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Move Dashboard modules between columns


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15 minutes ago, trurl said:

I think you assume to much there. The point of this thread has nothing to do with the number of columns. See the first post.

Hahah yeah, I started the thread, I know.  My point is that if the dashboard worked for me (and all the other +1s) like it seems to for you and a few others, then there would have been no need for me to start this thread in the first place.  I would have just arranged my columns vertically as best as I could, then sized the browser to spill or stack the 2nd/3rd column until I got it as good as possible. It probably wouldn't have been perfect, but it certainly would be better than what I'm dealing with now.  Granted, it wouldn't have fixed the frustration of having most of the important stuff stuck in the left column, but it would likely have been below the "I have to get some help with this" threshold. :)

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I'm sorry, perhaps I'm not being clear, but I just don't know any other way to say it.

I'll paste what I said above, but only speak for myself this time.   "My point is that if the dashboard worked for me like it seems to for you and a few others, then there would have been no need for me to start this thread in the first place".  That indeed doesn't have anything directly to do with the number of columns, but rather the dashboard experience as a whole, and that not being able to move and arrange items freely is making it difficult to keep up with all the data. The fact that for some of us (such as yourself) the dashboard seems to be resizing itself and adding/removing columns dynamically goes a long way towards addressing the issue I was complaining about in the first post. 

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8 hours ago, Elmojo said:

if the dashboard worked for me like it seems to for you and a few others

Possibly it works for everyone but you.


I'm not at all against the feature request as originally proposed. But I have to wonder that even if it was implemented as originally proposed, would that also work for everyone but you?


20 hours ago, Elmojo said:

tried Chrome, Firefox and Edge

Any browser addons that might affect things?


12 hours ago, Elmojo said:

can't imagine what sort of environmental variable or system configuration could account for the difference

 What else have you tried? What about those Display Settings we mentioned?

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It's probably just me, most things are.

I'm not aware of any browser settings/addons that would affect how pages render. Certainly not anything that is installed on all 3, since I rarely use chrome and NEVER use Edge.

I didn't see anything in the display settings to "try".  It just looked like they were set on recommended scaling and resolution.  I'm reluctant to set my display scale to 150%, as that would screw up my desktop icons, and it would take a while to get them back right.

I'll just assume that the problem is me until others chime in, or not.

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11 minutes ago, bonienl said:

Currently testing this feature, should come in the next Unraid version.


AWESOME!!!!  Thanks so much for listening to the community! This is one of the many things that makes Unraid so vastly superior to other competing platforms in my opinion.  I just love the involvement of the Devs. :D

  • Thanks 2
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  • 1 month later...
8 hours ago, SimonF said:

The new Dashboard is part of 6.12 not released yet. PR for GPU Stats is under review. But you can install pre 6.12 version of it but is only a single panel.

Ok, thanks. I'm still not understanding what you mean, I guess I'm just slow today. :)

I'll wait and see... :D


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  • 3 months later...

so, i know this is an old thread, but just in case anyone pulled their hair out at figuring out why some people have 3 columns and some have 2, i figured out what may be a common cause (at least with windows). in the windows ui settings, if you search "make text size bigger", there is an option to set things to zoom 125% ("make everything bigger") and it is the recommended setting so it may be the default setting (pic below). once that is turned to 100% or setting the zoom feature in the browser to lower, i was able to get all 3 columns to show with no problems. i didnt like the change to the windows ui, so i settled on changing the zoom setting in my browser to 80% and that did the trick, all 3 columns on screen.


before - 



setting to change - 







final look - 


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That's good to know, thanks!

However, this thread isn't really about the number of columns showing, but rather the wish to have the ability to move individual "modules" from one column to the other.

Someone said maybe it was coming in a future release, but I'm not sure quite what they meant, and so far I haven't seen it in my version.

Thanks for sharing your tips, though.  I'm sure it'll help someone who was stuck at 2 columns! :)

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On 6/14/2023 at 2:18 PM, Elmojo said:

That's good to know, thanks!

However, this thread isn't really about the number of columns showing, but rather the wish to have the ability to move individual "modules" from one column to the other.

Someone said maybe it was coming in a future release, but I'm not sure quite what they meant, and so far I haven't seen it in my version.

Thanks for sharing your tips, though.  I'm sure it'll help someone who was stuck at 2 columns! :)

It has been available for most of the 6.12rc series. A lot of plugins needed to be updated for it hence why old version of NUT. IMPI, GPU Stats, Tasmota, USB_Manager had to updated to support. Also made it easier to support multi gpu in gpu stat. Just make sure you are on current vers or they will break dashboard. They should be removed if not compatible.


Here is my dash. Zoomed out to show as much as possible.



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On 6/17/2023 at 6:50 AM, SimonF said:

It has been available for most of the 6.12rc series

I guess that's cool, but I don't install RCs or Betas, only full stable versions, so I didn't know anything about that. 

Thanks for the update.
I hope they release a full version of unraid before too long, so that this feature will finally be part of our lives!  I look forward to my home dashboard not being a hot mess. lol

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  • 1 month later...

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