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[Plugin] Docker Compose Manager

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How does this autostart feature work? I want to disable the docker up after the reboot. Somehow I am facing similar issue as @L0rdRaiden. So I want all docker to stay off except one (pihole). If I toggle the auto start to off, there are still trying to execute the docker. Anything we need to do on top of disabling the auto start to make sure the docker is not trying to go up after a reboot?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Does this mean, I am the only one with this issue? All my docker are turned off on the containers it self. I only have pi-hole auto start on on the docker-compose stack. Not sure what is triggering auto start of all the docker during the restart of unraid server 😞

Edited by 062bel313
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13 hours ago, 062bel313 said:

Does this mean, I am the only one with this issue? All my docker are turned off on the containers it self. I only have pi-hole auto start on on the docker-compose stack. Not sure what is triggering auto start of all the docker during the restart of unraid server 😞

After startup check your log for messages of the format "Starting compose stack: ${name}". The compose autostart script should log that message for each stack it tries to autostart.

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7 hours ago, Kilrah said:

Working as expected here... You sure you don't have a custom script or something that you forgot about?

No I do not have any custom script related to dockers.

39 minutes ago, primeval_god said:

After startup check your log for messages of the format "Starting compose stack: ${name}". The compose autostart script should log that message for each stack it tries to autostart.

I will give a restart and try to gather the logs for further insights.

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I still have the same problem,


If I manually stop the compose stacks before a reboot I get a clean and good start.

If I don't do it and let unraid do the reboot alone, after restart not a single compose stack is started properly and I have to manually stop it and start it again.


In addition I'm getting this errors with watchtower that I'm only using to update compose stacks


Edited by L0rdRaiden
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19 hours ago, L0rdRaiden said:

I still have the same problem,


If I manually stop the compose stacks before a reboot I get a clean and good start.

If I don't do it and let unraid do the reboot alone, after restart not a single compose stack is started properly and I have to manually stop it and start it again.

@Kilrah's answer here is still sounds correct to me. Compose stacks dont seem to work correctly with the brx networks that unRAID provides because they are not persistent. Custom persistent docker networks are recommended.


19 hours ago, L0rdRaiden said:

In addition I'm getting this errors with watchtower that I'm only using to update compose stacks


  Interesting, are these images off of docker hub or locally built images?

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On 7/13/2023 at 8:19 AM, primeval_god said:

@Kilrah's answer here is still sounds correct to me. Compose stacks dont seem to work correctly with the brx networks that unRAID provides because they are not persistent. Custom persistent docker networks are recommended.


  Interesting, are these images off of docker hub or locally built images?

I am not sure how to create persistent docker networks, is there any link I can follow. My issue is also same as @L0rdRaiden. Here are my network settings, if you can quickly see anything wrong.

Thank you,

Screenshot 2023-07-15 at 2.23.54 PM.png

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2 hours ago, 062bel313 said:

I am not sure how to create persistent docker networks, is there any link I can follow. My issue is also same as @L0rdRaiden.

Under the DockerSetting page in unRAID make sure the "Preserve user defined networks" option is set to yes.

After that docker networks created on the command line with "docker network create" will be persistent. A google search should show you how to create an ipvlan type docker network.

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On 7/15/2023 at 5:20 PM, primeval_god said:

Under the DockerSetting page in unRAID make sure the "Preserve user defined networks" option is set to yes.

After that docker networks created on the command line with "docker network create" will be persistent. A google search should show you how to create an ipvlan type docker network.

I have that setting on from beginning.


And I created networks like this in the docker compose.



I am not sure how I created dockernet. I think I used CLI to create that. Anything I am doing wrong?


Thank you,

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On 7/17/2023 at 2:02 PM, 062bel313 said:

And I created networks like this in the docker compose.



I am not sure how I created dockernet. I think I used CLI to create that. Anything I am doing wrong?

So in this case dockernet is created by the compose stack when you do compose up. I dont see anything wrong with the network configuration. Though i am a bit confused as i thought the issue was with containers not starting because they were referencing non-persistent external networks (networks created outside of the stack file).
For reference the configuration for an external network would look something like this
where frontend is an external network created on the CLI and backend is created by the stack.

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I have the impression that when you restart or shutdown the server, there is no a clean stop of the docker compose, in the same way if you do it manually clicking on "compose down", and sometimes even if the auto start is off (happens as well if it is on), some dockers of the compose are launched like the "restart: always" parameter is doing something because there wasn't a clean stop of the compose before.


I think if unraid would apply the same command executed with compose down button, it will work fine.


In my case I can only launch properly the compose if I do it manually, first stop and then launch. everything else fails.

Also I think that a delay for the auto start, if it works could be useful.

Edited by L0rdRaiden
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  • 1 month later...


On 7/20/2023 at 1:14 PM, L0rdRaiden said:

In my case I can only launch properly the compose if I do it manually, first stop and then launch. everything else fails.


I had the same issue, and worked around it by setting a script in the userscripts plugin that runs after docker starts up for my cache backup script that shuts everything down first, and then also after array statup.


Basically just contains the compose down/up commands:

docker-compose -f /boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/ProjectName/docker-compose.yml down
docker-compose -f /boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/ProjectName/docker-compose.yml up


May be a useful workaround for you/others as well. 

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4 hours ago, rakasha681 said:

May be a useful workaround for you/others as well. 

The easiest solution would be to not use the unRAID provided brX custom networks as they are not persistent. Better to ensure "Preserve User Defined Networks" is true and then create your own custom networks with docker network create.

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6 hours ago, primeval_god said:

The easiest solution would be to not use the unRAID provided brX custom networks as they are not persistent. Better to ensure "Preserve User Defined Networks" is true and then create your own custom networks with docker network create.

I generally have no idea what i'm doing, so i roll my face on the keyboard and hope for the best :D I do have preserve user defined networks enabled and a couple of networks that mostly run ok on my dell r720, but seemed like no matter what way i set things up, there was always some annoying docker or plugin that had an issue with something. I eventually got annoyed and mostly gave up, and since my facerolling couldnt solve it, i tossed in the userscript.. been great since then, lol. I likely have 30 things set up wrong, and would need to fix 27 of them to get everything running how its supposed to.. but was just too much hassle for me and for a homelab, lol :D

Edited by rakasha681
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I just installed my first docker with this, and while trying to edit stack - > compose file,  after hitting save, I've lost all the UI buttons at the bottom and the UI is now inserted into the edit description area.  It seems rather permanent, leaving the Docker page and coming back does not fix it.


UPDATE:  I was able to Edit the description to just be My Description and brought everything back.  I swear it had HTML in that field to begin with as I thought that was odd and I guess I removed the textarea closing tag.  Raw html in a field is usually a security no-no for this very reason of modifying beyond the intent.




Edited by thespooler
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  • 2 weeks later...

The editor of the compose file stopped working for me.
I'm getting this error in the browser console.

TypeError: ace.edit is not a function
    editComposeFile http://tower/Docker:1819
    c http://tower/webGui/javascript/dynamix.js?v=1680052794:5
    fireWith http://tower/webGui/javascript/dynamix.js?v=1680052794:5
    l http://tower/webGui/javascript/dynamix.js?v=1680052794:5
    o http://tower/webGui/javascript/dynamix.js?v=1680052794:5
    functors moz-extension://6e8b3f5f-5e69-4f16-bccf-ffea1fe4a2d1/lockdown-install.js:1

It seems the ace editor isn't there anymore, I haven't done anything other than updating Unraid connect ...

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See this post for an updated version of this function.


I have this function in my profile.sh to update docker-compose without waiting for the plugin to be updated. This function works even if the plugin isn't installed, so if you only use docker-compose from the command-line, this is all you need.

You'll need to re-run the command on a reboot. If you have the plugin installed, then a reboot will reset docker-compose to the plugin's docker-compose version. If you don't have the plugin, a reboot will remove docker-compose entirely.

Probably you could add the function to the go file to install docker-compose on every reboot but I haven't tried.

EDIT: I tried it in my go file and it worked on reboot to install on server start.


dcupdate() {
  echo Current: $(docker compose version)
  COMPOSE_VERSION=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/docker/compose/releases/latest | grep 'tag_name' | cut -d\" -f4)
  curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/${COMPOSE_VERSION}/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" --create-dirs -o /usr/local/lib/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose && sudo chmod +x "${_}"
  echo Updated: $(docker compose version)


looks like this when you run it:


Edited by hasown
  • Like 1
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I'm using the latest version release today (thanks) but the same happens with the older ones.

I still have the problem where the docker compose fails to start on reboot.

For example this compose file


# Watchtower 

version: '3.8'

# Services ####################################################


    image: containrrr/watchtower
    container_name: Watchtower
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      #- /mnt/user/Docker/Watchtower:/config
      - TZ
      - WATCHTOWER_SCHEDULE=0 0 1 * * *
      - "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true"

# Networks ####################################################

    driver: macvlan
    external: true

# Secrets ##############################################




Is using eth1 with macvlan.

The network is created by unraid and used by other dockers that I run without compose without any issue they auto start fine with Unraid.




Watchtower has autostart enable



I stop docker in unraid.


And I enable it again

watchtower appears like this


all the compose stack fail even if they dont have auto start enable



I have to start them manually to make them work.


this is log in debug mode during the whole process.


I think I have a very common setup so why my compose stacks don't auto start properly


Sep 13 17:49:27 Unraid ool www[13549]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/emcmd 'cmdStatus=Apply'
Sep 13 17:49:27 Unraid emhttpd: Starting services...
Sep 13 17:49:27 Unraid emhttpd: shcmd (232738): /etc/rc.d/rc.samba restart
Sep 13 17:49:27 Unraid winbindd[6185]: [2023/09/13 17:49:27.391735,  0] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd_dual.c:1950(winbindd_sig_term_handler)
Sep 13 17:49:27 Unraid winbindd[6185]:   Got sig[15] terminate (is_parent=1)
Sep 13 17:49:27 Unraid winbindd[6187]: [2023/09/13 17:49:27.391756,  0] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd_dual.c:1950(winbindd_sig_term_handler)
Sep 13 17:49:27 Unraid winbindd[6187]:   Got sig[15] terminate (is_parent=0)
Sep 13 17:49:27 Unraid winbindd[6489]: [2023/09/13 17:49:27.391808,  0] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd_dual.c:1950(winbindd_sig_term_handler)
Sep 13 17:49:27 Unraid winbindd[6489]:   Got sig[15] terminate (is_parent=0)
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid root: Starting Samba:  /usr/sbin/smbd -D
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid smbd[14080]: [2023/09/13 17:49:29.564446,  0] ../../source3/smbd/server.c:1741(main)
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid smbd[14080]:   smbd version 4.17.10 started.
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid smbd[14080]:   Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2022
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid root:                  /usr/sbin/winbindd -D
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid winbindd[14082]: [2023/09/13 17:49:29.588195,  0] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd.c:1440(main)
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid winbindd[14082]:   winbindd version 4.17.10 started.
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid winbindd[14082]:   Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2022
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid winbindd[14087]: [2023/09/13 17:49:29.593508,  0] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd_cache.c:3117(initialize_winbindd_cache)
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid winbindd[14087]:   initialize_winbindd_cache: clearing cache and re-creating with version number 2
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid emhttpd: shcmd (232742): /etc/rc.d/rc.avahidaemon restart
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid root: Stopping Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon: stopped
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[6227]: Got SIGTERM, quitting.
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid avahi-dnsconfd[6236]: read(): EOF
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[6227]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[6227]: avahi-daemon 0.8 exiting.
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid root: Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon: /usr/sbin/avahi-daemon -D
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: Found user 'avahi' (UID 61) and group 'avahi' (GID 214).
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: Successfully dropped root privileges.
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: avahi-daemon 0.8 starting up.
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: Successfully called chroot().
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: Successfully dropped remaining capabilities.
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: Loading service file /services/sftp-ssh.service.
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: Loading service file /services/smb.service.
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: Loading service file /services/ssh.service.
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: New relevant interface eth0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: Network interface enumeration completed.
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: Registering new address record for on eth0.IPv4.
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid emhttpd: shcmd (232743): /etc/rc.d/rc.avahidnsconfd restart
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid root: Stopping Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD DNS Server Configuration Daemon: stopped
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid root: Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD DNS Server Configuration Daemon:  /usr/sbin/avahi-dnsconfd -D
Sep 13 17:49:29 Unraid avahi-dnsconfd[14153]: Successfully connected to Avahi daemon.
Sep 13 17:49:30 Unraid root: Stopping compose stack: Graylog
Sep 13 17:49:30 Unraid root: Stopping compose stack: Immich
Sep 13 17:49:30 Unraid root: Stopping compose stack: Monitoring
Sep 13 17:49:30 Unraid root: Stopping compose stack: Watchtower
Sep 13 17:49:30 Unraid root: Stopping compose stack: WebProxyDMZ
Sep 13 17:49:30 Unraid emhttpd: shcmd (232749): /etc/rc.d/rc.docker stop
Sep 13 17:49:30 Unraid kernel: veth606a3b1: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:30 Unraid kernel: vethc72eb47: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:30 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: Server startup complete. Host name is Unraid.local. Local service cookie is 1752185444.
Sep 13 17:49:30 Unraid kernel: veth00276db: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:30 Unraid kernel: veth9fb0042: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:30 Unraid kernel: veth34695c8: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:30 Unraid kernel: veth2f4dbac: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:30 Unraid kernel: veth12fb531: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:30 Unraid kernel: veth3d116ec: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:30 Unraid kernel: veth4ea5315: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:30 Unraid kernel: vethfd45763: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: vethe580030: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: veth445a552: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: veth9209006: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: vethba6a2a1: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: veth92f1c22: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: vethdd15901: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: veth38db138: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: vetha1e9fc3: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: vethc9eaaf6: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-33965e1a718e: port 2(veth96e1bd4) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 6(vethc4a8398) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 1(veth245e18d) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 5(vethd6a72e4) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 8(veth21f9d76) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-98e0e83abfb0: port 1(veth3541939) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 2(veth4c09404) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 4(vetha14d5aa) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: veth804b255: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: veth3bf140b: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: vethd5f8ceb: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: veth6182234: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 6(vethc4a8398) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: device vethc4a8398 left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 6(vethc4a8398) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 1(veth245e18d) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: device veth245e18d left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 1(veth245e18d) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: vetha609c78: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-33965e1a718e: port 1(vethcbe2c9e) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 5(vethd6a72e4) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: device vethd6a72e4 left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 5(vethd6a72e4) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 8(veth21f9d76) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: device veth21f9d76 left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 8(veth21f9d76) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 2(veth4c09404) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: device veth4c09404 left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 2(veth4c09404) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 4(vetha14d5aa) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: device vetha14d5aa left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 4(vetha14d5aa) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: Service "Unraid" (/services/ssh.service) successfully established.
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: Service "Unraid" (/services/smb.service) successfully established.
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: Service "Unraid" (/services/sftp-ssh.service) successfully established.
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-33965e1a718e: port 2(veth96e1bd4) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: device veth96e1bd4 left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-33965e1a718e: port 2(veth96e1bd4) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-98e0e83abfb0: port 1(veth3541939) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: device veth3541939 left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-98e0e83abfb0: port 1(veth3541939) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-33965e1a718e: port 1(vethcbe2c9e) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: device vethcbe2c9e left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:31 Unraid kernel: br-33965e1a718e: port 1(vethcbe2c9e) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:32 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 3(vethff5141d) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:32 Unraid kernel: vethaa4e234: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:32 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 3(vethff5141d) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:32 Unraid kernel: device vethff5141d left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:32 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 3(vethff5141d) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:32 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 9(vethcb1dde7) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:32 Unraid kernel: vethfbf9b1b: renamed from eth1
Sep 13 17:49:32 Unraid kernel: vethfa9fc66: renamed from eth1
Sep 13 17:49:32 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 2(veth5202ead) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:32 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 7(vethaa50a1c) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:32 Unraid kernel: veth76f98a4: renamed from eth1
Sep 13 17:49:32 Unraid kernel: vethaaaafab: renamed from eth1
Sep 13 17:49:32 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 4(vethf8a69ef) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:33 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 4(vethf8a69ef) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:33 Unraid kernel: device vethf8a69ef left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:33 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 4(vethf8a69ef) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:33 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 7(vethaa50a1c) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:33 Unraid kernel: device vethaa50a1c left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:33 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 7(vethaa50a1c) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:33 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 2(veth5202ead) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:33 Unraid kernel: device veth5202ead left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:33 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 2(veth5202ead) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:33 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 9(vethcb1dde7) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:33 Unraid kernel: device vethcb1dde7 left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:33 Unraid kernel: br-3f5c27e5ceca: port 9(vethcb1dde7) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:33 Unraid kernel: veth7b5aca8: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:34 Unraid kernel: vethb9bbc69: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:34 Unraid kernel: veth5b6752a: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:34 Unraid kernel: veth36c48ec: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:34 Unraid kernel: veth64b4423: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:34 Unraid kernel: veth978c1b2: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:34 Unraid kernel: veth360a765: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:34 Unraid kernel: veth9d06992: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:34 Unraid kernel: veth9e5a030: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:34 Unraid kernel: veth5153ab4: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:35 Unraid kernel: veth2897b1c: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:37 Unraid kernel: veth5e7be6e: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:40 Unraid kernel: vethaafb507: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:40 Unraid kernel: veth95ca8ee: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:40 Unraid kernel: veth86f1e3d: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:40 Unraid kernel: br-96c50f23b528: port 1(vethe206911) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:40 Unraid kernel: veth4b47089: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:40 Unraid kernel: veth5e4ab54: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:40 Unraid kernel: br-96c50f23b528: port 1(vethe206911) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:40 Unraid kernel: device vethe206911 left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:40 Unraid kernel: br-96c50f23b528: port 1(vethe206911) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:40 Unraid kernel: veth9e58280: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:49:40 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 1(veth5d2671c) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:40 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 1(veth5d2671c) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:40 Unraid kernel: device veth5d2671c left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:40 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 1(veth5d2671c) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:40 Unraid kernel: veth392206b: renamed from eth1
Sep 13 17:49:40 Unraid kernel: br-33965e1a718e: port 3(veth4c13fa6) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: br-33965e1a718e: port 3(veth4c13fa6) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: device veth4c13fa6 left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: br-33965e1a718e: port 3(veth4c13fa6) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: vethbb7b1be: renamed from eth2
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: br-98e0e83abfb0: port 2(veth61ab720) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 3(veth5cfbbde) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: vetha625cdb: renamed from eth1
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: br-98e0e83abfb0: port 2(veth61ab720) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: device veth61ab720 left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: br-98e0e83abfb0: port 2(veth61ab720) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 3(veth5cfbbde) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: device veth5cfbbde left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 3(veth5cfbbde) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: veth049bcbc: renamed from eth3
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: br-96c50f23b528: port 2(veth192da1c) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: br-96c50f23b528: port 2(veth192da1c) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: device veth192da1c left promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid kernel: br-96c50f23b528: port 2(veth192da1c) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:49:41 Unraid root: stopping dockerd ...
Sep 13 17:49:42 Unraid emhttpd: shcmd (232750): umount /var/lib/docker
Sep 13 17:49:43 Unraid kernel: XFS (loop2): Unmounting Filesystem
Sep 13 17:50:27 Unraid ool www[18498]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/emcmd 'cmdStatus=Apply'
Sep 13 17:50:27 Unraid emhttpd: Starting services...
Sep 13 17:50:27 Unraid emhttpd: shcmd (232886): /etc/rc.d/rc.samba restart
Sep 13 17:50:27 Unraid winbindd[14088]: [2023/09/13 17:50:27.191589,  0] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd_dual.c:1950(winbindd_sig_term_handler)
Sep 13 17:50:27 Unraid winbindd[14087]: [2023/09/13 17:50:27.191593,  0] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd_dual.c:1950(winbindd_sig_term_handler)
Sep 13 17:50:27 Unraid winbindd[14088]:   Got sig[15] terminate (is_parent=0)
Sep 13 17:50:27 Unraid winbindd[14087]:   Got sig[15] terminate (is_parent=1)
Sep 13 17:50:27 Unraid winbindd[18010]: [2023/09/13 17:50:27.192030,  0] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd_dual.c:1950(winbindd_sig_term_handler)
Sep 13 17:50:27 Unraid winbindd[18010]:   Got sig[15] terminate (is_parent=0)
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid root: Starting Samba:  /usr/sbin/smbd -D
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid smbd[18705]: [2023/09/13 17:50:29.363840,  0] ../../source3/smbd/server.c:1741(main)
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid smbd[18705]:   smbd version 4.17.10 started.
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid smbd[18705]:   Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2022
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid root:                  /usr/sbin/winbindd -D
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid winbindd[18707]: [2023/09/13 17:50:29.385071,  0] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd.c:1440(main)
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid winbindd[18707]:   winbindd version 4.17.10 started.
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid winbindd[18707]:   Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2022
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid winbindd[18712]: [2023/09/13 17:50:29.390296,  0] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd_cache.c:3117(initialize_winbindd_cache)
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid winbindd[18712]:   initialize_winbindd_cache: clearing cache and re-creating with version number 2
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid emhttpd: shcmd (232890): /etc/rc.d/rc.avahidaemon restart
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid root: Stopping Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon: stopped
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: Got SIGTERM, quitting.
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid avahi-dnsconfd[14153]: read(): EOF
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[14140]: avahi-daemon 0.8 exiting.
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid root: Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Daemon: /usr/sbin/avahi-daemon -D
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[18751]: Found user 'avahi' (UID 61) and group 'avahi' (GID 214).
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[18751]: Successfully dropped root privileges.
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[18751]: avahi-daemon 0.8 starting up.
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[18751]: Successfully called chroot().
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[18751]: Successfully dropped remaining capabilities.
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[18751]: Loading service file /services/sftp-ssh.service.
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[18751]: Loading service file /services/smb.service.
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[18751]: Loading service file /services/ssh.service.
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[18751]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[18751]: New relevant interface eth0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[18751]: Network interface enumeration completed.
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid avahi-daemon[18751]: Registering new address record for on eth0.IPv4.
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid emhttpd: shcmd (232891): /etc/rc.d/rc.avahidnsconfd restart
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid root: Stopping Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD DNS Server Configuration Daemon: stopped
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid root: Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD DNS Server Configuration Daemon:  /usr/sbin/avahi-dnsconfd -D
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid avahi-dnsconfd[18760]: Successfully connected to Avahi daemon.
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid emhttpd: shcmd (232903): /usr/local/sbin/mount_image '/mnt/user/Docker/docker-xfs.img' /var/lib/docker 40
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid kernel: loop2: detected capacity change from 0 to 83886080
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid kernel: XFS (loop2): Mounting V5 Filesystem
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid kernel: XFS (loop2): Ending clean mount
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid root: meta-data=/dev/loop2             isize=512    agcount=4, agsize=2621440 blks
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid root:          =                       sectsz=512   attr=2, projid32bit=1
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid root:          =                       crc=1        finobt=1, sparse=1, rmapbt=0
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid root:          =                       reflink=1    bigtime=1 inobtcount=1 nrext64=0
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid root: data     =                       bsize=4096   blocks=10485760, imaxpct=25
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid root:          =                       sunit=0      swidth=0 blks
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid root: naming   =version 2              bsize=4096   ascii-ci=0, ftype=1
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid root: log      =internal log           bsize=4096   blocks=16384, version=2
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid root:          =                       sectsz=512   sunit=0 blks, lazy-count=1
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid root: realtime =none                   extsz=4096   blocks=0, rtextents=0
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid emhttpd: shcmd (232905): /etc/rc.d/rc.docker start
Sep 13 17:50:29 Unraid root: starting dockerd ...
Sep 13 17:50:30 Unraid avahi-daemon[18751]: Server startup complete. Host name is Unraid.local. Local service cookie is 1354496256.
Sep 13 17:50:31 Unraid avahi-daemon[18751]: Service "Unraid" (/services/ssh.service) successfully established.
Sep 13 17:50:31 Unraid avahi-daemon[18751]: Service "Unraid" (/services/smb.service) successfully established.
Sep 13 17:50:31 Unraid avahi-daemon[18751]: Service "Unraid" (/services/sftp-ssh.service) successfully established.
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: created network macvlan eth0 with subnets:; 
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting Frigate to network eth0
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting Mosquitto to network eth0
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting Zigbee2MQTT to network eth0
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting HomeAssistant to network eth0
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: prepared network vhost0 for host access
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: created network macvlan eth1 with subnets:; 
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting KMSserver to network eth1
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting Unpackerr to network eth1
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting MariaDBHA to network eth1
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting Firefox to network eth1
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting Sonarr to network eth1
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting Dozzle to network eth1
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting Code-server to network eth1
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting Duplicati to network eth1
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting UptimeKuma to network eth1
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting FlareSolverr to network eth1
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting Radarr to network eth1
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting Tautulli to network eth1
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting AdGuardHome to network eth1
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting Jackett to network eth1
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting Scrutiny to network eth1
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: created network macvlan eth2 with subnets:; 
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting qbittorrent to network eth2
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting AdGuardHomeDMZ to network eth2
Sep 13 17:50:32 Unraid rc.docker: connecting Plex to network eth2
Sep 13 17:50:33 Unraid rc.docker: created network macvlan eth2.60 with subnets:; 
Sep 13 17:50:33 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from veth22f2ca7
Sep 13 17:50:33 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:50:33 Unraid rc.docker: AdGuardHome: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:50:33 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from vethd35f440
Sep 13 17:50:33 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:50:34 Unraid rc.docker: AdGuardHomeDMZ: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:50:34 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from veth8247be8
Sep 13 17:50:34 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:50:34 Unraid rc.docker: MariaDBHA: wait 15 seconds
Sep 13 17:50:34 Unraid rc.docker: MariaDBHA: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:50:49 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from vethe1031f2
Sep 13 17:50:49 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:50:49 Unraid rc.docker: HomeAssistant: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:50:50 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from veth9abd61c
Sep 13 17:50:50 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:50:50 Unraid rc.docker: Mosquitto: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:50:50 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from veth2c84adf
Sep 13 17:50:50 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:50:50 Unraid rc.docker: Zigbee2MQTT: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:50:51 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from veth9f8ab68
Sep 13 17:50:51 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:50:53 Unraid rc.docker: Frigate: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:50:53 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from veth075a479
Sep 13 17:50:53 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:50:53 Unraid rc.docker: Tautulli: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:50:54 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from veth37d6726
Sep 13 17:50:54 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:50:54 Unraid rc.docker: Jackett: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:50:54 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from veth5fd4845
Sep 13 17:50:54 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:50:54 Unraid rc.docker: Radarr: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:50:55 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from vethd27c04c
Sep 13 17:50:55 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:50:55 Unraid rc.docker: Sonarr: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:50:55 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from veth46bcd56
Sep 13 17:50:55 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:50:55 Unraid rc.docker: Unpackerr: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:50:56 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from veth89b5b39
Sep 13 17:50:56 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:50:56 Unraid rc.docker: FlareSolverr: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:50:56 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from veth336e2a4
Sep 13 17:50:56 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:50:56 Unraid rc.docker: Duplicati: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:50:57 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from veth8e20be4
Sep 13 17:50:57 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:50:57 Unraid rc.docker: Dozzle: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:50:57 Unraid rc.docker: Dozzle: wait 30 seconds
Sep 13 17:51:01 Unraid emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sde
Sep 13 17:51:17 Unraid root: ttyd -R -o -i '/var/tmp/compose_manager_action.sock' '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/compose.manager/scripts/compose.sh' '-cup' '-pwatchtower' '-d/mnt/user/Docker/docker-compose/Watchtower' '-f/boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/Watchtower/docker-compose.override.yml' '--debug' > /dev/null &
Sep 13 17:51:17 Unraid root: '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/compose.manager/scripts/compose.sh' '-cup' '-pwatchtower' '-d/mnt/user/Docker/docker-compose/Watchtower' '-f/boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/Watchtower/docker-compose.override.yml' '--debug'
Sep 13 17:51:17 Unraid root: /plugins/compose.manager/php/show_ttyd.php
Sep 13 17:51:19 Unraid root: docker compose  -f '/mnt/user/Docker/docker-compose/Watchtower/docker-compose.yml' -f '/boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/Watchtower/docker-compose.override.yml' -p watchtower up -d
Sep 13 17:51:19 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from vethcd6fb17
Sep 13 17:51:19 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:51:27 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from vethb168e81
Sep 13 17:51:27 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:51:27 Unraid rc.docker: UptimeKuma: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:51:28 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from vethdd81f4c
Sep 13 17:51:28 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:51:28 Unraid rc.docker: Code-server: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:51:28 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from vethde06897
Sep 13 17:51:28 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:51:28 Unraid rc.docker: KMSserver: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:51:29 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from veth6245715
Sep 13 17:51:29 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:51:30 Unraid root: ttyd -R -o -i '/var/tmp/compose_manager_action.sock' '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/compose.manager/scripts/compose.sh' '-cdown' '-pwatchtower' '-d/mnt/user/Docker/docker-compose/Watchtower' '-f/boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/Watchtower/docker-compose.override.yml' '--debug' > /dev/null &
Sep 13 17:51:30 Unraid root: '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/compose.manager/scripts/compose.sh' '-cdown' '-pwatchtower' '-d/mnt/user/Docker/docker-compose/Watchtower' '-f/boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/Watchtower/docker-compose.override.yml' '--debug'
Sep 13 17:51:30 Unraid root: /plugins/compose.manager/php/show_ttyd.php
Sep 13 17:51:31 Unraid rc.docker: Plex: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:51:31 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from veth7f28c4d
Sep 13 17:51:31 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:51:31 Unraid root: docker compose  -f '/mnt/user/Docker/docker-compose/Watchtower/docker-compose.yml' -f '/boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/Watchtower/docker-compose.override.yml' -p watchtower down
Sep 13 17:51:31 Unraid rc.docker: qbittorrent: started succesfully!
Sep 13 17:51:31 Unraid kernel: vethcd6fb17: renamed from eth0
Sep 13 17:51:37 Unraid root: ttyd -R -o -i '/var/tmp/compose_manager_action.sock' '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/compose.manager/scripts/compose.sh' '-cup' '-pwatchtower' '-d/mnt/user/Docker/docker-compose/Watchtower' '-f/boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/Watchtower/docker-compose.override.yml' '--debug' > /dev/null &
Sep 13 17:51:37 Unraid root: '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/compose.manager/scripts/compose.sh' '-cup' '-pwatchtower' '-d/mnt/user/Docker/docker-compose/Watchtower' '-f/boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/Watchtower/docker-compose.override.yml' '--debug'
Sep 13 17:51:37 Unraid root: /plugins/compose.manager/php/show_ttyd.php
Sep 13 17:51:38 Unraid root: docker compose  -f '/mnt/user/Docker/docker-compose/Watchtower/docker-compose.yml' -f '/boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/Watchtower/docker-compose.override.yml' -p watchtower up -d
Sep 13 17:51:39 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from vethf015c6b
Sep 13 17:51:39 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:52:25 Unraid root: ttyd -R -o -i '/var/tmp/compose_manager_action.sock' '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/compose.manager/scripts/compose.sh' '-cup' '-pgraylog' '-d/mnt/user/Docker/docker-compose/Graylog' '-f/boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/Graylog/docker-compose.override.yml' '--debug' > /dev/null &
Sep 13 17:52:25 Unraid root: '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/compose.manager/scripts/compose.sh' '-cup' '-pgraylog' '-d/mnt/user/Docker/docker-compose/Graylog' '-f/boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/Graylog/docker-compose.override.yml' '--debug'
Sep 13 17:52:25 Unraid root: /plugins/compose.manager/php/show_ttyd.php
Sep 13 17:52:27 Unraid root: docker compose  -f '/mnt/user/Docker/docker-compose/Graylog/docker-compose.yml' -f '/boot/config/plugins/compose.manager/projects/Graylog/docker-compose.override.yml' -p graylog up -d
Sep 13 17:52:27 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 1(vethe4b3c32) entered blocking state
Sep 13 17:52:27 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 1(vethe4b3c32) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:52:27 Unraid kernel: device vethe4b3c32 entered promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:52:27 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 2(vethf8b05df) entered blocking state
Sep 13 17:52:27 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 2(vethf8b05df) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:52:27 Unraid kernel: device vethf8b05df entered promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:52:27 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 2(vethf8b05df) entered blocking state
Sep 13 17:52:27 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 2(vethf8b05df) entered forwarding state
Sep 13 17:52:27 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 2(vethf8b05df) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from veth49f02e6
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): vethe4b3c32: link becomes ready
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 1(vethe4b3c32) entered blocking state
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 1(vethe4b3c32) entered forwarding state
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from veth1d5db67
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): vethf8b05df: link becomes ready
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 2(vethf8b05df) entered blocking state
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 2(vethf8b05df) entered forwarding state
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 3(vethdcee40c) entered blocking state
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 3(vethdcee40c) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: device vethdcee40c entered promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 3(vethdcee40c) entered blocking state
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 3(vethdcee40c) entered forwarding state
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from veth6aa6af0
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: eth1: renamed from veth79aefcf
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): vethdcee40c: link becomes ready
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 4(vethe4fbe7f) entered blocking state
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 4(vethe4fbe7f) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: device vethe4fbe7f entered promiscuous mode
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 4(vethe4fbe7f) entered blocking state
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 4(vethe4fbe7f) entered forwarding state
Sep 13 17:52:28 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 4(vethe4fbe7f) entered disabled state
Sep 13 17:52:29 Unraid kernel: eth0: renamed from vethfe4c684
Sep 13 17:52:29 Unraid kernel: 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
Sep 13 17:52:29 Unraid kernel: eth1: renamed from veth22f3a7a
Sep 13 17:52:29 Unraid kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): vethe4fbe7f: link becomes ready
Sep 13 17:52:29 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 4(vethe4fbe7f) entered blocking state
Sep 13 17:52:29 Unraid kernel: br-1b3b1767229f: port 4(vethe4fbe7f) entered forwarding state



Edited by L0rdRaiden
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