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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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Oops... teach me to read just the last page of a thread when I have missed several pages since my last read. Well, the Windows version works quite nicely on my Windows desktop system =P


Now I have downloaded your plugin from https://github.com/Influencer/UNplugged/blob/master/htpcmanager_unplugged.plg to my /boot/config/plugins/ directory. Ran installplg on the file. Have the icon on my Settings page in unRAID's web GUI.



Install directory: /mnt/cache/.custom/htpc_manager

port: 8085

Showed advanced settings & left download to be from official git hub. Other settings default (user nobody).

Clicked Apply. Clicked Install button.


Installed from master branch of https://github.com/mbw2001/HTPC-Manager site

Storage memory usage: install + data directory: 13M

Your data will persist after a reboot

Plug-in Version: 0.5

Update available to version: f04eb8525042f062fe20fd75b19715ce99dd2758 

Started it running & pointed my browser to http://lament:8085


Here is my error:

500 Internal Server Error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Powered by CherryPy 3.2.2 


*Edit - Just wanted to clarify that the main HTPC Manager page never displayed, just the above error. I was unable to adjust any settings within HTPC Manager.

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Very interesting...Just did a fresh install and it worked fine... Did it in the process of updating unraid and switching to the pro license on a new flash drive, so I had a barebones OS running...


I've enabled debugging for the version on the dev branch, you can grab it Here.


Install that and run, it should give you a more verbose output. Post that please


EDIT: Actually, give me just a minute, I bet I know what the problem is, I'll post again when I have the change pushed!

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Normally I would remove the old plugin file & restart the server. At the moment, my roommate is using my VirtualBox to transfer a file to TiVo... so can't restart. Thought I would try to run the new version without restarting.


Copied new plugin over old plugin. Ran installplg. Opened settings page of unRAID web GUI & went into HTPC Manager settings. It retained my install & data directory path (yes, I changed both from default as listed in my post to my cache drive). Started it running & opened my web browser to find HTPC Manager running.


The windows version I installed on my Windows desktop system had a link for "Settings" at the top right of the page. This version for unRAID has a cog wheel where I can select settings. As I am clicking through the settings, while it is asking for the same information, everything is moved around. Oh, nice I can turn off modules I don't use with your version. I see your version also has a place to configure CouchPotato.


Hmm. After entering my settings, XBMC is the only one displaying information.


SAB, Sick & Couch are not displaying any of the info from them (the pages for them are there, but it does not seem to be connected to them). XBMC is on my Windows desktop (I entered its IP, port & user/pass). SAB, Sick & Couch are on the same unRAID server. I have tried using, & the actual IP ( of the unRAID server with the port, API keys, etc...


I can try restarting sometime later (probably tomorrow), but since XBMC's page is displaying info from XBMC... not sure if it will help.


* Edit - Here was the output when I ran the latest plugin. I do not see any errors.

root@Lament:/boot/plugins#installplg htpcmanager_unplugged.plg 
installing plugin: htpcmanager_unplugged
file /boot/packages/python-2.6.6-i486-1.txz
  already exists

| Skipping package python-2.6.6-i486-1 (already installed)

  run success
file /boot/packages/curl-7.21.4-i486-1.txz
  already exists

| Skipping package curl-7.21.4-i486-1 (already installed)

  run success
file /boot/packages/git-
  already exists

| Skipping package git- (already installed)

  run success
file /boot/config/plugins/htpcmanager/htpcmanager.png
  already exists
file /boot/config/plugins/images/device_status.png
  already exists
file /boot/config/plugins/images/new_config.png
  already exists
file /boot/config/plugins/images/information.png
  already exists
file /boot/packages/argparse-0.9.1.tgz
  already exists

| Skipping package argparse-0.9.1 (already installed)

  run success
file /tmp/htpcmanager-cleanup
  successfully wrote INLINE file contents
  run success
file /boot/config/plugins/htpcmanager/plgver.txt
  successfully wrote INLINE file contents
file /boot/config/plugins/htpcmanager/htpcmanager.cfg
  already exists
file /boot/config/plugins/htpcmanager/config.cfg
  already exists
file /etc/rc.d/rc.htpcmanager
  successfully wrote INLINE file contents
  successfully changed file mode
file /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/htpcmanager/htpcmanager.page
  successfully created plugin directory
  successfully wrote INLINE file contents
file /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/htpcmanager/htpcmanager.png
  successfully copied LOCAL file
file /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/htpcmanager/device_status.png
  successfully copied LOCAL file
file /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/htpcmanager/new_config.png
  successfully copied LOCAL file
file /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/htpcmanager/information.png
  successfully copied LOCAL file
file /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/htpcmanager/htpcmanager.php
  successfully wrote INLINE file contents
file /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/htpcmanager/event/disks_mounted
  successfully created plugin directory
  successfully wrote INLINE file contents
  successfully changed file mode
file /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/htpcmanager/event/unmounting_disks
  successfully wrote INLINE file contents
  successfully changed file mode
file /tmp/htpcmanager-install
  successfully wrote INLINE file contents
  run success
file /var/log/plugins/htpcmanager
  already exists
plugin successfully installed

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Alright, so that confirms it then. I had accidentally hardcoded the path to /usr/local/htpcmanager( the default) so when you change the install path it was looking in the wrong spot, simple fix for that though, and obviously it worked!


You can go back to the webgui and restart the app and your other fields should be populated(sab, sickbeard). For some reason xbmc pulls as soon as you enter the information, the others require the app to restart. I had the same issue when I first set it up. It works fine on subsequent starts/stops/reboots.

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I think it wants me to reboot. I stopped the plugin & restarted it from the unRAID settings web GUI. The web GUI shows it is running & I see it is running when I do a ps -ef. However, now I am getting page not found.


Will post again once I can restart.

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I restarted & it still would not come up for me. Since I was previously able to get the page loaded & mess with the settings, I suspected it may not like something in the settings. I mentioned I tried different settings for the IP (, & & I suspect it may not have liked one of them. I manually edited the config.cfg file & restarted the plugin.


Now I am prompted for a login. It does not like admin / admin or my root user /pass. I don't think it prompted me before (the Windows version did prompt me, but accepted admin / admin).


Here is my config.cfg file with my api keys X-ed out.

couchpotato_host =
use_couchpotato = 1
use_dash_rec_music = 0
app_host =
couchpotato_name = CouchPotato
app_port = 8085
use_xbmc = 1
app_username = xbmc
use_sickbeard = 1
sabnzbd_ssl = 0
xbmc_port = 8888
xbmc_name = XBMC
use_dash_couchpotato = 1
app_password = xbmc
squeezebox_password =
use_dash_sickbeard = 1
theme = default.css
squeezebox_host =
template = default
nzbmatrix_apikey =
use_dash_rec_movies = 1
use_nzbsearch = 0
sabnzbd_host =
xbmc_hide_watched = 0
sickbeard_port = 8081
xbmc_username = xbmc
xbmc_host =
use_dash_rec_tv = 1
couchpotato_port = 8083
sabnzbd_name = SABnzbd
squeezebox_name = Squeezebox
xbmc_show_banners = 0
squeezebox_username =
xbmc_password = xbmc
squeezebox_port = 9000
use_squeezebox = 0
use_dash_sabnzbd = 1
sickbeard_host =
sickbeard_name = Sickbeard
sabnzbd_port = 8082
use_sabnzbd = 1


My install directory & all the subfiles show owner as nobody & group as users. I do not think it is a permissions issue.


Let me know what you would like for me to try or what other info you might need. I am in no rush as I have the Windows version running on my desktop & I seem to be the only one having issues.

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I am trying to run the darkstat plugin.


I have enabled it via the unRAID webUI and have the following processes running:

nobody   18183     1  2 13:44 ?        00:01:07 darkstat -i eth0 -p 667 --no-promisc --chroot /var/run/darkstat --pidfile darkstat.pid
nobody   18184 18183  0 13:44 ?        00:00:00 darkstat -i eth0 -p 667 --no-promisc --chroot /var/run/darkstat --pidfile darkstat.pid


I try to access port 667 on my unraid and get nothing.


Why are there 2 processes?


according to the plg file (rc.darkstat start) the process is not running as background process, am I wrong? is this correct?

darkstat_start() {
  # no-op if not enabled
  if [ $SERVICE != "enable" ]; then
  # no-op if already running
  if [ -r /var/run/darkstat/darkstat.pid ]; then
  CMDLINE="darkstat -i $INTERFACE -p $PORT --no-promisc --chroot /var/run/darkstat --pidfile darkstat.pid"
  echo -n "Starting darkstat:  $CMDLINE"
  while [ ! -e /var/run/darkstat/darkstat.pid ]; do
sleep 1


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After I installed the sabnzb plg in telnet with installplg I get the SABNZB icon in settings. When I click the icon I see on the left Status: uninstalled and a install and a update plg button. On the right I see the configuration screen. Must I first click install and then configure and enable SABNZB? Sorry, I'm new to this plugins.

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The fields app name and app password are xbmc, try to use those as the combo.


There are two other fields for xbmc username/password so I have a feeling the app fields refer to htpc manager.


When I try xbmc / xbmc, I get this:

500 Internal Server Error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Powered by CherryPy 3.2.2

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There should be only one process. I'll probably remove the darkstat plugin as it doesn't run correctly, a problem that has me and the apps developer stumped. Even when it runs and is accessible the app quits running, not sure if the app kills itself or if the OS does it.


I can confirm. Latest version of Darkstat hasn't actually fixed the issue im afraid. At the moment, it will most likely be removed from Unplugged plug-ins. Influencer is working on a cure, however :)

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After I installed the sabnzb plg in telnet with installplg I get the SABNZB icon in settings. When I click the icon I see on the left Status: uninstalled and a install and a update plg button. On the right I see the configuration screen. Must I first click install and then configure and enable SABNZB? Sorry, I'm new to this plugins.


You can do either first. You can click the install button to install sab, then configure the settings, or you can configure the settings and enable it, which will detect sab isn't installed and install it before starting.

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Glad everything worked for you!


A user asked in another thread about allowing sickbeard to do a force full update on start to help out those who's servers do not run 24/7.


First, during my quick research, sickbeard does an update of recently missed episodes on every start. So doing a full update would probably not be needed unless your server is frequently off for extended periods of time(I'd say a few days to a week+ before it'd be an issue). I don't think it'd really hurt anything except the processor would be tied up for a few minutes on boot to do the full update.


That being said, I put an option in the sickbeard plug-in to do a force full update. If you set this to yes, anytime sickbeard is stopped/started it will to a full update. There is no easy way to check if it is being started for the first time or stopped/restarted.


In order to add the option I had to remove the option to enable/disable the Data Directory check(option that shows if the data directory is persistent or not). My reasoning for removing this option(making it show you whether its persistent at all times) is this: The options were added because checking the storage size causes the disk to spin up, some users didn't like this as they had the plug-ins data directory stored on the array. The option to enable/disable the storage check and data persistency check were added to remedy this. Checking the data directory does not cause disks to be spun up, so it will have no negative effect on your system. That is why I chose to remove that option. I may, however, add a check back in to read it from the config, having it default to enabled, and users could manually edit this line to enable or disable the feature.


But, I digress, I've made the update to the dev branch. If any users would like to give this a test run, you can grab it Here!

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Alright, I suggest leaving the install dir as /usr/local/*******.


Check the box next to Data dir/ and make it something like /mnt/cache/apps/sabnzbd and /mnt/cache/apps/sickbeard


Change the ports to whatever you want, defaults will work or another port if you prefer. Just nothing under port 1000.


Runas User should be "nobody" and all other default options will be fine. Change "Enable" to Yes and click "Apply", it will automatically create the directories, install and start the apps.


Once this has been successful for both plug-ins:


Go to the "Shares" tab in the unRAID Webgui

Click on the "apps" share

Change the "Use Cache Disk" setting to "only"

Click "Apply"


This will keep your app settings on the cache disk, otherwise the mover script would move them to the array automatically.


After this is done, you can access the apps at their respective ports and configure them however you like. You can setup the categories in sab and have it move the finished downloads to your movies or shows share automatically, just make sure to point to the share and not the disk, i.e., /mnt/user/Movies instead of /mnt/disk1/Movies


You can do the same for sickbeard.


If possible, I personally think the info from this post should be included on the front page of this thread.... very good info for beginners like myself.  I was struggling with losing my settings everyday and didn't have the knowledge to realize it was the "only" setting for each of the shares.


Thanks for the great plugins and support!



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