. See image.

I'm trying resolve a long time ago.




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47 minutes ago, blaine07 said:

That is 100% how mine/was when it didn't work, too 😞


Yeah in main post I mentiond BOND and should've been br0 - ugh LOL. Yeah entire time mine has been like this and wont work 

@cscoppa @blaine07

There are other settings that interfere.
How is your docker network configuration (Settings -> Docker)?




Edited by Braulio Dias Ribeiro
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Woah, figured mine out, finally. Not sure what should or shouldn't be on to be honest...Recently, a few weeks ago? Converted from Tailscale DOCKER to Tailscale PLUGIN.

This, Tailscale DNS, was set to "YES." Once I changed it to "NO" and restarted NPM it updates and does as should correctly. Do I need DNS on or off or is that going to break what I am doing with Tailscale plugin or?


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